
Phosphate rock reduces the bioavailability of heavy metals by influencing the bacterial communities

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Phosphate rock reduces the bioavailability of heavy metals by influencing the bacterial communities during aerobic composting
英文论文题目: Phosphate rock reduces the bioavailability of heavy metals by influencing the bacterial communities during aerobic composting
第一作者: 崔虎
英文第一作者: H. Cui
联系作者: 王莉霞
英文联系作者: L.-x. Wang
发表年度: 2021
卷: 20
期: 5
页码: 1137-1146
摘要: Available information on the microbial mechanisms associated with heavy metal (HM) passivation during co-composting amended with phosphate rock (PR) remains limited. Thus, this study investigated the dynamic changes in bacterial communities and HM-fractions (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr and Pb) during swine manure composting with maize straw, and ascertained the bacterial influence on HM-passivation. The results demonstrated that the addition of PR improved HM-passivation, especially for Zn and Cd, with their bioavailability factors (BFs) reduced by 247.41 and 176.25%, respectively. As for bacterial communities, the proportion of Firmicutes decreased, while the proportions of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, DeinococcusThermus and Gemmatimonadetes increased in all treatments. PR significantly changed the primary bacterial phyla in the thermophilic phase. Bacteroidetes were the main bacterial component controlling the passivation of Zn, Cu and Cr, while Deinococcus-Thermus mainly regulated the mobility of Zn and Pb, and Proteobacteria only dominated the transformation among Cd-fractions. These results may provide a reference for the use of HM-passivation techniques during composting.
英文摘要: Available information on the microbial mechanisms associated with heavy metal (HM) passivation during co-composting amended with phosphate rock (PR) remains limited. Thus, this study investigated the dynamic changes in bacterial communities and HM-fractions (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr and Pb) during swine manure composting with maize straw, and ascertained the bacterial influence on HM-passivation. The results demonstrated that the addition of PR improved HM-passivation, especially for Zn and Cd, with their bioavailability factors (BFs) reduced by 247.41 and 176.25%, respectively. As for bacterial communities, the proportion of Firmicutes decreased, while the proportions of Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, DeinococcusThermus and Gemmatimonadetes increased in all treatments. PR significantly changed the primary bacterial phyla in the thermophilic phase. Bacteroidetes were the main bacterial component controlling the passivation of Zn, Cu and Cr, while Deinococcus-Thermus mainly regulated the mobility of Zn and Pb, and Proteobacteria only dominated the transformation among Cd-fractions. These results may provide a reference for the use of HM-passivation techniques during composting.
刊物名称: Journal of Integrative Agriculture
英文刊物名称: Journal of Integrative Agriculture
参与作者: H. Cui, Y. Ou, L.-x. Wang, B.-x. Yan, Y.-x. Li and D.-w. Ding
英文参与作者: H. Cui, Y. Ou, L.-x. Wang, B.-x. Yan, Y.-x. Li and D.-w. Ding

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