

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-14


1991.09-1995.07 吉林农业大学中药材,本科学生,获得理学学士学位
1995.09-1998.07 吉林农业大学农学系(药用真菌),硕士研究生,获得硕士学位
1999.11-2003.08 韩国忠南大学(发酵学),博士研究生,获得博士学位
2003.08-2004.04 韩国国家生命科学院(真菌基因文库),博士后

1998.07-2001.07 吉林农业大学中药材,助教
2001.07-2005.01 吉林农业大学中药材,讲师
2005.01-2012.04 吉林农业大学中药材,系主任
2005.01-2014.09 吉林农业大学,副教授
2014.09-至今 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心,教授
2013.05- 入选江苏省双创人才
2015.05- 入选“江苏省双创人才”领军人才
2015.05- 入选山东省济宁市511人才
2017.11-至今 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心,博士生导师
2012.04-2019.04 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心,副主任,总工程师
2019.04-至今 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心,主任


1. 国家重点研发计划“林业资源培育及高效利用技术创新”重点专项的“人工林剩余物资源化利用技术研究”项目 “食用菌基质生产技术研究” 课题, 2017YFD0601002 ,489万元,2017.07-2021.06. 在研,课题主持人。
2. 吉林省高等学校经济菌物高端科技创新平台 吉高平合字【2014】B-1。子课题名称:工厂化栽培标准的研究,项目经费 150万,2015.1-2017.12,在研,主持人。
3. 低温诱导白灵菇原基形成的转录组学和DNA甲基化修饰整合分析 31471926,国家自然科学基金,2014.1-2017.12,在研,第三。
4. 蜜环菌液体发酵技术成果示范 7万,2016 敖东药业,已结题,李长田主持人。
5. 利用菌草开展食用菌工厂化栽培技术研究,福建省科技厅。20160901 -20180831,50万 李长田主持。
6. 作物秸秆与畜禽粪便高效转化生产食用菌的关键技术研究与示范,项目编号:10ZDGG003,2015/6/25已结题,参加。
7. 草菇工厂化绿色清洁生产装备及关键技术创新研究,丹阳市科技创新基金项目,已结题,第二
8. 江苏省科技计划项目验收申请表,项目编号:BF2011470,江苏农村科技服务超市丹阳食用菌产业分店建设,2012-12-11,已结题,第二
9. 2013.10-2016.4 食用菌珍稀品种灰树花种质资源创新及新品种选育,201305,吉林省财政厅。立项编号: 201303,经费(万元):20,已结题,第一主持人。
10. 食药用菌工厂化、标准化生产关键技术研究及产品开发,项目编号:2013BAD16B00, 课题编号:2013BAD16B05,名称:食用菌精准化生产技术研究与示范。经费(万元):391,已结题,第一主持人。
11. 青藏高原及新疆地区特色微生物资源与多样性调查,科技重大专项项目2012FY111600,2012.4.1-2017.3.31。经费(万元):1178,已结题,主持人之一。
12. “重大新药创制”科技重大专项项目ZX09401-305-46,科技部2011,35 万元。已结题,第一主持人。
13. 食用菌珍稀新品种来福蘑选育与示范,2010.9-2012.9,2013.9已结题,第三完成人。
14. 长春市科技计划项目“利用吉林特有菌类桦褐孔菌加工外用保健品的关键技术研究”,2009-2010, 长春市科技局。38,已结题,第一

1. 菌物多样性保护创新体系的构建及其在藏区的应用,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术),科技术进步一等奖,(8/18)
2. 金桥奖个人奖 JQJ2014-G-154 中国技术市场协会2014.9(1/1)
3. 药用菌物资源及其开发利用, 省科技术进步一等奖,(4/15)
4. 吉林省自然科技二等奖,吉林省自然科学成果评审委员会,2015.9吉林省自然科学学术成果奖 二等 天然产物抗癌、抗氧化、免疫活性研究 李长田、李玉20152101(1/9)
5. 吉林省自然科技三等奖,吉林省自然科学成果评审委员会,2014.9吉林省自然科学学术成果奖 三等 抗凝血活性的系列研究 李长田 20143120(1/5)
6. 国家食用菌装备产业技术创新战略联盟2016年度先进个人
7. 科技兴农活动“优秀指导教师”
8. “长春市校地对接科技兴农工作优秀指导教师”
9. 省级精品课程3门:植物资源学(主持人),野生植物栽培学,植物分类学。

1. 李长田, 谭琦, 边银丙, 谢宝贵, 刘自强, 李玉. 中国食用菌工厂化的现状与展望[J]. 菌物研究, 2019, 17(01):1-10+2.
2. Kui-Yu Wang, Sheng-Jun Bu, Chuan-Jing Ju, Ye Han, Cheng-You Ma, Wen-Sen Liu, Zhong-Yi Li, Chang-Tian Li*, Jia-Yu Wan*. 2019, "Disposable syringe based visual immunotest for pathogenic bacteria based on catalase mimicking activity of platinum nanoparticle-concanavalin A hybrid nanoflowers", Microchimica Acta (DOI: 10.1007/s 00604- 018- 3133- 7).
3. FH.Tian,C. T.Li, andY.Li,First Report of Cladobotryum variumCausing Cobweb Disease ofPleurotus eryngiivar. tuoliensisin China. Plant Disease. 2018, Volume 102, Number 4 Page 826.https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-17-0741-PDN.
4. Feng-HuaTian, Dong-YuFan, ChenZhang, Chuan-WenJia, WeiGao, YuLi, Chang-TianLi*. Bhargavaea changchunensissp. nov. isolated from soil in China. Archives of Microbiology. 2018. pp 1-6.
5. Shengjun Bu, Kuiyu Wang, Chuanjing Ju,Ye Han, Zhongyi Li, Peng Du, Zhuo Hao, Changtian Li, Wensen Liu, Jiayu Wan. A pregnancy test strip for detection of pathogenic bacteria by using concanavalin A-human chorionic gonadotropin-Cu3(PO4)2 hybrid nanoflowers, magnetic separation, and smartphone readout. Microchimica Acta. 2018,185:464.
6. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook and Tae-Hoo Yi1*. Actinotalea solisilvae sp. nov., isolated from forest soil and emended description of the genus Actinotalea .International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2018; 68:788–794.
7. Bing Son, Jianqiang Ye, Frederick Leo Sossah, Changtian Li, Dan Li, Lingsi Meng, Shuai Xu,Yongping Fu* and Yu Li*. Assessing the efects of diferent agro-residue as substrates on growth cycle and yield of Grifola frondosa and statistical optimization of substrate components using simplex-lattice design. AMB Express. (2018) 8:46.
8. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, Kyung-Hwa Won, Chang-Tian Li, et.al. Sphingomonas rhizophila sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere of Hibiscus syriacus,International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2018; 68:681–686.
9. Pei Lin,Zheng-Fei Yan,Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook . Tae-Hoo Yi..Nibribacter flagellatus sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere of Hibiscus syriacus and emended description of the genus Nibribacter.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2018,Volume 111,Issue?10,pp 1777–1784.
10. Yi Wang, Changan Geng, Xiaolong Yuan1, Mei Hua1, Fenghua Tian, Changtian Li*. Identification of a putative polyketide synthase gene involved in usnic acid biosynthesis in the lichenNephromopsis pallescens. PLOS ONE. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0199110.
11. Yi Wang,Xiaolong Yuan,Li Chen,Xinyu Wang,Changtian Li. Draft Genome Sequence of the Lichen-Forming Fungus Ramalina intermedia StrainYAF0013.AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology.2018.DOI:10.1128/genomeA.00478-1.
12. F. H.Tian,C.T.Li,andY.Li,First Report ofPenicillium brevicompactumCausing Blue Mold Disease ofGrifola frondosain China. Plant Disease. 2017, Volume 101, Number 8 Page 1549.https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-16-1301-PDN.
13. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, MooChang Kook, Tae-Hoo Yi, Chang-Tian Li. Immune activation effects of Eurotium cristatum on T cells through NF-κB signaling pathways in humans. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2017, 28 (3), 388-402. [Q3, IF: 1.392]
14. Zheng-Fei Yan, Gabriela Moya, Pei Lin, Kyung-Hwa Won, Jung-Eun Yang, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Qi-Jun Wang, Tae-Hoo Yi. Paracoccus hibisci sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of Hibiscus syriacus L. (Mugunghwa flower). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(6), 1849-1854. [Q3, IF: 2.134]
15. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Qi-Jun Wang, Tae-Hoo Yi. Roseomonas hibiscisoli sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of Mugunghwa (Hibiscus syriacus). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(8),2873-2878. [Q3, IF: 2.134]
16. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, Kyung-Hwa Won, Jung-Eun Yang, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Qi-Jun Wang, Tae-Hoo Yi. Microbacterium hibisci sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere of mugunghwa (Hibiscus syriacus L.).International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(9),3564-3569. [Q3, IF: 2.134]
17. Zheng-Fei Yan, Huan Trinh, Gabriela Moya, Pei Lin, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Tae-Hoo Yi. Ramlibacter rhizophilus sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of national flower Mugunghwa from South Korea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.2017, 67(10),3773-3777. [Q3, IF: 2.134]
18. Zheng-Fei Yan, Pei Lin, Kyung-Hwa Won, Jung-Eun Yang, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Tae-Hoo Yi. Altererythrobacter deserti sp. nov., isolated from desert soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017. DOI:10.1099/ijsem.0.002197. [Q3, IF: 2.134]
19. Qing-Wen Hu, Xiao Chu, Min Xiao, Chang-Tian Li, Zheng-Fei Yan, Wael N Hozzein, Chang-Jin Kim, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Wen-Jun Li. Arthrobacter deserti sp. nov., isolated from a desert soil sample. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.2017, 66(5), 2035-2040.
20. Pei Lin, Zheng-Fei Yan, Kyung-Hwa Won, Jung-Eun Yang, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Qi-Jun Wang, Tae-Hoo Yi. Paracoccus hibiscisoli sp. nov., isolated from the rhizosphere of Mugunghwa (Hibiscus syriacus). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(7), 2452-2458.
21. Pei Lin, Zheng-Fei Yan, Chang-Tian Li, MooChang Kook, Qi-Jun Wang, Tae-Hoo Yi. Chryseomicrobium deserti sp. nov., isolated from desert soil in South Korea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017,DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.002264.
22. Qiu-Li Yu, Zheng-Fei Yan, Xin He,Feng-Hua Tian, Chuan-Wen Jia, and Chang-Tian Li *. Corynebacterium defluvii sp. nov., Isolated from Sewage Journal of Microbiology (2017) DOI 10.1007/s12275-017-6592-3.
23. Zheng-Fei Yan,Pei Lin,Yu-Shuai Wang,Wei Gao,Chang-Tian LiMoo-Chang Kook,Tae-Hoo Yi,Niastella hibisci sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of mugunghwa, the Korean national flower,International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,2016.12.5,66:5218~5222.
24. Zheng-Fei Yan,Huan Trinh,Gabriela Moya,Pei Lin,Chang-Tian LiMoo-Chang Kook,Tae-Hoo Yi, Lysobacter rhizophilus sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of mugunghwa, the national flower of South Korea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2016.12.2,4754~4759.
25. Yan, Z. F., Lin, P., Tian, F. H., Kook, M. C., Yi, T. H., & Li, C. T*. (2016). Molecular characteristics and extracellular expression analysis of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase gene in Inonotus obliquus. Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering, 21(4), 515-522.
26. Hu, Q. W., Chu, X., Xiao, M., Li, C. T., Yan, Z. F., & Hozzein, W. N., et al. (2016). Arthrobacter deserti sp. nov. isolated from a desert soil sample. International Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary Microbiology, 66(5). DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.000986
27. Yan, Z. F., Lin, P., Chu, X., Kook, M. C., Li, C. T*., & Yi, T. H. (2016). Aeromicrobium, halotolerans, sp. nov. isolated from desert soil sample. Archives of Microbiology, 198(5), 423. DOI 10.1007/s00203-016-1196-6.
28. ChangtianLi,ZhengfeiYan,XiaoChu,FirasatHussain,Wen-DongXian,ZulfiyaYunus,WaelN. Hozzein,GulsumayAbaydulla,Wen-JunLi.Delftiadesertisp.nov.,isolatedfromadesertsoilsample.Antonievanleeuwenhoekinternationaljournalofgeneralandmolecularmicrobiology.2015.DOI:10.1007/s10482-015-0440-4.c
29. Zheng-Fei Yan, Jian Guo, Feng-Hua Tian, Xin-Xin Mao, Yu Li, and Chang-Tian Li* Active Compounds from Schisandra chinensis Exhibiting Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Content Inhibition in B16 Melanoma Cells, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 20: 814-823 (2015),DOI 10.1007/s12257-014-0867-x
30. Changt-Tian Li, Changtian Li, Zhengfei Yan, Lianxue Zhang, Yu Li*. 2014. Research and Implementation of Good Agricultural Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials in Jilin Province, China. Journal of Ginseng Research. 201438(4)227-232. (doi: 10.1016/j.jgr.2014.05.007)
31. Zheng-Fei Yan,Nai-Xu Liu,Xin-Xin Mao,Yu Li,and Chang-Tian Li*. 2014, Activation Effects of Polysaccharides of Flammulina velutipes Mycorrhizae on the T Lymphocyte Immune Function,Journal of Immunology Research,Volume 2014, Article ID 285421, 7 pages,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/285421(SCI)
32. Zheng-Fei Yan, Yang Yang, Feng-Hua Tian, Xin-Xin Mao, Yu Li, and Chang-Tian Li*. 2014. Inhibitory and Acceleratory Effects of Inonotus obliquus on Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Formation in B16 Melanoma Cells,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2014. DOI:10.1155/2014/259836
33. Baojun Xu, Chantian Li, & Changkeun Sung, 2014, Telomerase Inhibitory Effects of Medicinal Mushroom, and Lichens, and their Anticancer Activity, International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 16(1): 17–28
34. CHANG-TIAN LI, ZHENG-FEI YANA, FENG-HUA TIAN, XIN-XIN MAO and YU LI*, Chemical Fingerprinting of Tussilago farfara by RP-HPLC and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis,Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 26, No. 13 (2014),4003-4006. (doi10.14233/ajchem.2014.16550)
35. Luo, Heng#, Changtian Li#, Jin Cheol Kim, Yanpeng Liu, Jae Sung Jung, Young Jin Koh, and Jae-Seoun Hur. 2013. Biruloquinone, an Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Produced by Lichen-Forming Fungus Cladonia macilenta. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23(2), 161–166. (SCI)
36. Changtian Li, Haibo Wang, Baojun Xu. 2013. A comparative study on anti-coagulant activities of three Chinese herbal medicines from Genus Panax and anti-coagulant activities of ginsenoside Rg1, Rg2. Pharmaceutical Biology. 51(7): 1077-1080(SCI)(doi: 10.3109/13880209.2013.775164)
37. Changtian Li, Xinxin Mao, Baojun Xu. 2012. Pulsed electric fields extraction enhanced anticoagulant effect of fungal polysaccharide from Jew’s ear (Auricularia auricula-judae). Phytochemical Analysis. 23(4):387-394. (SCI)
38. LI Chang-Tian, LIU Yan-Peng, HE Feng-Cheng, LI Yu*. 2012. In vitro antioxidant activities of Tussilago farfara, a new record species to Changbai Mountain. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 10(4): 0260?0262.

1. 一种食用菌生长环境的测控系统及方法,李长田;刘兵;宋卫东;王明友;刘留,2018-12-30,CN3.4
2. 一种高集成食用菌生产房,李长田;刘兵;宋卫东;王明友;刘留,2018-12-30,CN2.X
3. 一种牛肝菌工厂培育室用空气净化装置,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;张斌;陶雪飞,2018-11-29,CN1.4
4. 一种食用菌工厂用净水设备,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;李剑;周婷婷,2018-11-29,CN9.4
5. 一种食用菌工厂化种植用的换气装置,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;许妹;李冬青,2018-11-29,CN3.0
6. 一种食用菌工厂用通风设备,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;谢恒吉;夏金龙,2018-11-29,CN1.5
7. 一种食用菌工厂用栽培喷水设备,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;周婷婷;谢恒吉,2018-11-29,CN1.2
8. 一种灵芝工厂化栽培用施肥系统,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;李冬青;李剑,2018-11-29,CN4.8
9. 一种牛肝菌工厂化培育室,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;许妹;夏金龙,2018-11-29,CN1.3
10. 一种猴头菇工厂用温度可控的出菇房,李长田;刘兵;刘留;宋卫东;王明友;柯野;李冬青;谢恒吉,2018-11-29,CN7.0
11.一种用隧道发酵培养基的草菇栽培方法 姜建新(#),李长田,张金霞,陈明杰,谢宝贵,姜小红 中国专利,授权,2017.01.25,CN1.2

1. 食用菌生产技术,2008.05,化学工业出版社,主编。(省优教材三等奖)。
2. 植物资源学,2008.08,中国农业出版社,副主编。(省优教材一等奖)
3. 菌物资源学,2011,中国农业出版社,副主编。获国家重点出版基金
4. 《长白山天然药用植物原色图志》,2011,吉林人民出版社,副主编。
5. 参编《新中国菌物学100年》,2013,余永年主编。
6. 参编《中国大型菌物资源图鉴》2015.08 ISBN:978-5542-1256-1 中原农民出版社,李玉主编
7. 参编《中国当代生态学研究》,2012,李文华主编。
8. 参编《药用植物学》,2008,梅韩主编
9. 参编《中国食用菌产业“十三五”发展规划》,2017,ISBN:978-7-5542-1398-8

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