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论文题目: | Colorimetric and Electrochemical Dual-Signal Method for Water Toxicity Detection Based on Escherichia coli and p-Benzoquinone |
英文论文题目: | Colorimetric and Electrochemical Dual-Signal Method for Water Toxicity Detection Based on Escherichia coli and p-Benzoquinone |
第一作者: | Yu, Dengbin |
英文第一作者: | Yu, Dengbin |
联系作者: | 于洪文,Dong, Shaojun |
英文联系作者: | H. W. Yu,Dong, Shaojun |
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发表年度: | 2021 |
卷: | 6 |
期: | 7 |
页码: | 2674-2681 |
摘要: | |
英文摘要: | The development of simple and rapid toxicity detection methods has important practical significance. In this work, a dual-signal method with colorimetric and electrochemical properties for water toxicity detection was proposed for the first time based on a rapid color reaction between Escherichia coli (E. coli) and p-benzoquinone (BQ). Here, E. coli was used as a biocatalyst and BQ was used as a mediator. An IC50 value of 0.75 mg L-1 for Cu2+ was obtained using a two-step electrochemical detection method. Strikingly, toxicity could also be estimated visually by the naked eye, and the minimum detection limit was 3.2 mg L-1 for Cu2+. The dual-signal toxicity detection method extends the function of BQ, and the result is more reliable than the traditional single-signal method. This simple and rapid toxicity detection method shows certain application prospects. |
刊物名称: | Acs Sensors |
英文刊物名称: | Acs Sensors |
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英文参与作者: | D. B. Yu, R. B. Li, X. X. Sun, H. Zhang, H. W. Yu and S. J. Dong |