
Soil bacterial microbiota predetermines rice yield in reclaiming saline-sodic soils leached with bra

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Soil bacterial microbiota predetermines rice yield in reclaiming saline-sodic soils leached with brackish ice
英文论文题目: Soil bacterial microbiota predetermines rice yield in reclaiming saline-sodic soils leached with brackish ice
第一作者: Lu Zhang
英文第一作者: Lu Zhang
联系作者: 王志春,杨帆
英文联系作者: wangzhichun,yangfan
发表年度: 2021
摘要: BACKGROUND: Saline-sodic lands threaten the food supply and ecological security in the western Songnen Plain of northeast China, and the gypsum is commonly adapted for restoration. However, the dynamics of soil bacterial community and the correlation with crop yield during restoring processes remain poorly understood. Here, we elucidated the soil chemical properties and bacterial communities and their associations with rice yield under different flue gas desulphurization gypsum (FGDG) application rates combined with brackish ice leaching. RESULTS: The increased application rate of FGDG generally improved soil reclamation effects, as indicated by soil chemical properties, bacterial diversity, and rice yield. Compared with fresh ice irrigation, the rice yield in brackish ice treatment increased by 15.84%, and the soil alkalinity and SAR decreased by 35.19% and 10.30%, respectively. The bacterial alpha diversity significantly correlated and predicted rice yield as early as brackish ice melt, suggesting the bacterial diversity was a sensitive indicator in predicting rice yield. Meanwhile, the bacterial communities in the control possessed a high abundance of oligotrophic Firmicutes, while eutrophic bacterial taxa (e.g., Proteobacteria) were enriched after brackish water irrigation and FGDG application. Moreover, we also established a random forest model and identified a bacterial consortium that explained an 80.0% variance of rice yield. CONCLUSION: Together, our results highlight the reclaiming effect of brackish ice in the saline-sodic field and demonstrate the sensitivity and importance of the soil bacterial community in predicting crop yield, which would provide essential knowledge on the soil quality indication and bio-fertilizer development for soil reclamation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
英文摘要: BACKGROUND: Saline-sodic lands threaten the food supply and ecological security in the western Songnen Plain of northeast China, and the gypsum is commonly adapted for restoration. However, the dynamics of soil bacterial community and the correlation with crop yield during restoring processes remain poorly understood. Here, we elucidated the soil chemical properties and bacterial communities and their associations with rice yield under different flue gas desulphurization gypsum (FGDG) application rates combined with brackish ice leaching. RESULTS: The increased application rate of FGDG generally improved soil reclamation effects, as indicated by soil chemical properties, bacterial diversity, and rice yield. Compared with fresh ice irrigation, the rice yield in brackish ice treatment increased by 15.84%, and the soil alkalinity and SAR decreased by 35.19% and 10.30%, respectively. The bacterial alpha diversity significantly correlated and predicted rice yield as early as brackish ice melt, suggesting the bacterial diversity was a sensitive indicator in predicting rice yield. Meanwhile, the bacterial communities in the control possessed a high abundance of oligotrophic Firmicutes, while eutrophic bacterial taxa (e.g., Proteobacteria) were enriched after brackish water irrigation and FGDG application. Moreover, we also established a random forest model and identified a bacterial consortium that explained an 80.0% variance of rice yield. CONCLUSION: Together, our results highlight the reclaiming effect of brackish ice in the saline-sodic field and demonstrate the sensitivity and importance of the soil bacterial community in predicting crop yield, which would provide essential knowledge on the soil quality indication and bio-fertilizer development for soil reclamation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
刊物名称: Journal of the science of food and agriculture
英文刊物名称: Journal of the science of food and agriculture
参与作者: L. Zhang, A.-H. Ge, T. Toth, F. An, L. Guo, Z. Nie, J. Liu, F. Yang and Z. Wang
英文参与作者: L. Zhang, A.-H. Ge, T. Toth, F. An, L. Guo, Z. Nie, J. Liu, F. Yang and Z. Wang

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