
Changes in assembly processes of soil microbial communities in forest-to-cropland conversion in Chan

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-01-13

Changes in assembly processes of soil microbial communities in forest-to-cropland conversion in Changbai Mountains, northeastern China
第一作者: Zhang, Peng
英文第一作者: Zhang, Peng
联系作者: Wu, Donghui
英文联系作者: Wu, Donghui
发表年度: 2022
卷: 818
摘要: In response to human-induced changes in the environment, it is crucial to assess the underlying factors of the impacts of forest conversion on ecosystem function. However, research is limited on bacteria and fungi diversity, functional properties, and community assembly mechanisms in response to forest-to-cropland conversion. We categorized soil bacterial and fungal communities from primary forest, secondary forest, and cropland in Changbai Mountains, China. We found that forest-to-cropland conversion altered the structure and composition of bacterial and fungal communities and might be associated with potential changes in function. The null models indicated that the conversion from forest to cropland enhanced the bacterial dispersal limitation process and weakened the fungal dispersal limitation processes. Furthermore, ecological drift dominates the ecological processes of cropland fungi. Both edaphic properties (the content of C: N ratio, available phosphorus, nitrate) significantly impacted on soil bacterial and fungal community structures. In addition, there were significant functional variations in the fungal community between forest-to-cropland. The ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi showed increased abundance in the forest microbial communities, whereas the endophytic and pathogenic fungal abundance was increased in cropland soil. Taken together, our data illustrate the differences in the response of bacteria and fungi to forest-to-cropland conversion in temperate forest areas and deepen our understanding of the effects of forest conversion on microbial functions and community assembly processes.(c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
刊物名称: Science of the Total Environment
参与作者: P. Zhang, P. T. Guan, C. Hao, J. J. Yang, Z. J. Xie and D. H. Wu


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