
Effects of soil aging conditions on distributions of cadmium distribution and phosphatase activity i

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Effects of soil aging conditions on distributions of cadmium distribution and phosphatase activity in different soil aggregates
第一作者: Wang, Quan-Ying
英文第一作者: Wang, Quan-Ying
联系作者: Wang, Quan-Ying;Yu, Hong-Wen
英文联系作者: Wang, Quan-Ying;Yu, Hong-Wen
发表年度: 2022
卷: 834
摘要: Aging behaviors of metals in the field differ from those in a controlled laboratory environment. Whether aging conditions influence the fates of metals in soil remains unclear. In this study, distributions of cadmium (Cd) and phosphatase activity were compared in soil aggregates (i.e., > 2, 1-2, 0.25-1, and < 0.25 mm) along a profile (0-5, 5-10, and 10-15 cm) at the end of 500-day aging experiments under both controlled laboratory and field conditions. Cd concentration in the 0-5 cm layer was lower and Cd concentration in the 5-10 cm layer was higher in field-aged soil compared to laboratory-aged soil. 25.26-35.62% of soil Cd was loaded in > 2 mm aggregates of field-aged soils, and 58.41-66.95% was in laboratory-aged soils. Higher loadings of Cd in 0.25-1 and < 0.25 mm aggregates were found in field-aged soil. A higher proportion of exchangeable Cd fraction (20.93% of total soil Cd) was found in the 0-5 cm layer of field-aged soil than in laboratory-aged soil (17.63%), while the opposite tendency was found in deeper soil layers. Soil phosphatase activities in field-aged soils were 1.13-1.26 times higher than in laboratory-aged soils. Phosphatase loadings in the > 2 mm aggregates were lower and loadings in both the 1-2 and 0.25-1 mm aggregates were higher in field-aged soils than in laboratory-aged soils. Furthermore, correlation analysis and principal component analysis indicated that available Cd fractions accounted for most of the variations in phosphatase activities. In summary, the fates of the exogenous metal Cd differed between field and controlled laboratory conditions. To better understand the behaviors of heavy metals in soil, especially in a seasonal freeze-thaw area, further field studies are needed.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: Q. Y. Wang, J. Y. Sun, N. W. Hu, T. Y. Wang, J. Yue, B. Hu and H. W. Yu


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