
Remote estimates of CDOM using Sentinel-2 remote sensing data in reservoirs with different trophic s

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Remote estimates of CDOM using Sentinel-2 remote sensing data in reservoirs with different trophic states across China
英文论文题目: Remote estimates of CDOM using Sentinel-2 remote sensing data in reservoirs with different trophic states across China
第一作者: 尚迎欣
英文第一作者: shangyingxin
联系作者: 刘阁
英文联系作者: liuge
发表年度: 2021
卷: 286
摘要: Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (DOM) is called as CDOM which could affect the optical properties of surface waters, and is a useful parameter for monitoring complex inland aquatic systems. Large-scale monitoring of CDOM using remote-sensing has been a challenge due to the poor transferability of CDOM retrieval models across regions. To overcome these difficulties, a study is conducted using Sentinel-2 images, in situ reflectance spectral data, and water chemical parameters at 93 water reservoirs across China classified by trophic state. Empirical algorithms are established between CDOM absorption coefficient aCDOM(355) and reflectance band ratio (B5/B2,vegetation Red Edge/Blue) acquired in situ and via Sentinel-2 MSI sensors. Relationships are stronger (r2 0.7, p < 0.05) when analysis is conducted separately by trophic states. Validation models show that, by accounting for trophic state of reservoirs and using B5/B2 band ratios, it is possible to expand the geographical range of remote sensing-based models to determine CDOM. However, the accuracy of model validation decreased from oligotrophic (r2: 0.86) to eutrophic reservoirs (r2: 0.82), likely due to increased complexity of CDOM sources in nutrient-rich systems. This study provides a strategy for using local and remotesensing data to monitor the spatial variations of CDOM in reservoirs based on different trophic states, and will contribute to water resources management.
英文摘要: Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (DOM) is called as CDOM which could affect the optical properties of surface waters, and is a useful parameter for monitoring complex inland aquatic systems. Large-scale monitoring of CDOM using remote-sensing has been a challenge due to the poor transferability of CDOM retrieval models across regions. To overcome these difficulties, a study is conducted using Sentinel-2 images, in situ reflectance spectral data, and water chemical parameters at 93 water reservoirs across China classified by trophic state. Empirical algorithms are established between CDOM absorption coefficient aCDOM(355) and reflectance band ratio (B5/B2,vegetation Red Edge/Blue) acquired in situ and via Sentinel-2 MSI sensors. Relationships are stronger (r2 0.7, p < 0.05) when analysis is conducted separately by trophic states. Validation models show that, by accounting for trophic state of reservoirs and using B5/B2 band ratios, it is possible to expand the geographical range of remote sensing-based models to determine CDOM. However, the accuracy of model validation decreased from oligotrophic (r2: 0.86) to eutrophic reservoirs (r2: 0.82), likely due to increased complexity of CDOM sources in nutrient-rich systems. This study provides a strategy for using local and remotesensing data to monitor the spatial variations of CDOM in reservoirs based on different trophic states, and will contribute to water resources management.
刊物名称: Journal of Environmental Management
英文刊物名称: Journal of Environmental Management
参与作者: Y. X. Shang, G. Liu, Z. D. Wen, P. A. Jacinthe, K. S. Song, B. Zhang, L. L. Lyu, S. J. Li, X. Wang and X. F. Yu
英文参与作者: Y. X. Shang, G. Liu, Z. D. Wen, P. A. Jacinthe, K. S. Song, B. Zhang, L. L. Lyu, S. J. Li, X. Wang and X. F. Yu

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