长期定位试验结果表明保护性耕作显著增加了土壤蚯蚓数量。保护性耕作土壤平均重量直径和连接性与土壤有机碳呈正相关关系,保护性耕作可以通过不同的路径增加团聚体结构稳定性和孔隙连接性,进而增加土壤有机碳(图1)。培养实验结果发现,添加蚯蚓对土壤CO2排放无显著影响,但添加秸秆后显著增加土壤CO2排放,并且新添加的秸秆在传统耕作和保护性耕作中具有相同的分解速率。与传统耕作相比,蚯蚓活动有利于保护性耕作下黑土有机碳的积累,同时增加了土壤孔隙度、大孔隙平均直径,降低了100-500μm的孔隙数量。结构方程模型模拟得出,保护性耕作下蚯蚓通过影响土壤孔隙度进而影响土壤有机碳含量, 同时得出传统耕作下添加秸秆则可以通过提高土壤团聚体稳定性来增加土壤有机碳含量(图2)。

以上研究由东北地理所郭亚飞硕士生(第一作者)、梁爱珍研究员(通讯作者)、张延博士、张士秀副研究员、陈学文副研究员、吴东辉研究员等共同完成。研究结果先后发表在国际土壤和环境科学领域主流学术期刊Soil & Tillage Research, Science of the Total Environment, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health和Ecological Indicators上。该研究得到了中国科学院前沿科学重点研究计划项目(拔尖青年科学家)、中国科学院青年创新促进会项目和国家自然科学基金等项目的联合资助。
1. Yafei Guo, Aizhen Liang*, Yan Zhang, Shixiu Zhang, Xuewen Chen, Shuxia Jia, Xiaoping Zhang, Donghui Wu. Evaluating the contributions of earthworms to soil organic carbon decomposition under different tillage practices combined with straw additions. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 105, 516–524.
2. Yafei Guo, Xiaoping Zhang, Yan Zhang, Donghui Wu, Neil McLaughlin, Shixiu Zhang, Xuewen Chen, Shuxia Jia, Aizhen Liang*. Temporal Variation of Earthworm Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon under Different Tillage Systems. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(11), 1908.
3. Yafei Guo, Ruqin Fan, Xiaoping Zhang, Yan Zhang, Donghui Wu, Neil McLaughlin, Shixiu Zhang, Xuewen Chen, Shuxia Jia, Aizhen Liang*. Tillage-induced effects on SOC through changes in aggregate stability and soil pore structure. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 703, 134617.
4. Yafei Guo, Ruqin Fan, Neil McLaughlin, Yan Zhang, Xuewen Chen, Donghui Wu, Xiaoping Zhang, Aizhen Liang*. Impacts induced by the combination of earthworms, residue and tillage on soil organic carbon dynamics using 13C labelling technique and X-ray computed tomography. Soil and Tillage Research, 2021, 205, 104737.