
The application of species distribution modeling in wetland restoration: A case study in the Songnen

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-12

论文题目: The application of species distribution modeling in wetland restoration: A case study in the Songnen Plain, Northeast China
英文论文题目: The application of species distribution modeling in wetland restoration: A case study in the Songnen Plain, Northeast China
第一作者: Zhong, Yehui
英文第一作者: Zhong, Yehui
联系作者: 姜明
英文联系作者: M. Jiang
发表年度: 2021
卷: 121
摘要: Species distribution models (SDMs) are an effective tool in ecological restoration, but the application of SDMs in wetland restoration is rare owing to limited survey data. Based on field survey of the iconic, widespread wetland species Phragmites australis (Poaceae), we built maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models to study the current and future delimitation of wetlands in the Songnen Plain in Northeast China. In building the model, we evaluated the selection of environmental predictors and data resolutions. The evaluation showed the addition of soil and topohydrological (e.g. slope, Topographic Wetness Index, water table depth) variables significantly improved model performance in comparison with climate-only models, and the best model performance was under spatial resolution of 250 m. This study found that wetlands of the Songnen Plain are facing threats from climate change and anthropogenic expansion. The selected models predicted approximately a 15% net loss in suitable habitats, as well as expansion trends towards more humid and higher altitude areas in the future. Based on the modeling results, we delimited 1.51 x 10(3) km(2) and 1.48 x 10(3) km(2) of potential wetland restoration areas under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, respectively. Our study highlighted the importance of optimizing the selection of variables and spatial resolution in the application of SDMs in wetlands, and illuminated priority areas of the Songnen Plain for consideration in future wetland restoration efforts.
英文摘要: Species distribution models (SDMs) are an effective tool in ecological restoration, but the application of SDMs in wetland restoration is rare owing to limited survey data. Based on field survey of the iconic, widespread wetland species Phragmites australis (Poaceae), we built maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models to study the current and future delimitation of wetlands in the Songnen Plain in Northeast China. In building the model, we evaluated the selection of environmental predictors and data resolutions. The evaluation showed the addition of soil and topohydrological (e.g. slope, Topographic Wetness Index, water table depth) variables significantly improved model performance in comparison with climate-only models, and the best model performance was under spatial resolution of 250 m. This study found that wetlands of the Songnen Plain are facing threats from climate change and anthropogenic expansion. The selected models predicted approximately a 15% net loss in suitable habitats, as well as expansion trends towards more humid and higher altitude areas in the future. Based on the modeling results, we delimited 1.51 x 10(3) km(2) and 1.48 x 10(3) km(2) of potential wetland restoration areas under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, respectively. Our study highlighted the importance of optimizing the selection of variables and spatial resolution in the application of SDMs in wetlands, and illuminated priority areas of the Songnen Plain for consideration in future wetland restoration efforts.
刊物名称: Ecological Indicators
英文刊物名称: Ecological Indicators
参与作者: Y. H. Zhong, Z. S. Xue, M. Jiang, B. Liu and G. D. Wang
英文参与作者: Y. H. Zhong, Z. S. Xue, M. Jiang, B. Liu and G. D. Wang

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