本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-11
教育经历:1983.7 吉林工学院获工学学士学位
1987.5 吉林工学院获工学硕士学位
2005.06 吉林大学获工学博士学位
工作经历:1989.9 吉林工业大学讲师
1995.9 吉林工业大学副教授
2000.9 吉林大学教授
2005.9 吉林大学博士导师
科研项目:国家科技部973项目:“材料介观性能表征的热/动力学基础”, 2004CB619301(04.10-09.09). 50万 负责人
国家自然科学基金委:“等原子比高熵轻合金形成理论、制备及组织与性能” ** 06.01-08.12 25万 负责人
2010年高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博士生导师类)”“多组元高熵合金热力学与动力学”,019 (2011-2012) 6万负责人
科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题 “介观物质迁移与界面损伤热动力学特性及多场效应 ”2010CB631001(10.01-14.12) 60万 负责人
X. C. Li, D. Dou, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li* Microstructure and properties of FeAlCrNiMox high entropy alloys J. Mater. Eng. Performance, 25 (2016) 2164–2169
X. C. Li, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li*, ‘Microstructure and properties of coating of FeAlCu-CrCoMn high entropy alloy deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering’, Mater. Research (2016)19 802-806
D. Dou, X. C. Li, Z. Y. Zheng, J. C. Li*, Coatings of FeAlCoCuNiV high entropy alloy’, Surf. Eng., (2016)32 766-770
G. H. Zhang, J. C. Li, L. J. Zhao, Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles as the absorbent for sewage treatment", Adv Mater Sci Eng. 2015 973648
Z. Y. Zheng, X. C. Li, C. Zhang, J. C. Li*, ‘microstructure and corrosion behaviour of Fe-CoNiCuSnx high entropy alloys’, Mater Sci Technol,31 (2015) 1148-1152
Y. H. Liu, J. D. Hu, Z. X. GUO, J. C. Li*, Brazing ceramic to titanium using amorphous filler metal, Welding J 93 (2014) 66-70.
Z. Y. Sun, J. B. Zhu, J. Zhang, J.C. Li*, Microstructure and the properties of AlFeCoNiCrSnx high entropy alloys, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 38(2014) 8247-825
J. Zhang, Z. Y. Sun, J. B. Zhu, J. C. Li*, Preparation of amorphous coatings of AlFeCo-NiCuZrV alloy by DCMS method, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 26 (2014) 5627-5630
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Tunable band gaps in silicene/MoS2 heterobilayers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16 (23), 11673 – 11678
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Band gap opening in silicene: effect of substrates, Chem. Phys. Lett. 592 (2014) 222-226
N. Gao, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, A comparable study of structural and electrical transport properties of Al and Cu nanowires using first-principle calculations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013) 263108
Lixia Wang, Jianchen Li, Chunsheng Mao, Lishu Zhang, Lijun Zhao, Qing Jiang, Facile prepa-ration of cobalt hybrid/graphene nanocomposite by in situ chemical reduction: high lithium storage capacity and highly efficient removal of Congo Red, Dalton Transactions, 2013,42, 8070-8077.
M. Tian, Z. Y. Sun, J. C. Li*, Thermal stability of ultralow-k dielectric multi-layer films Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 5 (2013) 282-285
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, ‘Microstructure and tensile properties of FeMnNiCuCoSnx high entropy alloys’ Mater Design 44 (2013) 223-227.
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, C. Hou, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Dense and smooth amorphous films of multicomponent FeCoNiCuVZrAl high-entropy alloy deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering, Mater Design 46 (2013) 675-679
L. X. Wang, J. C. Li, Z. T. Wang, L. J. Zhao, Q. Jiang, Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of alpha-Fe/Fe3O4 nanocomposite for fast Congo red removal,Dalton Trans 42 (2013) 2572-2579
Y. H. Liu, J. D. Hu, P. Shen, X. H. Han, J. C. Li*, Microstructural and mechanical properties of jointed ZrO2/Ti–6Al–4V alloy using Ti33Zr17Cu50 amorphous brazing filler, Mater Design 47 (2013) 281-286
L. Liu, T. H. Wang, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang Size effect on surface tension of liquid binary alloy droplets, Solid State Commun. 152 (2012) 573-576
D. M. Song, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Visible light photocatalysis of single-walled (Zn4/6Cu2/6O)3/(Zn5/6Cu1/6O)3 superlattice nanotube for redox reaction of water calculated by generalized gradient approximations with the Hubbard U model, J Appl. Physics 111 (2012) 034318
Lixia Wang, Jianchen Li, Yingqi Wang, Lijun Zhao, Qing Jiang,Adsorption capability for Congo red on nanocrystalline MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co,Ni) spinel ferrites,Chemical Engineering Journal 181-182 (2012) 72-79
Wang, LX, Li, JC, Jiang, Q, Zhao, LJ, Water-soluble Fe3O4 nanoparticles with high solubility for removal of heavy-metal ions from waste water, Dalton Trans 41 (2012) 4544-4551
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, C. Zhang, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, ‘Microstructure and the properties of FeCoCuNiSnx high entropy alloys’, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 548 (2012) 64–68
D. M. Song, T. H. Wang, J.C. Li*, First principles study of periodic size dependent band gap variation of Cu doped ZnO single-wall nanotube. J Molecule Modeling 18(2012) 5035-5040.
D. M. Song, J. C. Li*, First principles study of band gap of Cu doped ZnO single-wall nanotube modulated by impurity concentration and concentration gradient’,Computational mater Sci. 65 (2012) 175-181.
L. Liu, J. B. Zhu, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Effect of Sn element on microstructure and magnetic properties of FeNiCuMnTiSnx multicomponent alloys, Adv Eng Mater 14(2012)919-92
M. Tian, M. Li, J. C. Li*, “Effects of size on dielectric constant for nanocrystals” Physic B 406(2011) 541-544.
Z. W. Zhang, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, “Density functional theory calculations of the metal-doped carbon nanostructures as hydrogen storage systems: A review” Frontiers of Physics, 6(2) (2011) 162-176.
Lixia Wang, Jianchen Li, Yingqi Wang, Lijun Zhaoa, Preparation of nanocrystallineFe3?xLaxO4 ferrite and their adsorption capability for Congo red, J Hazardous Materials 196 (2011) 342-349.
W. Gao, X. F. Chen, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, Is Au-55 or Au-38 Cluster a Threshold Catalyst for Styrene Epoxidation? J Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 1148-1153
C. Li, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, Revisiting the Phillips ionicity of conductors and the quantitative determination of the hardness of carbides and nitrides of transition metals using the LDA + U technique, Solid State Communications 150 (2010) 1818-1821
Z. W. Zhang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, Hydrogen Adsorption on Eu/SWCNT Systems: A DFT Study,J Phys. Chem. C, 114 (2010) 7733-7737
M. Li, J. C*. Li, Q. Jiang, “Size-dependent band-gap and dielectric constant of Si nanocrystals” Inter. J. Modern Phys. B 24 (2010) 2297–2301
C. Li, J. C. Li*, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Effect of aluminum contents on microstructure and properties of AlXCoNiCrFe high entropy alloys,J. Alloy and compounds S504 (2010) S515-S518
D. Y. Li, J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, J. P. Wang, “Failure analysis and improvement of working life for some apparatuses in petrochemical factory”, Corrosion Engineering and Science Technology 45 (2010) 461-467
C. Li, D. Y. Li,J. C. Li*, Q. Jiang, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of multicomponent Aluminum alloy prepared by rapid solidification” J Mater. Eng. Profor. 18(2009) 79-82.
C. Li, J. C. Li*, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Effect of alloying elements crystalline structure on microstructures and properties of high entropy alloys” J. Alloy and compounds 475(2009) 752-757
C. Li, J. C. Li, J. S. Lian, Q. Jiang, mproving Levine model for dielectric constants of transition metal compounds, J Appl. Phys. 106(2009) 094102
J. C. Li, M. Li, Q. Jiang, “Thickness-dependent crystallization behavior of fast-growth phase-change amorphous films”, Physica B. 403 (2008) 616-619 IF=0.872
C. Li, J. C. Li*, L. Zhang, Q. Jiang, “Microstructure and properties of AlTiNiMnBx multicomponent high entropy alloys”, Mater. Sci. Technol. 24 (2008) 376-379. IF=0.667
C. Li, M. Zhao, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “B2 structure of high entropy alloys with addition of Al”, J. Appl. Phys. 104(2008) 113504.
J. C. Li, M. Li, Q. Jiang, Critical thickness of epitaxial grown semiconductor films with strained structure, Surf. Rev. Lett. 6 (2008) 829–832
M. Zhao, W. T. Zheng, J. C. Li, C. Q. Sun, Atomistic origin, temperature dependence, and responsibilities of surface energetics: An extended broken-bond rule, Phys. Rev. B, 75(2007) 085427.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Failure Analysis and the improvement of the electrolyte pipelines in chlorine and alkali factory”, Materials Performance 45(2006) 48-50.
J. C. Li, Q. Jiang and D. W. Xu, “Wear behavior of Al88La7Ni5 alloy prepared by powder metallurgy”, Mater. Sci. Technol. 22(2006) 604-606.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Inhibition effect of potassium iodide on the metals in hydrochloric acid solution”, Materials Performance, 45(2006) 42-44.
M. Li, J. C. Li*, “Size effects on the band-gap of semiconductor compounds”, Mater. Lett. 60(2006) 2526-2529.
W. Liu, J. C. Li, W. T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “NiAl(110)/Cr(110) interface, a density functional theory study”, Phys. Rev. B 73(2006) 205421.
J. C. Li, W. Liu, Q. Jiang, “Bi-phase transition diagrams of metallic thin multilayers”, Acta Mater. 53(2005) 1067-1071
J. C. Li, W. Liu, Q. Jiang, “The critical layer number of epitaxially grown Cu and Ni films with Strained structure”. Appl. Sur. Sci., 239/3-4 (2005) 259-261.
J. C. Li, W. Liu, Q. Jiang, “The critical misfit of epitaxial growth metallic thin films”, Trans. Nonferr. Met. Soc. China, 15(2005) 419-422.
J. C. Li, W. Liu, Q. Jiang, “Reconstruction possibility of fcc (111) metallic surfaces at room temperature”, Mater. Letter 59(2005) 1907-1909
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Failure Analysis of Pipeline in Benzene Anhydride heat exchanger”, Materials Performance, 44(2005) 46-48.
Q. Jiang, S. H. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Critical Thickness of Liners for Cu Interconnects”, J. Phys. D, 37(2004) 102-106.
Q. Jiang, L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, “Thermodynamic superheating of low-dimensional metals embedded in a matrix”, Vacuum, 72(2004) 249-255.
C. C. Yang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Temperature-pressure phase diagram of silicon determined by Clapeyron equation”, Solid State Commun. 129(2004) 437-441.
J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Thermal stability of cluster array of group III elements on Si(111) surface”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 226/4(2004) 327-330
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Failure analysis - Corrison of a cooling pipe elbow in an oxidative chlorination reactor at a chlorine and alkali factory”, Mater. Perform., 43(2004) 54-55.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Wear behavior of Al90Mn8Ce2 alloy prepared by powder metallurgy”, Mater. Design 25/6(2004) 495-498
Z. K. Zhao, K. F. Yao, J. C. Li and Q. Jiang, “buck Al90Mn8Ce2 alloy with ultra high strength”, Acta Metall. Sin, 40(2004) 355-358.
Z. K. Zhao, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Hypereutectic Al-Si binary alloys prepared by melt spinning method”, Adv Eng Mater, 6(2004) 303-306.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang “Welding seam properties of SAF 2205 duplex stainless steel welded by different alloys”, Corro. Rev., 22(2004) 115-126.
Q. Jiang, S. H. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Grain size-dependent diffusion activation energy in nanomaterials”, Solid State Commun. 130(2004) 581-584.
J. C. Li, Z. K. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Properties of High Strength Al85La10Ni5 Alloy ”, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 339(2003) 205-208. IF=1.365 0. 978 (EI).
Q. Jiang, M. Zhao, J. C. Li, “Formation of monoatomic chains of metallic elements”, Appl. Sur. Sci., 206(2003) pp.331-335. IF=1.284 1.068(EI).
J. C. Li, Z. K. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Mechanical properties of High Strength Al90Mn8Ce2 alloy”, Adv. Eng. Mater., 5(3)(2003) pp.119-122. IF=1.000
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Failure analysis of the pipelines of heat exchanger in chlorine and alkali factory made by Ni200”, Mater. Perform., 42(2003) 52-55
Q. Jiang, C. C. Yang, J. C. Li, “Size-dependent melting temperature of polymers”, Macromol. Theory. Simulation. 12(2003) 57-60.
L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Modeling of melting enthalpy of organic nanowires”, Phys. Status Solidi B, 236(2003) 583-588.
L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Size-dependent melting depression and lattice contraction of Bi nanocrystals”, Physica B, 334 (2003) 49-53.
Q. Jiang, B. Q. Chi, J. C. Li, M. Zhao, “Glass formation ability of metallic liquids”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 82(2003) 2984-2986.
C. C. Yang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “The pressure dependent melting temperature of silicon determined by Clapeyron equation”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 372/1-2 (2003) 156-159.
M. Zhao, J. C. Li and Q. Jiang “Casting Pipe Joints of FeMnSiCrNi Alloy”, Materialwiss. Werkst. 34(2003) 756-759.
M. Zhao, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Hall-Petch relationship of nanocrystals”, J. Alloy Compd., 361(2003) 160-164.
M. Zhao, J. C. Li and Q. Jiang “Failure analysis of upper hermetical cover made by AISI 304L stainless steel in oxidative chlorination reactor”, Prot. Metals, 39(6)(2003) 595-596.
Z. K. Zhao, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Precipitation behavior of as quenched Al60Si40 alloy”, submitted to J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 22(2003) 1355-1357.
Q. Jiang, J. C. Li, M. Zhao, “Thermodynamic consideration on solid transition of CdSe nanocrystals induced by pressure”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 107(2003) 13769-13771.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Bulk High Hardness Al90Ce2Mn8 Alloy Prepared by a Powder Metallurgy Method”, Powder Metallurgy, 45(2) (2002) pp.80-82. IF=0.670 0.379.
J. C. Li, Z. K. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Bulk High Strength Al85La10Ni5 Alloy Prepared by Hot Pressing”, Mater. Res. Bull., 37(2002) 297-304.
L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Size-dependent elastic modulus of Cu and Au thin films”, Solid State Commun., 121(2002), 453-455.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, ; Intergranular Corrosion of Tubes in Dichloroethane Cracking Decomposition Furnace;, Mater. Perform. 41(2002) 50-53.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, “Temperature-dependent corrosion resistence under industrial environment”, Materials Corrosion, 53(4)(2002) 269-273.
L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Superheating thermodynamics of nanocrystals based on the interface effect”, Physica B. 322(2002) 188-192.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Comparison of shape memory effect between casting and forging alloys of Fe14Mn6Si9Cr5Ni” J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 11(2002) 313-316.
Z. K. Zhao, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Effect of sintering temperatures on the room temperature properties of Al90Ce2Mn8 alloys”, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 11(2002) 262-264.
Q. Jiang, C. C. Yang, J. C. Li, “Melting enthalpy depression of nanocrystals”, Mater. Lett., 56(6) (2002) pp.1019-1021.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang, J. E“Surface Coating on Steel by Pressure Friction”, Mater. Sci. Technol, 18(11)(2002) 1382-1384.
Z. K. Zhao, J. C. Li and Q. Jiang, “Effect of pressing temperatures on strength of Al85La10Ni5 alloys”, Mater. Sci. Tech. Ser., 18(10)(2002) 1241-1243
Q. Jiang, J. C. Li, B. Q. Chi, “Size-dependent cohesive energy of nanocrystals”, submitted to Chem. Phys. Lett., 366(2002) 551-554.
J. C. Li, M. Zhao and Q. Jiang, “Failure analysis of pipelines in radiate section of ethylene cracking decomposition furnace induced by sulphurizing”, Corro. Rev., 20(6)(2002) 531-536.
Q. Jiang, L. H. Liang, J. C. Li, “therm odynamics Superheating of Low Dimensional Crystals”, J. Phys. Condens. Mater., 13(4)(2001) 565-571
J. C. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. Jiang. “Properties and application of Fe-6Si-14Mn-9Cr-5Ni shape memory alloys”, Mater. Sci. Technol., 17(3)(2001) 292-295
J. C. Li, X. H. Zhou, Q. Jiang, “Crystallization Kinetics of Al82La9Ni9 Amorphous alloy”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 20(18)(2001) 1679-1680.
J. C. Li, X. X. Lü, Q. Jiang, “Creep Behavior and Calorimetric Measurement of Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloy”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 19(5) (2000),pp.389-391 IF=0.47
J. C. Li, M. Zhao, Q. Jiang. “Alloy Design of FeMnSiCrNi Shape Memory Alloys Related to Stacking Fault Energy”, Mater. Metall. Trans. A, 31(3)(2000) 581-584
Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Size-dependent superheating of nanocrystals embedded in matrix”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 332(6) (2000) 549-552
Q. Jiang, J. C. Li, G. Wilde, “On the size dependence of the diamond to graphite transition”, J. Phys. Condens. Mater., 12 (2000) 5623-5627.
J. C. Li, X. X. Lü, Q. Jiang, “Effects of Shape Memory Effect in Fe14Mn6Si9Cr5Ni Alloy on Joining Pipe”, ISIJ Inter., 40(11) 2000, 1124-1126.
Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, ”Size effect on the freezing temperature of lead particles”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 19(2000) 1893-1895.
Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, Q. Jiang, “Modeling of size-dependent and dimension-dependent melting of metallic nanocrystals”, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys.. 33(2000) 2653-2656.
Q. Jiang, Z. Zhang, J. C. Li, “Melting thermodynamics of nanocrystals embedded in matrix”, Acta Mater. 48(2000) 4791-4795.
J. C. Li, X. X. Lü, Q. Jiang, “Composition design of iron-base shape memory alloys”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 18(1999), 857-858
J. C. Li, X. X. Lü, Q. Jiang, “Effect of Alloying Elements on the Stacking Fault Energy of Iron-Base Shape Memory Alloys”, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 18 (1999), 1669-1670
Q. Jiang, H. X. Shi, J. C. Li, “Finite size effect on glass transition temperature”, Thin Solids Films, 354 (1999), 283-286.
Q. Jaing, Y. W. Wang, J. C. Li, “Thermodynamics of Formation of Carbon Nanotubes Catalyzed by Nickel”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 152 (1999)156-160.
J. C. Li, S. H. Nan and Q. Jiang, “Study of the electrodeposition of Al-Mn amorphous alloys from molten salts”, Surf. Coat. Technol., 106: (1998), 135-139.
Li Jianchen, Lü Xiaoxia, Jiang Qing, “ Effect of current density on amorphous Al-Mn electrodeposition”, Trans. Nonferr. Met. Soc. China, 8(2): (1998), 289-291.
Q. Jiang, Z. X. Sui, J. C. Li, X. Y. Xu, “Specific heat and interface energy of nanostructured ZrAlNiCuCo alloy”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 13(4):(1997), 284-288.
Q. Jiang, J. C. Li, J. Tong, ;Cp measurements around martensitic transformation temperature of a CuAlNi Alloy;, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 196: (1995), 165-169.
著作教材:“材料科学与工程导论”,吉林科技出版社,1999 2
Q. Jiang, J. C. Li, ;Al-based amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys; in ;Nanomaterials: New Research;, ed. F. Columbus, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2005.
“提高石油化工设备不锈钢应力腐蚀”, 吉林省科委二等奖, 1998.11
“非晶、纳米晶相变热力学”,国家教育部三等奖, 1999.1
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基本情况 姓名:朱永福 性别:男 职务:副院长 职称:教授 所在系别:金属材料工程系 是否博导:是 最高学历:研究生 最高学位:博士 电话: Email: 详细情况 所在学科专业:金属材料 所研究方向:金属腐蚀与防护;新能源材料;纳米材料热力学 讲授课程:本科生课程《工程材料》;《近代材料物理研究方法》研究生课程《材料物理》 教育经历:1999.10-2003.02 ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11吉林大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师简介-郭作兴
基本情况 姓名: 郭作兴性别: 男 职称: 教授 所在系别: 金属材料工程系 是否博导: 是 最高学历: 研究生 最高学位: 博士 详细情况 所在学科专业: 金属材料 ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11吉林大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师简介-鄢俊敏
基本情况 姓名:鄢俊敏 性别:女 职称:教授 所在系别:金属材料工程系 是否博导:是 最高学历:研究生 最高学位:博士 Email: 详细情况 所在学科专业:新能源与功能材料 所研究方向:(1)无机功能材料设计与合成;(2)新型化学储氢/制氢材料与系统;(3)电化学催化二氧化碳/氮气还原;(4)锂离子/钠-离子/空气电池材料与器件;(5)光/电催化水分解 讲授课程 ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11吉林大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师简介-郎兴友
基本情况 姓名:郎兴友 性别:男 职称:教授 所在系别:金属材料工程系 是否博导:是 最高学历:研究生 最高学位:博士 电话: Email: 详细情况 所在学科专业:金属材料 所研究方向:功能金属材料;功能金属基复合物材料 讲授课程:《固态相变原理》 教育经历:2002年09月-2007年06月:吉林大学 工学博士。1998年09月-2002年06月:吉林大学 理学学士。 ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11吉林大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师简介-杨春成
基本情况 姓名:杨春成 性别:男 职称:教授 所在系别:金属材料工程系 是否博导:是 最高学历:研究生 最高学位:博士 Email: 详细情况 所在学科专业:材料学 所研究方向:微纳尺度能源材料、金属基复合材料 讲授课程:《材料科学基础》《教授专题讲座》 教育经历:Ph.D. in Material Science, 2001.09-2006.06, School of ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11吉林大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师简介-王国勇
王国勇 职称:教授 电话:** 邮箱:materwanggy@jlu.edu.cn ? 受教育经历:(从大学本科开始,按时间倒排序) 2006/09–2009/12,吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士 2004/09–2006/06,吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕士 2000/09–2004/06,吉林大学,材料科学与工程学院,学士 ? 研究工作经历:(按时间倒排序) 2018/9– ...吉林大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2020-03-11