
Climatic versus Anthropogenic Controls of Decadal Trends (1983-2017) in Algal Blooms in Lakes and Re

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Climatic versus Anthropogenic Controls of Decadal Trends (1983-2017) in Algal Blooms in Lakes and Reservoirs across China
英文论文题目: Climatic versus Anthropogenic Controls of Decadal Trends (1983-2017) in Algal Blooms in Lakes and Reservoirs across China
第一作者: 宋开山
英文第一作者: songkaishan
联系作者: 宋开山
英文联系作者: songkaishan
发表年度: 2021
卷: 55
期: 5
页码: 2929-2938
摘要: The proliferation of algal blooms (ABs) in lakes and reservoirs (L&Rs) poses a threat to water quality and the ecological health of aquatic communities. With global climate change, there is a concern that the frequency and geographical expansion of ABs in L&Rs could increase. China has experienced rapid economic growth and major land-use changes over the last several decades and therefore provides an excellent context for such an analysis. About 289,600 Landsat images were used to examine the spatiotemporal distribution of ABs in L&Rs (>1 km(2)) across China (1983-2017). Results showed significant changes in the temporal slope of the sum of normalized area (0.26), frequency (2.28), duration (6.14), and early outbreak (-3.48) of AB events in L&Rs across China. Specifically, AB-impacted water bodies expanded longitudinally, and the time range of AB observation has expanded starting in the 2000s. Spearman correlation and random forest regression analyses further indicated that, among climatic factors, wind speed and temperature contributed the most to AB expansion. Overall, anthropogenic forces have overridden the imprints of climatic factors on the temporal evolution of ABs in China's L&Rs and therefore could inform policy decisions for the management of these resources.
英文摘要: The proliferation of algal blooms (ABs) in lakes and reservoirs (L&Rs) poses a threat to water quality and the ecological health of aquatic communities. With global climate change, there is a concern that the frequency and geographical expansion of ABs in L&Rs could increase. China has experienced rapid economic growth and major land-use changes over the last several decades and therefore provides an excellent context for such an analysis. About 289,600 Landsat images were used to examine the spatiotemporal distribution of ABs in L&Rs (>1 km(2)) across China (1983-2017). Results showed significant changes in the temporal slope of the sum of normalized area (0.26), frequency (2.28), duration (6.14), and early outbreak (-3.48) of AB events in L&Rs across China. Specifically, AB-impacted water bodies expanded longitudinally, and the time range of AB observation has expanded starting in the 2000s. Spearman correlation and random forest regression analyses further indicated that, among climatic factors, wind speed and temperature contributed the most to AB expansion. Overall, anthropogenic forces have overridden the imprints of climatic factors on the temporal evolution of ABs in China's L&Rs and therefore could inform policy decisions for the management of these resources.
刊物名称: Environmental Science & Technology
英文刊物名称: Environmental Science & Technology
参与作者: K. S. Song, C. Fang, P. A. Jacinthe, Z. D. Wen, G. Liu, X. F. Xu, Y. X. Shang and L. L. Lyu
英文参与作者: K. S. Song, C. Fang, P. A. Jacinthe, Z. D. Wen, G. Liu, X. F. Xu, Y. X. Shang and L. L. Lyu

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