
Direct and indirect effects of soil salinization on soil seed banks in salinizing wetlands in the So

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Direct and indirect effects of soil salinization on soil seed banks in salinizing wetlands in the Songnen Plain, China
第一作者: Zhao, Yantong
英文第一作者: Zhao, Yantong
联系作者: Wang, Guodong
英文联系作者: Wang, Guodong
发表年度: 2022
卷: 819
摘要: Soil salinization has become a widespread threat to the structure and ecological functioning of inland wetlands globally. Soil seed banks can be important for plant regeneration in salinizing wetlands. To explore the effects of soil salinization on soil seed banks and their potential role in revegetation, we studied the structure and composition of plant communities and soil seed banks along a soil salinization gradient, and analyzed the responses of Carex- dominated and Phragmites-dominated communities to saline-alkaline stress in the Songnen Plain, China. We found that the dominant species of aboveground vegetation were different along the soil salinization gradient. Carex spp. dominated in the non-salinized and mild salinity wetlands, and Phragmites australis dominated in wetlands with moderate and high levels of salinity. The species richness of aboveground vegetation, and the density and richness of soil seed banks were higher in wetlands with lower salinity. The structural equation model indicated that the difference in soil salinization was directly associated with the aboveground species richness, and density and richness of the soil seed banks, while it was indirectly associated with the density and richness of the soil seed banks by directly affecting the composition and the species richness of the aboveground vegetation. Soil seed banks in Phragmites communities were more tolerant of saline-alkaline stress than Carex communities. This study indicates that soil salinization affects the size and composition of soil seed banks and limits their role in plant regeneration in wetlands of the Songnen Plain. In addition to hydrological regulation, the reduction of soil salinity is necessary to protect and restore biodiversity in salinizing wetlands.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: Y. T. Zhao, G. D. Wang, M. L. Zhao, M. Wang and M. Jiang


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