
No tillage combined with crop rotation improves soil microbial community composition and metabolic a

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-03-20

论文题目: No tillage combined with crop rotation improves soil microbial community composition and metabolic activity
英文论文题目: No tillage combined with crop rotation improves soil microbial community composition and metabolic activity
第一作者: 孙冰洁
英文第一作者: Sun, B. J.
联系作者: 贾淑霞
英文联系作者: Jia, S. X.
发表年度: 2016
卷: 23
期: 7
页码: 6472-6482
摘要: Soil microbial community can vary with different agricultural managements, which in turn can affect soil quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of long-term tillage practice (no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)) and crop rotation (maize-soybean (MS) rotation and monoculture maize (MM)) on soil microbial community composition and metabolic capacity in different soil layers. Long-term NT increased the soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) mainly at the 0-5 cm depth which was accompanied with a greater microbial abundance. The greater fungi-to-bacteria (F/B) ratio was found in NTMS at the 0-5 cm depth. Both tillage and crop rotation had a significant effect on the metabolic activity, with the greatest average well color development (AWCD) value in NTMS soil at all three soil depths. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the shift in microbial community composition was accompanied with the changes in capacity of utilizing different carbon substrates. Therefore, no tillage combined with crop rotation could improve soil biological quality and make agricultural systems more sustainable.
英文摘要: Soil microbial community can vary with different agricultural managements, which in turn can affect soil quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of long-term tillage practice (no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)) and crop rotation (maize-soybean (MS) rotation and monoculture maize (MM)) on soil microbial community composition and metabolic capacity in different soil layers. Long-term NT increased the soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) mainly at the 0-5 cm depth which was accompanied with a greater microbial abundance. The greater fungi-to-bacteria (F/B) ratio was found in NTMS at the 0-5 cm depth. Both tillage and crop rotation had a significant effect on the metabolic activity, with the greatest average well color development (AWCD) value in NTMS soil at all three soil depths. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the shift in microbial community composition was accompanied with the changes in capacity of utilizing different carbon substrates. Therefore, no tillage combined with crop rotation could improve soil biological quality and make agricultural systems more sustainable.
刊物名称: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
英文刊物名称: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
英文参与作者: Jia, S. X., Zhang, S. X., McLaughlin, N. B., Liang, A. Z., Chen, X. W., Liu, S. Y., Zhang, X. P.
相关话题/tillage combined rotation

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