王文娟,博士生导师,研究员,2017年8月入选中国科学院人才计划,景观生态过程学科组组长。主要从事景观生态学、全球变化生态学、森林生态学、湿地生态学、生态模型等领域的研究;发表SCI学术论文28篇,美国政府科研报告一部(美国农业部出版社),其中以第一/通讯作者在Global Change Biology, Journal of Ecology,Ecography和Journal of Biogeography等国际主流期刊发表论文,主持科研项目7项;担任美国农业部中部温带森林气候变化响应专家,《Ecology Letters》, 《Global Change Biology》, 《Journal of Ecology》等15个国际期刊审稿人。
目前工作主要以中高纬度湿地-森林复合生态系统为研究对象,以地面调查和实验观测为基础,采用生态系统过程模型、景观过程模型、遥感和空间统计等手段, 开展景观和区域尺度上森林-湿地复合生态系统的演变、结构与功能(植物物种分布、群落结构、C\N循环、水源涵养)对气候变化的响应研究,阐明森林-湿地复合生态系统-气候变化-自然干扰-人类活动的多尺度动态反馈机制。
电子邮件: wangwenj@iga.ac.cn
2012 生态学博士 美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校 自然资源学院
2008 生态学硕士 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 景观生态组
2006 地图学与地理信息系统学士 山东师范大学 地理与环境学院
2017/8 – 至今 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 研究员
2015/7 – 2017/7美国密苏里大学 助理研究员
2013/1 – 2015/6美国内务部地质调查局东北气候科学研究中心 博士后
31)Wang, L.,Wang, W.J.*, and Wu, Z.F. 2020. Decreasing precipitation occurs in daily extreme precipitation intervals across in observations and model simulations. Climate Dynamics,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-020-05120w.
30)Liu, Z.H.*, Kimball, J.S., Parazoo, N.C., Ballantyne, A.P,Wang, W.J.*, Madani, N., Pan, C.G., Watts, J.D., Reichle, R.H., Sonnentag, O., Marsh, P., Hurkuck, M., Helbig, M., Quinton, and Euskirchen, E.S. 2020. Increased high-latitude photosynthetic carbon gainoffset byrespiration carbon lossduring an anomalous warmwinter tospring transition.Global Change Biology,26, 682-696.
29)Wang, W.J.*, Thompson III, F.R., He, H.S., Fraser, J.S., Dijak, W.D., and Jones-Farrand, T.D. 2019. Climate change and tree harvest interact to affect future tree species distribution changes.Journal of Ecology, 107(7), 1901-1917.
28)Wang, W.J.*,Ma, S.,He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., and Others. 2019. Effects of rising atmospheric CO2, climate change, and nitrogen deposition on aboveground net primary production in a temperate forest.Environmental Research Letters, 14, 104005.
27)Wang, L.,Wang, W.J.*, and Wu, Z.F. 2019. Potential distribution shifts of plant species under climate change in ChangBai Mountains, China.Forests,10 (6), 498.
26)Fraser, J.S.,Wang, W.J., Thompson III, F.R. 2019. Modeling post-fire tree mortality using a logistic regression method within a forest landscape model.Forests,10 (1), 25.
25)Wang, W.J.*, Thompson III, F.R., He, H.S., Fraser, J.S., Dijak, W.D., and Spetich, M.A. 2018. Population dynamics has greater effects than climate change on tree species distribution in a temperate forest region. Journal of Biogeography, 45(12), 2766-2778.
24)Wang, W.J.*, He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., Spetich, M.A., and Fraser, J.S. 2018. Effects of species biological traits and environmental heterogeneity on simulated tree species distribution shifts under climate change.Science of the Total Environment, 634, 1214–1221
23)Wang, L.,Wang, W.J.*, and Wu, Z.F. 2018.Spatial and temporal variations ofsummer hot days and heat waves and their relationships with large-scale atmospheric circulations across Northeast China. International Journal of Climatology,38(15), 5633-5645.
22)Liu, K., Liang, Y., He, H.S.,Wang, W.J.*, Huang, C., Zong, S., Wang, L.2018.Long-Term Impacts of China’s New Commercial Harvest Exclusion Policy on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in the Temperate Forests of Northeast China.Sustainability, 10 (4), 1071.
21) Zhao, D., He, H.S.,Wang, W.J., Liu, J, Du, H., Liu, K. 2018. Distribution and driving factors of forest swamp conversions in a cold temperate region.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10).
20) Zhao, D., He, H.S.,Wang, W.J., Wang, L., Du, H., Liu, K., Zong, S. 2018.Predicting Wetland Distribution Changes under Climate Change and Human Activities in a Mid-and High-Latitude Region.Sustainability, 10 (3), 863.
19) Jin, W., He H.S., Shifley S.R., Wang, W.J., Kabrick, J.M., and Davidson, B.K. 2018. How can prescribed burning and harvesting restore shortleaf pine-oak woodland at the landscape scale in central United States? Modeling joint effects of harvesting and fire regimes.Forest Ecology and Management, 410, 201-210.
18) Shifley,S.R., He,H.S., Lischek, H., Wang,W.J., Jin,W., Gustafson,E.J., Thompson, J.R., Thompson III, F.R., Dijak, W.D., and Yang, J. 2017. The past and future of modeling forest dynamics: from growth and yield curves to forest landscape models.Landscape Ecology, 32, 1307-1325.
17) Jin, W., He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., andWang, W. J.2017. Future forest aboveground carbon dynamics in the central United States: the importance of forest demographic processes.Scientific Reports,7: 41821.
16) Dijak, W.D., Hanberry, B.B., Fraser, J.S., He, H.S., Wang, W.J., and Thompson III,F.R. 2017. Revision and application of the LINKAGES model to simulate forest growth in Central Hardwood landscapes in response to climate change.Landscape Ecology, 32,1365-1384.
15) Wang, W.J., He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., and Fraser, J.S. 2017. Changes in forest biomass and tree species distribution under climate change in the northeastern United States.Landscape Ecology, 32, 1399-1413.
14) Xiao, J.T., Liang, Y., Thompson, J., He, H.S., andWang, W.J.2017. The formulations of site-scale processes affect landscape scale forest change predictions: a comparision between LANDIS PRO and LANDIS-II forest landscape models.Landscape Ecology, 32, 1347-1363.
13) Iverson, L., Prasad, A., Matthews, S., Peters, M., He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., Dijak, W.D., Fraser, J.S.,Wang, W.J., and Swanston, C. 2017. Multi-model comparision on the effects of cliamte change on tree species in the easthern US: results from an enhanced niche model and process-based ecosystem and landscape models.Landscape Ecology, 32, 1327-1346.
12) Wang, W.J., He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., and Fraser, J.S. 2016. Landscape-and regional-scale shifts in forest composition under climate change in the Central Hardwood Region of the United States. Landscape Ecology, 31,149-163.
11) Spetich, M.A., Fan, Z., He, H.S.,Wang, W.J., Crosby, M.K., and Shifley, S.R. 2016. Oak Decline Across the Ozark Highlands–from regeneration to landscape and regional scale processes. In: Proceedings of the 18th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. e–Gen.Tech.Rep.SRS–212.Asheville,NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.641.P.
10) Wang, W.J., He, H.S., Thompson III, F.R., Fraser, J.S., Hanberry, B.B. and Dijak, W.D. 2015. Importance of succession, harvest, and climate change in determining future composition in U.S. Central Hardwood Forests.Ecosphere6, art277.
9) Liang, Y., He, H.S.,Wang, W.J.,Fraser, J.S., and Wu, Z.W. 2015. The effects of site-scale processes in forest landscape models on prediction of tree species distribution.Ecological Modelling,300, 89-101.
8) Wang, W.J., He, H.S., Fraser, J.S., Thompson III, F.R., Shifley, S.R., and Spetich, M.A., 2014. LANDIS PRO: a landscape model that predicts forest composition and structure changes at regional scales.Ecography, 37, 225-229.
7) Wang, W.J., He, H.S., Spetich, M.A., Shifley, S.R., and Thompson III, F.R. 2014. Evaluating forest landscape model predictions using empirical data and knowledge.Environmental Modelling and Software,62,230–239.
6) Wang, W.J., He, H.S. 2014. A.Srinivasan, F.H. Ling and H. Mori. (eds): Climate Smart Development in Asia: Transition to Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Economies.Landscape Ecology, 29, 559-561.
5) Luo, X., He, H.S., Liang, Y.,Wang, W.J., Wu, Z.W., and Fraser, J.S. 2014. Spatial simulation of the effect of fire and harvest on aboveground tree biomass in boreal forests of Northeast China.Landscape Ecology, 29, 1187-1200.
4) Brandt, L., He, H.S, Iverson, L., Thompson III, FR.Wang, W.J., and Other. 2014. Central Hardwoods Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment and Synthesis: A Report from the Central Hardwoods Climate Change Response Framework Project. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-124. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 254 p.
3) Wang, W.J.,He, H.S., Spetich, M.A., Shifley, S.R., Thompson III,F.R., Larsen, D.R., Fraser, J.S. and Yang, J. 2013. A large-scale forest landscape model incorporating multi-scale processes and utilizing forest inventory data.Ecosphere, 4(9),106.
2) Wang, W.J.,He, H.S., Spetich, M.A., Shifley, S.R., Thompson III,F.R., and Fraser, J.S. 2013. Modeling the effects of harvest alternatives on mitigating oak decline in a Central Hardwood Forest landscape.PLoS ONE,8(6), e66713.
1) Fraser, J.S., He, H.S., Shifley, S.R., Wang, W.J.,and Thompson III, F.R. 2013. Simulating stand-level harvests across landscapes, LANDIS PRO harvest module design.Canadian Journal of Forest Research,43(10), 972-978.
1. 中国科学院人才计划项目:中高纬度森林-湿地复合生态系统的结构与功能研究,2017-2022,主持
2. 国家自然基金面上项目:气候变化下大兴安岭寒温带森林树种分布变化的多尺度过程解析,2019-2022,主持
3. 国家自然基金-吉林省区域创新发展联合基金:长白山苔原带植物功能群响应气候变化的预测,2022-2023,主持
4. 国家重点研发专项子专题:长白山区生态系统水源涵养机理与功能评估,2020-2022,主持
5. 吉林省科技厅项目:气候变化下长白山森林垂直分布带的变化研究,2019-2011,主持
6. 中国科学院湿地生态与环境重点实验室项目:林火和冻土退化对北方森林树种迁移的影响研究,2018-2021,主持
7. 长白山地理过程与生态安全教育部重点实验室项目:气候变化下长白山森林树种分布的迁移研究,2019-2020,主持