

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-04


2018.09-至今 江西理工大学,资源与环境工程学院
2013.05-2014.12 加州大学伯克利分校,自然资源学院,分子毒理,访问科学家
2011.08-2011.10 澳大利亚(悉尼)CSIRO,访问合作科学家
2007.07-2018.08 中国科学院城市环境研究所
2004.03-2007.06 上海交通大学,环境工程,工学博士
1999.09-2002.03 浙江大学,环境科学,理学硕士

江西省创新创业高层次人才(青年类) “千 人计划”、江西理工大学引进人才,2019江西理工大学清江青年拔尖人才,“王宽诚”教育基金会国际奖学金等。



1)2019.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金地区项目,稀土生物有效性的分异特征与细胞异质性效应响应机制的研究(NO. **)
2)2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,生物有效性的细胞异质性解析与原位损伤机制的研究(NO. **)
3)2019.01-2021.12,江西省创新创业高层次人才“千 人计划”创新人才长期项目(青年类),基于细胞异质性效应对生物有效性响应与高通量原位鉴别的研究

在国内外知名期刊累计发表学术论文 30余篇,近年来部分论文如下:
1, Wang ZS*, et al. 2020. Effects of microplastics and their adsorption of cadmium as vectors on the cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday-Implications for plastic-ingesting organisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400: 123239.
2, Wang ZS*, et al. 2019. Accumulation patterns and species-specific characteristics of yttrium and rare earth elements (YREEs) in biological matrices from Maluan Bay, China- Implications for biomonitoring. Environmental Research, 179: 10884.
3, Wang ZS*, et al. 2019. Integrated assessment of sediment quality in a coastal lagoon (Maluan Bay,China) based on AVS-SEM and multivariate statistical analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146: 476-487.
4, Wang ZS*, et al. 2017. Estrogenic compound profiles in an urbanized industry-impacted coastal bay and potential risk assessment by pollution indices and multivariative statistical methods. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114: 397-407.
5, Wang ZS*, Wang YS, et al. 2016. Simulating ocean acidification and CO2 leakages from carbon capture and storage to assess the effects of pH reduction on cladoceran Moina mongolica Daday and its progeny. Chemosphere, 155: 621-629.
6, Wang ZS*, Feng CL, et al. 2016. Subcellular partitioning profiles and metallothionein levels in indigenous clams Moerella iridescens from a metal-impacted coastal bay. Aquatic Toxicology, 176: 10-23.
7, Wang ZS*, Wang YS, et al. 2015. Metal release from contaminated coastal sediments under changing pH conditions: Implications for metal mobilization in acidified oceans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 101(2): 707-715.
8, Wang ZS*, Wang YS, et al. 2015. Assessment of metal contamination in coastal sediments of the Maluan Bay (China) using geochemical indices and multivariate statistical approaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 99(1): 43-53.
9, Wang ZS*, Zhao PH, et al. 2014. Combined use of DGT and transplanted shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) to assess the bioavailable metals of complex contamination-implications for implementing bioavailability-based water quality criteria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(6): 4502-4515.
10, Wang ZS*, Dong XX, et al. 2014. Contamination assessments of surface water in coastal lagoon (Maluan Bay, China) incorporating biomarker responses and bioaccumulation in hepatopancreas of exposed shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)—an integrative approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(1): 205-219.
11, Wang ZS*, Yan YJ, et al. 2012. Integrated assessment of biomarker responses in caged shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) exposed to complex contaminants from the Maluan Bay of China. Ecotoxicology, 21(2): 869-881.
12, Wang ZS*, Vulpe CD et al. 2012. Incorporation of in situ exposure and biomarkers response in clams Ruditapes philippinarum for assessment of metal pollution in coastal areas from the Maluan Bay of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(1): 90-98.
13, Wang ZS*, et al. 2011. Concentrations of some heavy metals in water, suspended solids, and biota species from Maluan Bay, China and their environmental significance. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 175(3): 239-249.
14, Wang ZS* et al. 2010. Effects of dietary cadmium exposure on reproduction of saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday: Implications in water quality criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(2): 365-372.
15, Wang ZS, et al. 2010. Mechanisms of Cadmium Toxicity to Various Trophic Saltwater Organisms, NOVA Publishers.
16, Wang ZS*, Yan CZ, Zhang X. 2009. Acute and chronic cadmium toxicity to a saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday and its relative importance. Ecotoxicology, 18(1): 47-54.
17, Zhang X, Li QZ; Li GX; Wang ZS et al. 2009. Levels of estrogenic compounds in Xiamen Bay sediment, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58(8): 1210-1216. (SCI)
18, Wang ZS*, Kong HN, Wu DY. 2007. Reproductive toxicity of dietary copper to a saltwater cladoceran, Moina monogolica Daday. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26(1): 126-131.
19, Wang ZS*, Kong HN, Wu DY. 2007. Acute and chronic copper toxicity to a saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 53(1): 50-56.



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