姓名: 生云鹤
性别: 男
职称: 教授
所在系别: 基础数学系
是否博导: 是
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
所在学科专业: 基础数学
所研究方向: 数学物理、Poisson几何、高阶李理论
讲授课程: 2009.09-2010.01, 空间解析几何, 2009基地班
2010.03-2010.07, 微分几何初步, 2007基础数学专业
2010.09-2011.01, 空间解析几何, 2010基地班+2010唐敖庆班
2011.03-2011.06, 黎曼几何, 2010级研究生
2011.08-2011.12, 李群在微分方程中的应用 2010级研究生
2011.09-2012.01, 空间解析几何, 2011基地班+2011唐敖庆班
2012.03-2012.06, 微分几何初步, 2009基础数学专业+基地班+唐班
2012.09-2013.01, 空间解析几何, 2012基地班+2011唐敖庆班
2013.03-2013.07, 微分几何初步, 2010基础数学专业+基地班+唐班
2013.09-2014.01, 空间解析几何, 2013基地班+2013唐敖庆班
2014.03-2014.07, 微分几何初步, 2011基础数学专业+基地班
2014.09-2015.01, 空间解析几何, 2014基地班+2014唐敖庆班
2014.09-2015.01, 黎曼几何, 2013级研究生
2015.09-2016.01, 空间解析几何, 2015级本科生
2016.09-2017.01, 空间解析几何, 2016级本科生
2016.08-2017.01, 微分几何几何, 2013级本科生数学与应用数学专业
教育经历: 2000.09-2004.07, 吉林大学数学学院
2004.09-2008.12, 北京大学数学学院 博士
2007.12-2008.11, Math. Dep. Utrecht Uni. Netherlands, joint Ph.D
工作经历: 2008.12-2009.07, CRC, Goettingen Uni. Post doctor
2009.01-2011.01, 大连理工大学数学学院 博士后
2009.06-2011.08 吉林大学数学学院 副教授
2008.07.01-2008.07.12, Conference Poisson 2008, Bernnoulli Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2010.07.02-2010.08.19, ANU, visiting scholar, Austrilia
2010.09.12-2010.09.19, Geometry and Physics VIII, Scalea, Italy
2012.06.27-2012.08.07, Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2012.07.22-2012.08.03, Conference Poisson 2012, Utrecht Uni., Holland
2013.06.21-2013.07.31, Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2013.06.25-2013.06.28, Conference Higher algebras and Lie-infinity homotopy theory, Luxembourg Uni., Luxembourg
2013.07.22-2013.07.26, Conference in honor of Alan Weinstein, Bernnoulli Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2014.07.05-2014.07.24, Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2014.11.26-2014.12.10, Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2014.11.30-2014.12.06, Conference ;Algebra, deformation and quantum groups;, CIRM, France
2015.04.30-2015.05.16, Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2015.05.10-2015.05.15, Conference ;Geometry of Jets and Fields;, Bedlewo, Banach Center, Poland
2015.07.12-2015.08.07, Penn State University,visiting scholar, US
2016.06.21-2016.07.23, University of Haute Alsace, visiting scholar, Mulhouse, France
2016.07.03-2016.07.09, Poisson 2016, Zurich,Switzerland.
2016.07.09-2016.07.17,Goettingen Uni. visiting scholar, Germany
2016.07.17-2016.07.21,Geneva Uni., visiting scholar,Switzerland.
2016.12.13-2017.12.12,Penn State University,visiting scholar, US
2011.09-至今 吉林大学数学学院 教授
科研项目: 吉林大学科研启动经费 2009.09-2010.09 负责人
吉林大学科研配套经费 2009.09-2012.12 负责人
吉林大学基本科研业务费 2010.01-2011.12 负责人
数学学院青年教师基金 2009.09-2010.09 负责人
博士后基金(,Courant代数胚的可积性)2009.09-2011.01 负责人
博士点新教师基金(096,高阶李理论)2011.01-2013.12 负责人
青年科学基金项目(**,Poisson几何与高阶李理论 )2012.01-2014.12负责人
吉林省自然科学基金(JC,Courant代数胚及其在数学物理中的应用) 2017.01-2019.12 负责人
学术论文: 1. Y. Sheng, Linear Poisson structures on R^4, J. Geom. Phys. 57 (2007), 2398-2410.
2. B. Chen and Y. Sheng, Poisson-Nijenhuis structures on oriented 3D-manifolds, Rep. Math. Phys. 61 (3) (2008), 361-380.
3. Q. Lin, Z. Liu and Y. Sheng, Quadratic deformations of Lie-Poisson structures on R^3, Lett. Math. Phys. 83 (2008), 217-229.
4. Y. Sheng,Jacobi quasi-Nijenhuis algebroids, Rep. Math. Phys. 65(2010.04), 271-287
5. Z. Chen, Z. Liu and Y. Sheng,E-Courant algebroids, Int. Math. Res. Not. Vol. (2010.03), No. 22, pp. 4334–4376.
6. Y. Sheng, Z. Liu and C. Zhu, Omni-Lie 2-algebras and their Dirac structures,J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011.02), pp. 560-575. impact factor 1.055
7. Y. Sheng and C. Zhu, Semidirect products of representations up to homotopy, Pacific J. Math. 249 (2011.01), No. 1, 211–236.
8. Y. Bi and Y. Sheng, On higher analogues of Courant algebroids, Sci. China Math. (2011.03) Vol. 54 No. 3: 437-447.
9. Z. Chen, Z. Liu and Y. Sheng, Dirac structures of omni-Lie algebroids, Int. J. Math.,Vol. 22, No. 8 (2011.08) 1163–1185.
10. Y. Sheng and C. Zhu, Integration of semidirect product Lie 2-algebras, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. Vol. 9, No. 5 (2012.08) **.
11. S. Chen, Y. Sheng and Z. Zheng, Non-abelian Extensions of Lie 2-algebras, Sci. China. Math. (2012.08) Vol. 55 No. 8: 1655-1668. impact factor 0.497
12 Y. Sheng,On deformations of Lie algebroids, Results. Math. 62 (2012.09), 103-120. impact factor 0.508
13Y. Sheng and C. Zhu,Integration of Lie 2-Algebras and Their Morphisms, Lett. Math. Phys. 102 (2), (2012.11), 223-244.impact factor 2.415
14 Y. Sheng, Representations of hom-Lie algebras, Algebr. Represent. Theory,15 (6) (2012.12) 1081-1098. impact factor 0.554
15 Y. Sheng and D. Chen, Hom-Lie 2-algebras, J. Algebra, 376 (2013.02) 174–195. impact factor 0.604
16 Y. Sheng and Z. Liu, Leibniz 2-algebras and twisted Courant algebroids, Comm. Algebra. 41 (05),1929-1953. impact factor 0.388
17 C. Bai, Y. Sheng and C. Zhu, Lie 2-bialgebras,Comm. Math. Phys. 320 (2013.05) 149-172. impact factor 1.901
18 Y. Sheng and C. Bai, A new approach to hom-Lie bialgebras, J. Algebra, 399(2014.02), 232–250.impact factor 0.599
19 Z. Chen, Y. Sheng and Z. Liu, On Double Vector Bundles, Acta. Math. Sinica, 30 (10), (2014.10), 1655-1673. impact factor 0.475
20Z. Liu, Y. Sheng and T. Zhang, Deformations of Lie 2-algebras, J. Geom. Phys. 86 (2014.12) 66–80.impact factor 0.870
21 Y. Bi and Y. Sheng, Dirac structures for higher analogues of Courant algebroids,Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. Vol. 12, No. 1 (2015.01) **.1.068
22 Y. Sheng and Z. Xiong,On hom-Lie algebras, Linear Multilinear Algebra, Vol. 63, No. 12(2015.12), 2379–2395, Im 0.761
23 L. Cai and Y. Sheng, Hom-big brackets: theory and applications, SIGMA, 12 (2016.01), 014, 18 pages.Im 0.765
24 Y. Sheng and Z.Liu, From Leibniz algebras to Lie 2-algebras, Algebr. Represent. Theory (2016.02)19, Issue 1, pp 1-5. Im 0.621
25 H. Lang, Z. Liu and Y. Sheng, Integration of derivations of Lie 2-algebras, Transformation Groups, 21 (2016.03), 1,129-152. 0.583
26 Z. Liu, Y. Sheng and X. Xu, The Pontryagin class for pre-Courant algebroids,J. Geom. Phys. 104 (2016.06), 148-162. 0.819
27 J. Liu, Y. Sheng, Y. Zhou and C.Bai, Nijenhuis Operators on n-Lie Algebras, Commun. Theor. Phys. 65 (2016.06) 659–670. Im 0.989
28 J. Liu, Y. Sheng, C. Bai and Z. Chen, Left-symmetric algebroids, Math. Nachr. 289, No. 14–15, 1893–1908 (2016.10), 0.742
29 H. Lang, Y. Sheng and X. Xu, Nonabelian omni-Lie algebras, Banach Center Publications, 110 (2016),167-176.
30 H. Lang, Y. Sheng and X. Xu, Strong homotopy Lie algebras, homotopy Poisson manifolds and Courant algebroids, Lett. Math. Phys. 107 (5) (2017.05), 861-885.
31 Y. Sheng and C. Zhu, Higher extensions of Lie algebroids, Commun. Contemp. Math. 19 (3), ** (2017.06), 41 pages
32 J. Liu, Y. Sheng and C. Wang, Omni n-Lie algebras and linearization of higher analogues of Courant algebroids, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 14 (7), (2017.07), **, 18 pages.
33Y. Zhou, Y. Li and Y. Sheng, 3-Lie-infty-algebras and 3-Lie 2-algebras, J Algebra Appl. 16 (9) (2017.09), **, 20 pages.
34 L. Cai, J. Liu and Y. Sheng,Hom-Lie algebroids, Hom-Lie bialgebroids and Hom-Courant algebroids, J. Geom. Phys. (2017.11)121, 15-32.
35 J. Liu, A. Makhlouf and Y. Sheng, A new approach to representations of 3-Lie algebras and abelian extensions, Algebr. Represent. Theory Algebr Represent Theor (2017) 20:1415–1431
36 J. Liu, Y. Sheng and C. Bai, Pre-symplectic algebroids and their applications,Lett. Math. Phys. (2017.12) DOI 10.1007/s11005-017-0973-8
37 L. Cai and Y. Sheng, Purely Hom-Lie bialgebras,to appear in Sci. China. Math.
38 J. Liu, Y. Sheng and Q. Wang, On non-abelian extensions of Leibniz algebras, Comm. Algebra. (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/**.2017.**
39 J. Liu and Y. Sheng, QP-structures of degree 3 and LWX 2-algebroids,
40 C. Bai, L. Guo and Y. Sheng, Bialgebras, the classical Yang-Baxter equation and Manin triples for 3-Lie algebras
41 H. Lang, Y. Sheng and A. Wade, VB-Courant algebroids, E-Courant algebroids and generalized geometry, arXiv:1705.10316
42 R.Tang and Y. Sheng, Cohomological characterizations of non-abelian extensions of strict Lie 2-algebras,arXiv:1705.09163
43 J. Liu, Y. Sheng and C. Bai, Left-symmetric bialgebroids and their corresponding Manin triples,arXiv:1705.08299
44 Y. Sheng, X. Xu and C. Zhu, String principal bundles and Courant algebroids,arXiv:1701.00959
45 Y. Sheng, Categorification of Pre-Lie Algebras and Solutions of 2-graded Classical Yang-Baxter Equations,arXiv:1403.2144
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-11
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