本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-05
1. 软件学院 016 软件工程 083500 面向物联网领域的软件工程 02
2. 软件学院 016 软件工程 083500 面向智能检测与识别领域的软件工程 03
3. 软件学院 016 电子信息 085400 软件工程 01
4. 软件学院 016 物联网技术 0812Z1 物联网与大数据 01
专利:一种基于混成时空Petri网模型上的CPS物理实体的形式化建模方法(CNB )。论文:[1]谭朋柳, 冒苏敏, 周乐, 一种事件驱动的无线CPS实时消息并行调度方法, 计算机工程, 2018, 44(2): 61-67[2]Pengliu Tan ,Jinyu Zhang,Yaya Wang,Modeling and Verification Based on Time Automata for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems,Technical Bulletin,2017,55(17):418-425(EI)[3]Pengliu Tan, Ming Zhu. “A real-time MAC protocol for event-driven wireless sensor networks”, Technical Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, 2016, 39(9):61-68. (EI)[4]谭朋柳, 汪亚亚, 朱明. “混成时空Petri网的CPS实时时间模型”, 传感器与微系统, 35(10), 2016[5]Yu Jiang, Pengliu Tan, Houbing Song, Binhua Wan, Mohammad Hosseini, Lui Sha. “A Self-Adaptively Evolutionary Screening Approach for Sepsis Patient”, 2016 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 60-65, 2016.[6]Yu Jiang, Lui Sha, Maryam Rahmaniheris, BinhuaWan, Mohammad Hosseini, Pengliu Tan, Richard B. Berlin Jr. “Sepsis Patient Detection and Monitor Based on Auto-BN”, Journal of Medical Systems, 40(4), pp. 1-10, 2016.[7]Sheng Zhang, Pengliu Tan, Xiaoling Bao, William Wei Song, Xiaodong Liu. “Community-based Message Opportunistic Transmission”, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation series, Volume 17, pp 79-93, 2015.[8]Pengliu Tan*, Sheng Zhang, Yunfeng Nie. “An event-oriented real-time architecture for cyber-physical systems”, Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 18(12), pp. 554-558, 2014. (EI: 20**8)[9]Pengliu Tan*, Mingshan Ju. “An Energy-Efficient Real-time Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Review on Computers and Software, 7(5), pp. 2285-2289, 2012. (EI: 20**4)[10]谭朋柳*, 鞠明山. “一种基于位置和分簇的无线传感器网络实时路由协议”, 南昌航空大学学报(自然科学版), 26(2), pp. 19-24, 2012.[11]Pengliu Tan* and Mingshan Ju, “A hybrid routing mechanism for ZigBee wireless sensor networks”, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol.164, pp. 322-328, 2011. (EI: 201**)[12]Pengliu Tan* and Xiaojun Deng, “An Ant-Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.100, pp. 541-548, 2011. (EI: 232)[13]谭朋柳, 舒坚, 吴振华. “一种信息-物理融合系统体系结构,” 计算机研究与发展, 2010, 47(Z2):312-316.[14]Pengliu Tan, Jian Shu, Zhenhua Wu. “A Hybrid Real-Time Scheduling Approach on Multi-Core Architectures,” Journal of Software, 2010, 5(9): 958-965. (EI: 674)[15]Zhenhua Wu, Jian Shu, Pengliu Tan. “Bit-coding Aggregation Tree for Global Network Link Quality Representation in WSN,” Journal of Networks, 2010, 5(6): 691-698. (EI: 624)[16]Pengliu Tan, “Task Scheduling of Real-time Systems on Multi-Core Architectures,” In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, Vol.2, IEEE Computer Society, May 22-24, 2009, Nanchang, China, pp.190-193.(EI: 187)[17]Yunfa Li and Pengliu Tan “A Reliability Measurement Method for Service in Grid,” In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, Vol.1, IEEE Computer Society, May 22-24, 2009, Nanchang, China, pp.448-452. (EI: 050)[18]Pengliu Tan, Hai Jin and Minghu Zhang, “Scheduling Tasks with Precedence Constraints in Open Distributed Real-Time Systems”, the 2nd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, Watam Press, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, June 8~10, 2007, Jinan China, pp. 531-535 (ISTP)[19]谭朋柳,金海,张明虎,“一种用于分布式实时系统的集中式相对时钟同步方法”,华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 35(2): 16-18. (EI) [20]Pengliu Tan and Minghu Zhang, “A Novel Scheduling Framework for Open Distributed Real-time Systems,” In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Sensing, Computing and Automation (ICSCA’06), Watam Press, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, Vol. 7, May 5~8, 2006, Chongqing China, pp. 3449-3454.(ISTP)[21]Pengliu Tan, Hai Jin, and Minghu Zhang, “Two-Dimensional Priority Scheduling Scheme for Open Real-time Systems”, Special issue of the 2006 Int. Conf. in Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2006) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3983, Springer-Verlag, May 8-11, 2006, pp. 529-538. (ISSN: 0302-9743). (SCIE、EI、ISTP) [22]Pengliu Tan, Hai Jin, and Minghu Zhang, “A Hybrid Scheduling Scheme for Hard, Soft and Non-real-time tasks”, In Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Symp. on Object and component-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC’06), IEEE Computer Society, April 24-26, 2006, Gyeongju, Korea, pp.20-26. (EI、ISTP)[23]Pengliu Tan, Hai Jin, and Minghu Zhang, “An Open Distributed Real-time Environment Based on Variable Utilization Server”, In Proc. 1th Int. Multi-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences (IMSCCS’06), Vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society, June 20-24, 2006, Hangzhou, China, pp. 532-539 (EI、ISTP) [24]Minghu Zhang, Hai Jin and Pengliu Tan, “Lightweight Hard Real-Time Network Communication for Commodity Cluster System”, In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Sensing, Computing and Automation (ICSCA’06), Watam Press, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, Vol. 7, Chongqing China, May 5~8, 2006, pp. 3562-3567. (ISTP)[25]Hai Jin, Minghu Zhang, and Pengliu Tan, “Lightweight Messages: True Zero-Copy Communication for Commodity Gigabit Ethernet”, In Proc. 2nd IFIP Int. Symp. on Network Centric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS 2006), Seoul, Korea, Aug. 1~4, 2006. LNCS 4097/2006,( Xiaobo Zhou, Oleg Sokolsky, Lu Yan, et al. Editors), pp. 153-162, (ISBN: 978-3-540-36850-2) (SCIE、EI、ISTP) [26]Hai Jin, Minghu Zhang, and Pengliu Tan, “Clock Synchronization Integrated with Traffic Smoothing Technique for Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems”, In Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer and Information Technology (CIT’06), Seoul, Korea, Sep. 20-22, 2006. pp. 176-176(EI、ISTP)[27]Hai Jin, Minghu Zhang, and Pengliu Tan, “Dual-Level Traffic Smoothing Technique over Switched Ethernet for Hard Real-Time Communication”, In Proc. 21st Int. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’06), Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 1-3, 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4263,(Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, Editors), Springer-Verlag, 1-3 Nov. 2006, pp.445-454 (ISBN: 978-3-540-47242-1) (EI、ISTP) [28]谭朋柳,金海,张明虎,“用于开放式系统的二维优先级实时调度”, 电子学报, 2006, 34(10): 1773-1777. (EI)[29]张明虎,金海,谭朋柳,陈汉华,李胜利,“SS-RTUDP:轻量级实时网络通信在集群系统中的实现”,小型微型计算机系统,2006, 27(1): 6-11. (Inspec)[30]韩宗芬,王俊,袁平鹏,谭朋柳,“基于非精确计算的保证计算质量的容错调度方法”, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2006, 34(12): 40-43. (EI)[31]Hai Jin and Pengliu Tan, “A Novel Dynamic Allocation and Scheduling Scheme with CPNA and FCF Algorithms in Distributed Real-Time Systems”, In Proc. of Eleventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS’05), Vol.1, IEEE Computer Society, July 20-22, 2005, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.550-556. (EI、ISTP)[32]Hai Jin, Minghu Zhang, Pengliu Tan, Hanhua Chen, and Li Xu, “Lightweight Real-time Network Communication Protocol for Commodity Cluster Systems”, In Proc. 2005 IFIP Int. Conf. on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC’05), Nagasaki, Japan, Dec. 2005, pp.1075-1084. (SCIE、EI、ISTP)[33]Hanhua Chen, Hai Jin, Minghu Zhang, Pengliu Tan, Deqing Zou, and Pingpeng Yuan, “Early Experience in QoS-Based Service Grid Architecture”, Advanced Web Technologies and Applications - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3007, Springer-Verlag, March 2004, pp.924-927. (SCIE、EI、ISTP)
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