
Removal of sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: Removal of sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells influenced by influent and operational conditions
英文论文题目: Removal of sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline in constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells influenced by influent and operational conditions
第一作者: Wen, Huiyang
英文第一作者: Wen, Huiyang
联系作者: 祝惠
英文联系作者: zhuhui
发表年度: 2021
卷: 272
摘要: Constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells (MFC-CWs) have been recently developed and tested for removing antibiotics. However, the effects of carbon source availability, electron transfer flux and cathode conditions on antibiotics removal in MFC-CWs through co-metabolism remained unclear. In this study, four experiments were conducted in MFC-CW microcosms to investigate the influence of carbon source species and concentrations, external resistance and aeration duration on sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and tetracycline (TC) removal and bioelectricity generation performance. MFC-CWs supplied with glucose as carbon source outperformed other carbon sources, and moderate influent glucose concentration (200 mg L-1) resulted in the best removal of both SMX and TC. Highest removal percentages of SMX (99.4%) and TC (97.8%) were obtained in MFC-CWs with the external resistance of 700 Omega compared to other external resistance treatments. SMX and TC removal percentages in MFC-CWs were improved by 4.98% and 4.34%, respectively, by increasing the aeration duration to 12 h compared to no aeration. For bioelectricity generation performance, glucose outperformed sodium acetate, sucrose and starch, with the highest voltages of 386 +/- 20 mV, maximum power density (MPD) of 123.43 mW m(-3), and coulombic efficiency (CE) of 0.273%. Increasing carbon source concentrations from 100 to 400 mg L-1, significantly (p < 0.05) increased the voltage and MPD, but decreased the internal resistance and CE. The highest MPD was obtained when the external resistance (700 Omega) was close to the internal resistance (600.11 Omega). Aeration not only improved the voltage and MPD, but also reduced the internal resistance. This study demonstrates that carbon source species and concentrations, external resistances and aeration duration, all play vital roles in regulating SMX and TC removal in MFC-CWs. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
英文摘要: Constructed wetlands integrated with microbial fuel cells (MFC-CWs) have been recently developed and tested for removing antibiotics. However, the effects of carbon source availability, electron transfer flux and cathode conditions on antibiotics removal in MFC-CWs through co-metabolism remained unclear. In this study, four experiments were conducted in MFC-CW microcosms to investigate the influence of carbon source species and concentrations, external resistance and aeration duration on sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and tetracycline (TC) removal and bioelectricity generation performance. MFC-CWs supplied with glucose as carbon source outperformed other carbon sources, and moderate influent glucose concentration (200 mg L-1) resulted in the best removal of both SMX and TC. Highest removal percentages of SMX (99.4%) and TC (97.8%) were obtained in MFC-CWs with the external resistance of 700 Omega compared to other external resistance treatments. SMX and TC removal percentages in MFC-CWs were improved by 4.98% and 4.34%, respectively, by increasing the aeration duration to 12 h compared to no aeration. For bioelectricity generation performance, glucose outperformed sodium acetate, sucrose and starch, with the highest voltages of 386 +/- 20 mV, maximum power density (MPD) of 123.43 mW m(-3), and coulombic efficiency (CE) of 0.273%. Increasing carbon source concentrations from 100 to 400 mg L-1, significantly (p < 0.05) increased the voltage and MPD, but decreased the internal resistance and CE. The highest MPD was obtained when the external resistance (700 Omega) was close to the internal resistance (600.11 Omega). Aeration not only improved the voltage and MPD, but also reduced the internal resistance. This study demonstrates that carbon source species and concentrations, external resistances and aeration duration, all play vital roles in regulating SMX and TC removal in MFC-CWs. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
刊物名称: Environmental Pollution
英文刊物名称: Environmental Pollution
参与作者: H. Y. Wen, H. Zhu, Y. Y. Xu, B. X. Yan, B. Shutes, G. Banuelos and X. Y. Wang
英文参与作者: H. Y. Wen, H. Zhu, Y. Y. Xu, B. X. Yan, B. Shutes, G. Banuelos and X. Y. Wang

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