

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-11

姓名: 叶挺

性别: 男
职称: 副教授
所在系别: 计算数学系
是否博导: 是
最高学历: 研究生
最高学位: 博士
备注: 数学楼412
所在学科专业: 计算数学
所研究方向: 计算数学、计算生物力学、计算流体力学
讲授课程: 高等数学C、数学分析习题课、计算方法
教育经历: 2008/07 — 2012/01, 博士,工程力学, 新加坡南洋理工大学
2006/07 — 2008/07, 硕士,工程力学, 北京理工大学
2002/07 — 2006/07,学士,信息与计算科学, 华北水利水电大学

工作经历: 2014/10 — 至今,副教授,计算数学,吉林大学
2012/01 — 2014/07, 博士后,工程力学, 新加坡国立大学

科研项目: 在研项目:
3. 细胞力学特性的数值研究,2016-2017,吉林省产业创新专项资金项目,负责人
2. 细胞在复杂管道内动态和流变行为的数值研究,2016-2019,国家青年基金,负责人
1. 吉林大学海外博士引进科研启动基金,2014-2019,吉林大学,负责人

3、基于耗散粒子动力学的细胞粘弹性建模, 2012-2014, 博士后课题
2、细胞在流场和电场中的运动及变形的数值建模, 2008-2012, 博士课题
1、气相与固相爆轰的高精度计算,2006-2008, 硕士课题

学术论文: 期刊文章:
[19] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, C. T. Lim and Y. Li, Red blood cell motion and deformation in a curved microvessel, J. Biomech. 65 (2017), 12-22.
[18] T. Ye, H. X. Shi, L. N. Peng and Y. Li, Numerical studies of a red blood cell in rectangular microchannels, J. Appl. Phys.122(2017), 084701
[17] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, C. T. Lim, L. Peng and H. Shi, Hybrid smoothed dissipative particle dynamics and immersed boundary method for simulation of red blood cells in flows, Phys. Rev. E 95 (2017), 063314.
[16] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien and C. T. Lim, Particle-based simulations of red blood cells – A review, J. Biomech. 49 (2016), 2255–2266.
[15] T. Ye, H. Li and K. Y. Lam, Two-dimensional numerical modeling for the separation of multiple deformable cells using dielectrophoresis, Electrophoresis 36 (2015), 378-385.
[14] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, B. C. Khoo and C. T. Lim, Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of deformation and aggregation of healthy and diseased red blood cells in a tube flow, Phys. Fluids 26 (2014), 111902.
[13] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, B. C. Khoo and C. T. Lim, A file of red blood cells in tube flow: a three-dimensional numerical study, J. Appl. Phys. 116 (2014), 124703.
[12] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, B. C. Khoo and C. T. Lim, Numerical modelling of a healthy/malaria-infected erythrocyte in shear flow using dissipative particle dynamics method, J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014), 224701.
[11] H. Li, T. Ye and K. Y. Lam, Computational analysis of dynamic interaction of two red blood cells in a capillary, Cell Biochem. Biophys. 69 (2014), 673-680
[10] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, B. C. Khoo and C. T. Lim, Stretching and relaxation of malaria-infected red blood cells, Biophys. J. 105 (2013), 1103-1109.
[9] H. Li, T. Ye and K. Y. Lam, A novel interface tracking method based on Lagrangian particles for deformation analysis of a red blood cell in capillary, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 69 (2012), 1031–1044.
[8] T. Ye, H. Li and K. Y. Lam, Numerical design of microfluidic-microelectric hybrid chip for the separation of biological cells, Langmuir 27 (2011), 3188-3197.
[7] H. Li, T. Ye and K. Y. Lam, Numerical modeling of motion trajectory and deformation behavior of a cell in a nonuniform electric field, Biomicrofluidics 5 (2011), 021101.
[6] T. Ye, H. Li and K. Y. Lam, Motion, deformation and aggregation of two cells in a microchannel by dielectrophoresis, Electrophoresis 32 (2011), 3147-3156.
[5] H. Li, T. Ye and K. Y. Lam, Qualitative and quantitative analysis of dynamic deformation of a cell in nonuniform alternating electric field, J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011), 104701.
[4] T. Ye, H. Li and K. Y. Lam, Modeling and simulation of microfluid effects on deformation behavior of a red blood cell in a capillary, Microvasc. Res. 80 (2010), 453-463.
[3] C. Wang, T. Ye and J. G. Ning, Numerical simulation of the detonation of condensed explosives, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 23 (2009), 285-288.
[2] C. Wang, T. B. Ma and T. Ye, Propagation mechanism of non-steady gaseous detonation, Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 9 (2008), 157 -166.
[1] F. G. Liu and T. Ye, Global classical solutions for quasilinear hyperbolic systems in 3-step completely reducible type, Mathematica Applicata 20 (2007), 581-586.

[6] T. Ye and N. Phan-Thien, A basic study: comparisons among SPH, DPD and SDPD, WCCM&APCOM 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
[5] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, C. T. Lim and B. C. Khoo, RBC simulations with DPD method, Workshop of Theory, Algorithms and Applications of Dissipative Particle Dynamics, 2015, Shanghai, China.
[4] T. Ye, N. Phan-Thien, C. T. Lim and B. C. Khoo, Application of dissipative particle dynamics to the study of a red blood cell in simple shear flow, The Fifth International Symposium on Physics of Fluids, 2013, Changbaishan, China.
[3] T. Ye and H. Li, Axisymmetric and asymmetric behaviors of a red blood cell in capillaries, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, 2011, Rome, Italy.
[2] T. Ye and H. Li, Modeling of cell motion in micro-scale hydrodynamic-electrical field, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 2009, Singapore.
[1] C. Wang, J. Lu and T. Ye, Numerical simulation of three-dimensional gas detonation, The 2nd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, 2007, Shanghai, China.

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