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2016-10-27-今,IEEE GRSS长春分会, 副主席出版信息
(1)基于积雪调查数据的东北地区被动微波积雪遥感产品精度验证与分析,Accuracy Verification and Analysis of passive Microwave Snow cover remote Sensing products in Northeast China Based on Snow cover Survey data,遥感技术与应用,2019,通讯作者(2)东北地区森林积雪的微波辐射亮温模拟分析,Analysis of the Microwave Brightness Temperature Simulations of Snow-coverd Forest Areas in Northeast China,遥感技术与应用,2018,通讯作者(3)Snow Depth Retrieval Based on a Multifrequency Passive Microwave Unmixing Method for Saline-Alkaline Land in the Western Jilin Province of China,IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING,2018,第3作者(4)基于SNTHERM 雪热力模型的东北地区 季节冻土温度模拟,冰川冻土,2018,第3作者(5)Evaluation and Improvement of SMOS and SMAP Soil Moisture Products for Soils with High Organic Matter over a Forested Area in Northeast China,Remote Sensing,2017,第4作者(6)A novel ground-based experimental observation method for determining multiband microwave radiative properties of forest litter,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2017,第3作者(7)HUT模型的改进及其雪深反演,武汉大学学报,2017,第2作者(8)Characteristics of L-band transmissivity and effective scattering albedo of boreal forests: a case study in northeast China,Remote Sensing Letters,2017,通讯作者(9)Reduction of Spectral Unmixing Uncertainty Using Minimum-Class-Variance Support Vector Machines,IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS,2016,第1作者(10)Brightness temperature simulation of snow cover based on snow grain size evolution using in situ data,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2016,第2作者(11)Effects of Snow Cover on Ground Thermal Regime: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province of China,Chinese Geographical Science,2016,第1作者(12)Retrieving soil surface temperature under snowpack using special sensor microwave/imager brightness temperature in forested areas of Heilongjiang, China: an improved method,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2016,第2作者(13)Snow Depth Inversion Using the Localized HUT Model Based on FY-3B MWRI Data in the Farmland of Heilongjiang Province, China,Journal of Indian Society Remote Sensing,2016,第2作者(14)The Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Snow Parameters in a Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Pixel and Its Effect on the Inversion of the Operational Snow Parameters,2016 Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS),2016,第1作者(15)On Spectral Unmixing Resolution Using Extended Support Vector Machines,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING,2015,第1作者(16)Spatiotemporal analysis of snow depth inversion based on the FengYun-3B MicroWave Radiation Imager: a case study in Heilongjiang Province, China,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2014,第1作者(17)东北典型林区雪深的FY3B-MWRI数据反演算法验证与分析,地球信息科学学报,2014,第2作者(18)Multi-Vector Composition and Its Application in Landscape Patch Shape Deformation and Dynamic Analysis,Ecological Informatics,2011,第1作者(19)Straight Road Edge Detection from High resolution image based on Ridgelet transform with RPRT,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2010,第1作者(20)贝特朗曲线性质在高分辨率遥感影像道路边缘信息提取中的应用,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2010,第1作者(21)An Error Analysis Method for Snow Depth Inversion Using Snow Emission Model,Geoinformatics,18th International Conference on, Beijing, China.,2010,第1作者(22)高分辨率遥感影像的快速分割方法,红外与毫米波学报,2009,第1作者(23)基于Radon域描绘子的乾安湖群形态变化遥感信息提取,地理科学,2009,第1作者(24)基于多重信息融合的高分辨率遥感影像道路信息提取,测绘学报,2008,第1作者(25)矢量景观指数在遥感信息提取中的应用—以乾安湖群为例,遥感学报,2008,第1作者指导学生