
Relationship between endophytic microbial diversity and grain quality in wheat exposed to multi-gene

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Relationship between endophytic microbial diversity and grain quality in wheat exposed to multi-generational CO2 elevation
英文论文题目: Relationship between endophytic microbial diversity and grain quality in wheat exposed to multi-generational CO2 elevation
第一作者: Miao Jiang
英文第一作者: Miao Jiang
联系作者: 李向楠
英文联系作者: lixiangnan
发表年度: 2021
卷: 776
页码: 146029-146029
摘要: To explore the potential association between the diversity of endophytic microorganisms and modifications of grain quality in wheat exposed to multi-generational elevated CO2 concentration, the grain quality attributes and microbial diversity were tested after five generations successively grown in ambient CO2 concentration (F5_A, 400mumolL-1) and elevated CO2 concentration (F5_E, 800mumolL-1). Elevated CO2 concentration significantly increased the grain number and starch concentration, while decreased the grain protein concentration. Multi-generational exposure to elevated CO2 concentration also led to significant changes in grain amino acid concentration. In response to the elevated CO2 concentration, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Ralstonia, and Klebsiella were the dominant bacterial genera, while Penicillium, Cutaneotrichosporon, Fusarium, Sarocladium, Acremonium and Aspergillus were the dominant fungal genera in wheat grain. A significantly positive correlation was found between Pseudomonas, Penicillium and ratio of starch to protein concentration, implying that the multi-generational CO2 elevation induced modifications in grain quality might be associated with the changes in grain microbial diversity. The results of this study suggest that the endophytic microbes may play an important role in modulating the grain nutritional quality in wheat under multi-generational e[CO2] exposure, through regulating starch and N metabolism and production of secondary metabolites.
英文摘要: To explore the potential association between the diversity of endophytic microorganisms and modifications of grain quality in wheat exposed to multi-generational elevated CO2 concentration, the grain quality attributes and microbial diversity were tested after five generations successively grown in ambient CO2 concentration (F5_A, 400mumolL-1) and elevated CO2 concentration (F5_E, 800mumolL-1). Elevated CO2 concentration significantly increased the grain number and starch concentration, while decreased the grain protein concentration. Multi-generational exposure to elevated CO2 concentration also led to significant changes in grain amino acid concentration. In response to the elevated CO2 concentration, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Ralstonia, and Klebsiella were the dominant bacterial genera, while Penicillium, Cutaneotrichosporon, Fusarium, Sarocladium, Acremonium and Aspergillus were the dominant fungal genera in wheat grain. A significantly positive correlation was found between Pseudomonas, Penicillium and ratio of starch to protein concentration, implying that the multi-generational CO2 elevation induced modifications in grain quality might be associated with the changes in grain microbial diversity. The results of this study suggest that the endophytic microbes may play an important role in modulating the grain nutritional quality in wheat under multi-generational e[CO2] exposure, through regulating starch and N metabolism and production of secondary metabolites.
刊物名称: The Science of the total environment
英文刊物名称: The Science of the total environment
参与作者: M. Jiang, Z. Wang, X. Li, S. Liu, F. Song and F. Liu
英文参与作者: M. Jiang, Z. Wang, X. Li, S. Liu, F. Song and F. Liu

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