姓名: 杨国亮
性别: 男
学科专业: 控制理论与控制工程
讲授课程: 模式识别、系统辨识与自适应控制
[1] Yang Guoliang,Huang Chaozhi,Ren Jinxia and Li Huan. Research on a Skin Color Detection Algorithm Based on Hybrid Color Model. 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 16-18 October 2010,Yantai,China
[2] Guoliang Yang,Huan Li,Li Zhang,and Yue Cao. Research on a Skin Color Detection Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive Skin Color Model. 2010 International Conference on Communications and Intelligence Information Security. 13-14 October 2010, Nanning,Guangxi,China(EI,ISTP收录)
[3] Guoliang Yang, Li Zhang, Huan li. Face Detection Based on Adaptive Skin Color Model and Geometric Features. 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE). Sept.16-18,2011 Yichang,China.1566-1568
[4] Guoliang Yang, Hui Sun, Huan Li. Face Fetection Based on Adaptive Skin Model and Hough Thansform. 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC), September 9-11, Ningbo,China.258-260
[5] 杨国亮,张丽,程智林. 基于大脑情感学习模型的圆锥破碎机控制系统研究,机械科学与技术(中文核心),2012.1,31(1),75-78
[6] 杨国亮,张丽,谢乃俊. 基于情感智能的球磨机系统自适应辨识算法.计算机仿真(中文核心),2012.10
[7] Guoliang Yang, Jinhui Zhang, Hui Sun, Design of emotional interaction system based on affective computing model. 2012 International Symposium on Electronical Engineering and Information Processing,May 25-27,2012, Shenyang,China
[8] Guoliang Yang and Lina Xu. Face Recognition Algorithm Combined with DCT,PCA and BPNN. 2012 IEEE fifth International Conference on Advanced Computation Intelligence,2012.10
[1] 基于视觉词汇本集体的肺部CT图像识别技术,2011江西省教育厅科技计划项目,排名第二
[2] 矿山微震信号实时监测及预警系统研究,项目编号(GJJ12369), 2012江西省教育厅青年基金项目,排名第二
[3] 高速医药生产线上药液产品质量的实时视觉检测技术研究, 2013江西省教育厅青年基金项目,排名第二
[4] 药液可见异物的实时视觉检测方法与关键技术研究,2013江西省科技厅青年科学基金,排名第二
[5] 基于机器学习的改性麦糟吸附重金属构效关系研究, 2013江西省教育厅科技计划项目,排名第四