

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-11


教育经历:1974-1977 吉林大学数学系,本科生
1979-1982 吉林大学数学系,硕士生(导师:胡守信教授)
1994-1997 吉林大学数学系,博士生(导师:周钦德教授)

工作经历:1977-1984 吉林大学数学系,助教
1984-1990 吉林大学数学系,讲师
1990-1998 吉林大学数学系,副教授
1998-1999 吉林大学数学系,教授
1999-2001 吉林大学数学系,教授、博士生导师
2001-现在 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院,教授、博士生导师

2006-2012 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院副院长
2006-现在 吉林大学计算机科学技术研究所副所长

1990.10-1992.02 英国曼彻斯特大学(合作研究)
2000.01-2001.06 新加坡国立大学(合作研究)
2002-2004 新加坡高性能计算研究所(合作研究,13个月)
2006-2010 意大利特伦托大学信息工程与计算机科学系(合作研究,8个月)
2011-2013 美国密苏里大学计算机科学系(合作研究,6个月)

[1] 国家自然科学基金项目:基于农作物高通量表达谱数据的特征选择与分子网络构建的评估算法(**), 2013-2016.
[2] 国家自然科学基金项目:农艺性状及相关基因关联网络若干基础问题研究(**), 2011-2013.
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目:极端状况下的结构振动智能控制方法(**), 2009-2011.
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目:微机电系统动态建模与若干基础问题研究(**), 2007-2009.
[5] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目:主要农作物基因组可协同功能注释与分析软件平台(2009AA02Z307), 2009-2011.
[6] 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目:开放存取资源的数据挖掘及文献网络结构技术(094), 2013-2013.
[7] 吉林省科技厅国际合作项目:结肠癌与食道癌早期诊断的尿液中蛋白标志物预测(**), 2012-2014.
[8] 吉林省科技厅国际合作项目:电网故障诊断智能化方法研究与应用(**), 2008-2010.

[1] 欧盟合作项目: Swap and Transfer (SAT, 2013-2537/001-001-EMA2), 2013-2017.
[2] 欧盟合作项目: One More Step (OMS, EM Action 2-2011-2581),2011-2015.
[3] 欧盟合作项目: Bridging the Gap (BTG, 155776-EM-1-2009-1-IT-ECW-L12),2009-2013.

学术论文:在 IEEE TKDE, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TGRS, Information Sciences, BMC Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, 《计算机学报》和《软件学报》等国内外重要期刊和学术会议上发表学术论文300余篇,其中 SCI 检索论文 110 余篇,EI 检索论文 180 余篇。

主要代表性学术论文 (单篇他引超过 100 次的论文标注*):
[1] Yang C, Bruzzone L, Guan RC, Lu, LJ, Liang YC. Incremental and decremental affinity propagation for semisupervised clustering in multispectral images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(3): 1666-1679.
[2] Sun XL, Dong BQ, Yin LJ, Zhang RZ, Du W, Liu DF, Shi N, Li AL, Liang YC and Mao L, PMTED: a plant microRNA target expression database. BMC Bioinformatics, 2013, 14: 174.
[3] Wang JX, Chen L, Wang Y, Zhang JF, Liang YC, Xu D. A Computational Systems Biology Study for Understanding Salt Tolerance Mechanism in Rice. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(6): e64929.
[4] Ma DY, Liang YC, Zhao XS, Guan RC and Shi XH. Multi-BPexpert system for fault diagnosis of power system. Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 26(3): 937-944.
[5] Li Y, Duan M, Liang YC, Multi-scale RNA comparison based on RNA triple vector curve representation, BMC Bioinformatics 2012, 13: 280.
[6] Guo XC, Wu CG, Marchese M, Liang YC, LS-SVR-based solving Volterra integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 (218): 11404-11409.
[7] Wang Y, Sun G, Ji ZH, Xing C, Liang YC. Weighted change-point method for detecting differential gene expression in breast cancer microarray data, PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(1): e29860.
[8] Wang LP, Wang JX, Wang M, Li Y, Liang YC, Xu D, A comparative study on using Internet search engines to obtain medical information, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2012, 14(3), e74.
[9] Sun L, Yoshida S, Cheng XC, Liang YC. A cooperative particle swarm optimizer with statistical variable interdependence learning, Information Sciences. 2012, 186(1): 20-39.
[10] Liang YC, Zhang F, Wang JX, Joshi T, Wang Y, Xu D. Prediction of drought-resistant genes in Arabidopsis thaliana using SVM-RFE. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(7): e21750.
[11] Wang LK, Wang XW, Wang Xi, Liang YC, Zhang XG. Observations on novel splice junctions from RNA sequencing data, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011, 409: 209-333.
[12] Wang Y, Wu CG, Ji ZH, Wang BH, Liang YC. Non-parametric change-point method for differential gene expression detection, PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(5): e20060.
[13] Guan RC, Shi XH, Marchese M, Yang C, Liang YC. Text clustering with seeds affinity propagation, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2011, 23(4), 627-637.
[14] Yang C, Bruzzone L, Sun FY, Lu LJ, Guan RC, Liang YC. A fuzzy-statistics-based affinity propagation technique for clustering in multispectral images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2010, 48(6): 2647-2659.
[15] Zhao DY, Wang Y, Luo D, Shi XH, Wang LP, Xu D, Yu J, Liang YC.  PMirP: A pre-microRNA prediction method based on structure-sequence hybrid features, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2010, 49(2): 127-132.
[16] Zhang C, Wu CG, Blanzieri E, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Du W, Liang YC. Methods for labeling error detection in microarrays based on the effect of data perturbation on the regression model, Bioinformatics, 2009, 25 (20): 2708-2714.
[17] Yang C, Lu LJ, Lin HP, Guan RC, Shi XH, and Liang YC. A fuzzy-statistics-based principal component analysis (FS-PCA) method for multispectral image enhancement and display, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008, 46 (11): 3937-3947.
[18] Guo XC, Yang JH, Wu CG, Wang CY, and Liang YC. A novel LS-SVMs hyper-parameter selection based on particle swarm optimization. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71(16-18): 3211-3215.
[19] Ge HW, Sun L, Liang YC, Qian F. An effective PSO-and-AIS-based hybrid intelligent algorithm for job-shop scheduling, IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, Systems and Humans, 2008, 38(2):358-368.
[20] Ge HW, Liang YC, Marchese M. A modified particle swarm optimization-based dynamic recurrent neural network for identifying and controlling nonlinear systems, Computers & Structures, 2007, 85(21-22): 1611-1622.
[21] Wang SQ, Wang Y, Du W, Sun FX, Wang XM, Zhou CG and Liang YC. A multi-approaches-guided genetic algorithm with application to operon prediction, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2007, 41(2): 151-159.
[22] *Shi XH, Liang YC, Lee HP, Lu C and Wang QX, Particle swarm optimization-based algorithms for TSP and generalized TSP, Information Processing Letters, 2007 (103): 169-176.
[23] *Shi XH, Liang YC, Lee HP, Lu C and Wang LM. An improved GA and a novel PSO-GA-based hybrid algorithm. Information Processing Letters, 2005, 93 (5): 255-261.
[24] Shi XH, Liang YC, Lee HP, Lin WZ, Xu X, Lim SP. Improved Elman networks and applications for controlling ultrasonic motors. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2004, 18 (7): 603-629.
[25] Wu CG, Liang YC, Lee HP and Lu C. A generalized chromosome genetic algorithm for generalized traveling salesman problems and its applications for machining.  Physical Review E, 2004, (70): 016701-1-13.  
[26] Liang YC, Feng DP, Liu GR, Yang XW and Han X. Neural identification of rock parameters using fuzzy adaptive learning parameters. Computers & Structures, 2003, 81(24-25): 2373-2382.
[27] Xu X, Liang YC, Lee HP, Lin WZ, Lim SP, Lee KH and Shi XH. Mechanical modeling of a longitudinal oscillation ultrasonic motor and temperature effect analysis. Smart Materials and Structures. 2003, 12(4): 514-523.
[28] Xu X, Liang YC, Lee HP, Lin WZ, Lim SP, Lee KH and Shi XH. Identification and speed control of ultrasonic motors based on neural networks. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2003, Vol.13, No. 1, p.104-114.
[29] Liang YC, Lin WZ, Lee HP, Lim SP, Lee KH and Sun H, Proper orthogonal decomposition and its application - Part II: Model reduction for MEMS dynamical analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, Vol. 256, No. 3, p. 515-532.
[30] *Liang YC, Lee HP, Lim SP, Lin WZ, Lee KH and Wu CG. Proper orthogonal decomposition and its applications - Part I: theory.  Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, Vol. 252, No. 3, p.527-544.
[31] Liang YC, Feng DP, Lee HP, Lim SP and Lee KH. Successive approximation training algorithm for feedforward neural networks. Neurocomputing, 2002, Vol. 42, p. 311-322.
[32] Liang YC, Lin WZ, Lee HP, Lim SP, Lee KH and Feng DP. A neural-network-based method of model reduction for dynamic simulation of MEMS. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 226-233.
[33] Liang YC, Zhou CG, Wang ZS, Lee HP and Lim SP. An equivalent genetic algorithm based on extended strings. Information Sciences, 2001, Vol. 138, No.1-4, p. 119-135.
[34] Liang YC, Feng DP, Cooper JE. Identification of restoring forces in nonlinear vibration systems based on improved fuzzy adaptive BP algorithm. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2001, Vol. 242, No.1, p. 47-58.
[35] 吴春国, 梁艳春等. 关于SVD与PCA 等价性的研究. 计算机学报, 2004, 27 (2): 286-288.
[36] 徐旭,梁艳春,时小虎. 延时-回归神经网络及在超声马达速度控制中的应用. 电子学报,2004, 32(11): 1918-1921.
[37] 时小虎, 梁艳春,  徐旭. 改进的Elman模型与递归反传控制神经网络. 软件学报, 2003, 14(6): 1110-1119.
[38] 梁艳春等. 基于扩展串的等价遗传算法的收敛性. 计算机学报, 1997, 20(8): 686-694.
[39] 梁艳春等. 基于遗传算法的Rosenbrock函数优化问题的研究. 软件学报, 1997, 8(9): 701-708.

着作教材:[1] 梁艳春,张琛,杜伟,吴春国,曹忠波. 生物信息学中的数据挖掘方法及应用,科学出版社,2011年.
[2] 梁艳春,吴春国,时小虎,葛宏伟. 群智能优化算法理论与应用,科学出版社,2009年.
[3] 吴微,周春光,梁艳春. 智能计算 (“十一五”国家级规划教材), 高等教育出版社,2009年.
[4] 周春光, 梁艳春. 计算智能,吉林大学出版社,2001年第1版,2005年第2版,2009年第3版.

[1] 梁艳春等,智能计算建模及应用研究,2007年吉林省科技进步一等奖.
[2] 梁艳春等,若干仿生计算技术及应用研究,2008年全国商业科技进步一等奖.
[3] 梁艳春等,基于计算智能的系统控制与优化方法及应用研究,2010年全国商业科技进步一等奖.
[4] 梁艳春等,基于计算智能的振动系统仿真建模研究,2003年吉林省科技进步二等奖.
[1] 2002年享受国务院政府特殊津贴
[2] 2006年被评为吉林省第九批有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才
[3] 2007年被评为吉林省第二批拔尖创新人才
[4] 2008年被评为第二批吉林省高级专家
[5] 2011年被评为第三批吉林省高级专家

社会兼职:[1] J. Computer Science and Technology 编委(2012-现在)
[2] Int. J. Computational Methods 编委(2004-现在)
[3] Int. J. Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine 编委(2010-现在)
[4] 欧盟SAT项目评估委员会成员(2013-2017)
[5] 信息产业部信息产业科技发展“十一五”计划研究与编制工作组 计算机技术专家组成员(2004)

相关话题/吉林大学 计算机科学与技术学院