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2010-11~现在 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 副研究员
2009-06~2010-11 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 助理研究员
2012-11~2013-11 美国地质调查局国家湿地研究中心 访问学者
刘晓辉,1978年生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,吉林省地理学会理事。主要从事湿地生态功能评价、退化湿地功能修复、湿地生态效益补偿等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金 3 项、国家重点研发项目子课题 2 项、“一三五”暨“特色所”服务项目、中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部“留学人员择优资助”项目、中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所“湖泊与环境国家重点实验室开放基金”、湿地国际GEF项目、湿地生态效益补偿项目等共11项。曾获吉林省自然科学一等奖1项、吉林省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖1项。发表学术论文30篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文20篇;第一发明人获授权发明专利1项,受理发明专利9项。
(1)吉林省自然科学奖,一等奖,省级, 2016(2)吉林省自然科学学术成果奖,一等奖,省级, 2015
(3)优秀博士毕业生, 院级,2009
(1)流速可调的调节阀,发明,2014,第 1 发明人,专利号: 1.8(2)一种沼泽湿地生态系统服务功能的价值评估方法,发明,2017,第 1发明人,专利号: 0.4
(3)一种针对迁徙水鸟补食的湿地生态效益补偿核算方法,发明,2018,第 1发明人,专利号: 5.1
(4)一种促进板结土壤表层蓄水的方法,发明,2018,第1发明人,专利号: 1.8
(5)固态物质聚集体蒸发渗透性能探测装置,发明,2018,第1发明人,专利号: 7.3
(6)一种螺纹吸滤瓶,发明,2018,第1发明人,专利号: 7.3
(7)一种试剂交换存储过滤的双丝口组合装置,发明,2018,第1发明人,专利号: 6.9
(8)一种可变容积的土壤气体采集装置及其使用方法,发明,2018,第1发明人,专利号: 4.3
(9)一种双柱式禽类永久招引巢体及其安装方法,发明,2019,第 1发明人,专利号: 2.0
(10)一种单柱式禽类永久招引巢体及其安装方法,发明,2019,第 1发明人,专利号: 1.5
(11)一种可多次人机共用的扎带,发明,2019,第1发明人,专利号: 0.4
(1)Land use and landscape pattern changes in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,Forests, SCI,https://doi.org/10.3390/f**,2018, 9(10): 637, 第1作者
(2)Difference in carbon budget from marshlands to transformed paddy fields in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,Ecological Engineering, SCI,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.03.013,2019, 137: 60-64,第1作者
(3)Ecosystem Service Comparison before and after Marshland Conversion to Paddy Field in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,Wetlands, SCI,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13157-017-0894-4,2017, 37: 593-600, 第1作者
(4)Contribution to the global warming mitigation of marshlands conversion to croplands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,Clean-Soil, Air, Water, SCI,http://doi.org/10.1002/clen.,2013, 41(4): 319-324, 第1作者
(6)Estimation of rice grain yield from dual-polarization Radarsat-2 SAR data by integrating a rice canopy scattering model and a genetic algorithm,International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, SCI,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2016.12.014, 2017, 57: 75-85, 通讯作者
(8)Carbon sequestration potential change after marshlands conversion to croplands in the Northeast China between 1982 and 2010,Ecological Engineering, SCI,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.06.013,2014, 70: 402-405, 第1作者
(9)Mercury bioaccumulation in anthropods from the typical community habitats of zinc smelting area,Environmental Geochemistry and Health, SCI,http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10653-017-0059-7,2018, 40: 1329-1337, 通讯作者
(10)Characterizing the spatial pattern of marshlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China,Ecological Engineering, SCI,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.12.071,2013, 53: 335-342, 第1作者
(11)Quantifying the cooling-pond-effect of urban and peri-urban wetlands using remote sensing Data: Case study of cities of Northeast China,Landscape and Urban Planning, SCI,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.10.015,2019, 182: 92-100, 通讯作者
(12)Loss-gain estimation of marshland carbon sequestration and paddy productivity in Fuyuan County,Outlook on Agriculture, SCI,https://doi.org/10.5367/oa.2011.0044,2011, 40(2): 165-170, 第1作者
(1)2st Far Eastern Conference with international participation "Transboundary Khanka Lake: Current state and development perspectives of the region",The landscape pattern changes in Xingkai Lake area, Northeast China, 刘晓辉, 2019-05-15(2)第九届全国青年生态学工作者学术研讨会, 针对迁徙水鸟补食的兴凯湖湿地生态补偿核算, 刘晓辉, 2019-01-12
(3)The2018 SWS - China Chapter and Asia Chapter Joint Meeting Wetlands and Ecological Civilization,The policy and model of China wetland ecological compensation, 刘晓辉, 2018-08-17
(4)2018年东北亚资源环境与可持续发展国际研讨会,Landscape pattern changes in Naoli River catchment and the cumulative effects, 刘晓辉, 2018-06-27
(5)第十七届中国生态学大会,湿地生态效益补偿标准探讨, 刘晓辉, 2018-05-03
(6)2017全国湿地生态保护与恢复技术学术研讨会,松嫩平原莫莫格退化盐碱湿地恢复策略研究, 刘晓辉, 2017-10-13
(7)The 12th International Congress of Ecology,Wetland ecological compensation in Xingkai Lake and wild duck conservation, 刘晓辉, 2017-08-21
(8)33rd International Geographical Congress,Marshland degradation in Xingkai Lake and the restored strategy for habitat, 刘晓辉, 2016-08-21
(9)China-US Joint Workshop Environmental Remediation and Watershed Restoration,Pollutants migration and restored strategies upon the degraded wetland ecosystem, 刘晓辉, 2016-03-18
(10)中国生态学学会湿地生态专业委员会2015年年会,湿地景观格局及水热环境条件下碳排放差异研究, 刘晓辉, 2015-08-27
(11)中国地理学会2015年东北地区学术年会,湿地景观格局动态与功能变化, 刘晓辉, 2015-08-06
(12)东北亚资源、环境和可持续发展国际会议,Wetlands dynamic pattern and the carbon storage, 刘晓辉, 2014-06-10
(13)国际生态学会议(Ecological Society of America, ESA),Carbon storage change after marshland conversion to cropland in the Sanjiang Plain, 刘晓辉, 2013-08-03
(14)国际湿地会议(Society of Wetland Scientists, SWS),Contribution to the Global Warming Mitigation after Marshlands Reclamation in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, 刘晓辉, 2013-06-01
(15)第七届中日韩国际地理学会议(CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA International Conference on Geography),Marshlands gravity center migration and carbon budget dynamics in recent 30 years in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, 刘晓辉, 2012-08-04
(16)湿地功能及其生态适应暨中国生态学学会湿地专业委员会2011年会,三江平原湿地-农田系统固碳潜力研究, 刘晓辉, 2011-10-10
(17)湿地系统演化及其环境效应学术研讨会,三江平原湿地-农田生态系统温室气体综合增温潜势研究, 刘晓辉, 2009-12-07
(18)第二届全国湿地资源保护与合理利用学术研讨会,The comparable analysis of wetland ecosystem carbon sequestration values based on patch level, 刘晓辉, 2009-10-12
(19)第六届全国景观生态学会,三江平原湿地生态系统服务功能动态变化研究, 刘晓辉, 2009-09-21
(20)中美生态系统服务国际会议,Evaluation of wetland ecosystem services in Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang Province, China, 刘晓辉, 2008-10-13