
Aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh vegetation in China

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh vegetation in China
英文论文题目: Aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh vegetation in China
第一作者: 神祥金
英文第一作者: X. J. Shen
联系作者: 姜明
英文联系作者: M. Jiang
发表年度: 2021
摘要: Herbaceous marsh is the most widely distributed type of marsh wetland ecosystem, and has important ecological functions such as water conservation, climate regulation, carbon storage and fixation, and sheltering rare species. The carbon sequestration function of herbaceous marsh plays a key role in slowing climate warming and maintaining regional environmental stability. Vegetation biomass is an important index reflecting the carbon sequestration capacity of wetlands. Investigating the biomass of marsh vegetation can provide a scientific basis for estimating the carbon storage and carbon sequestration capacity of marshes. Based on field survey data of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation and the distribution data set of marsh in China, we analyzed the aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh on a national scale for the first time. The results showed that in China the total area of herbaceous marsh was 9.7x10(4) km(2), the average density of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation was 227.5 +/- 23.0 g C m(-2) (95% confidence interval, the same below), and the total aboveground biomass was 22.2 +/- 2.2 Tg C (1 Tg=10(12) g). The aboveground biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation is generally low in Northeast China and the Tibetan Plateau, and high in central North China and coastal regions in China. In different marsh distribution regions of China, the average biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation from small to large was as follows: temperate humid and semi-humid marsh region (182.3 +/- 49.3 g C m(-2))
英文摘要: Herbaceous marsh is the most widely distributed type of marsh wetland ecosystem, and has important ecological functions such as water conservation, climate regulation, carbon storage and fixation, and sheltering rare species. The carbon sequestration function of herbaceous marsh plays a key role in slowing climate warming and maintaining regional environmental stability. Vegetation biomass is an important index reflecting the carbon sequestration capacity of wetlands. Investigating the biomass of marsh vegetation can provide a scientific basis for estimating the carbon storage and carbon sequestration capacity of marshes. Based on field survey data of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation and the distribution data set of marsh in China, we analyzed the aboveground biomass and its spatial distribution pattern of herbaceous marsh on a national scale for the first time. The results showed that in China the total area of herbaceous marsh was 9.7x10(4) km(2), the average density of aboveground biomass of herbaceous marsh vegetation was 227.5 +/- 23.0 g C m(-2) (95% confidence interval, the same below), and the total aboveground biomass was 22.2 +/- 2.2 Tg C (1 Tg=10(12) g). The aboveground biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation is generally low in Northeast China and the Tibetan Plateau, and high in central North China and coastal regions in China. In different marsh distribution regions of China, the average biomass density of herbaceous marsh vegetation from small to large was as follows: temperate humid and semi-humid marsh region (182.3 +/- 49.3 g C m(-2))
刊物名称: Science China-Earth Sciences
英文刊物名称: Science China-Earth Sciences
参与作者: X. J. Shen, M. Jiang, X. G. Lu, X. T. Liu, B. Liu, J. Q. Zhang, X. W. Wang, S. Z. Tong, G. C. Lei, S. Z. Wang, C. A. Tong, H. Q. Fan, K. Tian, X. L. Wang, Y.
英文参与作者: X. J. Shen, M. Jiang, X. G. Lu, X. T. Liu, B. Liu, J. Q. Zhang, X. W. Wang, S. Z. Tong, G. C. Lei, S. Z. Wang, C. A. Tong, H. Q. Fan, K. Tian, X. L. Wang, Y.

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