
Functional conservation and diversification of the soybean maturity gene E1 and its homologs in legu

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-03-20

论文题目: Functional conservation and diversification of the soybean maturity gene E1 and its homologs in legumes
英文论文题目: Functional conservation and diversification of the soybean maturity gene E1 and its homologs in legumes
第一作者: 张兴政
英文第一作者: Zhang, X. Z.
联系作者: 夏正俊
英文联系作者: Xia, Z. J.
发表年度: 2016
卷: 6
摘要: Gene regulatory networks involved in flowering time and photoperiodic responses in legumes remain unknown. Although the major maturity gene E1 has been successfully deciphered in soybean, knowledge on the functional conservation of this gene is limited to a certain extent to E1 homologs in legumes. The ectopic expression of Phvul.009G204600 (PvE1L), an E1 homolog from common bean, delayed the onset of flowering in soybean. By contrast, the ectopic expression of Medtr2g058520 (MtE1L) from Medicago truncatula did not affect the flowering of soybean. Characterization of the late-flowering mte1l mutant indicated that MtE1L promoted flowering in Medicago truncatula. Moreover, all transgenic E1, PvE1L and MtE1L soybean lines exhibited phenotypic changes in terms of plant height. Transgenic E1 or PvE1L plants were taller than the wild-type, whereas transgenic MtE1L plants produced dwarf phenotype with few nodes and short internode. Thus, functional conservation and diversification of E1 family genes from legumes in the regulation of flowering and plant growth may be associated with lineage specification and genomic duplication.
英文摘要: Gene regulatory networks involved in flowering time and photoperiodic responses in legumes remain unknown. Although the major maturity gene E1 has been successfully deciphered in soybean, knowledge on the functional conservation of this gene is limited to a certain extent to E1 homologs in legumes. The ectopic expression of Phvul.009G204600 (PvE1L), an E1 homolog from common bean, delayed the onset of flowering in soybean. By contrast, the ectopic expression of Medtr2g058520 (MtE1L) from Medicago truncatula did not affect the flowering of soybean. Characterization of the late-flowering mte1l mutant indicated that MtE1L promoted flowering in Medicago truncatula. Moreover, all transgenic E1, PvE1L and MtE1L soybean lines exhibited phenotypic changes in terms of plant height. Transgenic E1 or PvE1L plants were taller than the wild-type, whereas transgenic MtE1L plants produced dwarf phenotype with few nodes and short internode. Thus, functional conservation and diversification of E1 family genes from legumes in the regulation of flowering and plant growth may be associated with lineage specification and genomic duplication.
刊物名称: Scientific Reports
英文刊物名称: Scientific Reports
英文参与作者: Zhai, H., Wang, Y. Y., Tian, X. J., Zhang, Y. P., Wu, H. Y., Lu, S. X., Yang, G., Li, Y. Q., Wang, L., Hu, B., Bu, Q. Y., Xia, Z. J.
相关话题/Functional conservation diversification

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