

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-11

姓 名:赵世舜

性 别:男

职 称:教授












1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017.01-2020.12,项目负责人
2.吉林省科技厅项目, 2017.01-2019.12,项目负责人
3. 教育部一般人文规划项目,2011.09-2014.09,项目负责人
4.吉林省科技厅项目(支撑平台),吉林省智慧健康管理科技创新中心, 2019.01-2020.12,主要参加人
5.吉林省科技厅项目(技术攻关),智慧健康管理系统研发, 2019.01-2021.12,参加人

(18) Chang Wang, Meng Xu, Wenlai Guo, Yaodong Wang,Shishun Zhao(*), Lei Zhong (*). Clinical efficacy and safety of platelet-rich plasma in arthroscopic full-thickness rotator cuff repair: A meta-analysis[J]. PloS one, 2019, 14(7): e** 1-16.
(17) Fan Yang, Wenlai Guo, Qian Wang, Zhe Zhu, Congying Guan,Shishun Zhao(*), Baoming Yuan(*), Surgical versus nonsurgical treatment of primary acute patellar dislocation: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Medicine, 2019, 98(29).
(16) Cheng Kong,Shishun Zhao, et al. Weighted Summation: Feature Extraction of Farm Pigsty Data for Electronic Nose[J].IEEE Access.2019,7: 96732-96742.
(15) Xu Da,Shishun Zhao(*), Tao Hu, Jianguo Sun. Regression analysis of informatively interval-censored failure time data with semiparametric linear transformation model[J]. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2019, 31(3): 663–679.
(14) Miao Qin,Shishun Zhao, Wenlai Guo, et al. Open reduction and plate fixation compared with non-surgical treatment for displaced midshaft clavicle fracture: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials[J]. Medicine. 2019, 98(20).
(13) Li, Hangyu, Guo, Wenlai, Guo, Shanshan,Zhao, Shishun(*), Li, Rui(*). Surgical versus nonsurgical treatment for scaphoid waist fracture with slight or no displacement: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Medicine 97.48 (2018).
(12) Xu, Da,Zhao, Shishun, Hu, Tao (*), Yu, Mengzhu, Sun, Jianguo. "Regression analysis of informative current status data with the semiparametric linear transformation model." Journal of Applied Statistics 46.2 (2019): 187-202.
(11) Liu, Yanyan, Xiaoying Sun (*),Shishun Zhao. Source enumeration via GBIC with a statistic for sphericity test in white Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 11.9 (2017): 1333-1339.
(10) Liu, Yanyan, Xiaoying Sun (*),Shishun Zhao. A covariance matrix shrinkage method with Toeplitz rectified target for DOA estimation under the uniform linear array. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 81 (2017): 50-55.
(9) Zhang, Ying,Shishun Zhao, and Zhiwen Xu (*). Network and pathway analysis of microRNAs, transcription factors, target genes and host genes in human glioma. Oncology letters 11.5 (2016): 3534-3542.
(8)Shishun Zhao,Tao Hu,Ling Ma,Peijie Wang,Jianguo Sun(*),Regression analysis of informative current status data with the additive hazards model,Lifetime Data Analysis,2015,21(2):241-258。
(7)Shishun Zhao,Tao Hu,Ling Ma,Peijie Wang,Jianguo Sun(*),Regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data with the additive hazards model in the presence of informative censoring,Statistics and Its Interface,2015,8(3):367-377。
(6)Shishun Zhao,Jian Tao(*),Ningzhong Shi,Nan Lin,A Note on the Comparison of the Stein Estimator and the James-Stein Estimator,Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods,2015,44(16):3363-3374。
(5) Peijie Wang,Xingwei Tong,Shishun Zhao,Jianguo Sun(*),Efficient estimation for the additive hazards model in the presence of left-truncation and interval censoring,Statistics and Its Interface,2015,8(3):391-402。
(4) Ye Tian(*),Xiaoying Sun,Shishun Zhao,Sparse-reconstruction-based direction of arrival, polarisation and power estimation using a cross-dipole array,IET Radar Sonar and Navigation,2015,9(6):727-731。
(3) Peijie Wang,Xingwei Tong,Shishun Zhao,Jianguo Sun(*),Regression Analysis of Left-truncated and Case I Interval-censored Data with the Additive Hazards Model,Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,2015,44(8):1537-1551。
(2) Ye Tian(*),Xiaoying Sun,Shishun Zhao,DOA and power estimation using a sparse representation of second-order statistics vector and l(0)-norm approximation,Signal Processing,2014,105:98-108。
(1) Zhuoxi Yu,Shishun Zhao,Dehui Wang(*),Empirical likelihood inference for partial linear models with ARCH(1) errors,Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2013,57(9-10):2449-2458。

2017年 全国大学生数学建模竞赛吉林赛区优秀指导教师
2015年 吉林大学教学成果二等奖,第四完成人

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