1. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料物理与化学 080501 聚合物基复合材料 04
2. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料学 080502 陶瓷材料 05
3. 材料科学与工程学院 001 航空宇航科学与技术 082500 航空材料制备与性能调控技术 02
4. 材料科学与工程学院 001 材料表面与界面工程 0805Z1 材料表面与界面改性技术 01
(1) 2019-12至现在,南昌航空大学,材料科学与工程学院,无机非金属系,副教授
(2) 2017-06至2019-09,华中科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士后,合作导师:张海波&郭新教授
[2] 中国博士后科学基金会,面上项目,2018M632847,电致大应变无铅压电陶瓷的理性设计与性能调控,5万,已结题,主持
[3] 江西省自然科学基金,面上项目,20202BABL204017,无铅化弛豫-反铁电复合陶瓷的理性设计与储能性能增强机理,3万元,在研,主持
在国内外期刊发表论文40余篇,主要研究成果以第一作者和通讯作者身份在Nano Energy、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Materials Chemistry C、Composites Part A等国际刊物上发表。H因子15,单篇最高引用超过100次。其中,1篇为ESI高引用论文、热点论文,并被所发期刊评为Top40 Most Cited Paper;1篇论文入选“Hot Paper”;1篇论文当选期刊封面论文。
1. Bing Xie, Qi Zhang, Haibo Zhang, GuangzuZhang, Shiyong Qiu, Shenglin Jiang*. Largely enhanced ferroelectric and energystorage performances of P(VDF-CTFE) nanocomposites at a lower electric fieldusing BaTiO3 nanowires by stirring hydrothermal method. Ceramics International. 2016, 42:19012-19018.
2. Bing Xie, Haibo Zhang, Hao Kan, Sisi Liu,Ming-Yu Li, Zeyu Li, Shuai Zhu, Shiyong Qiu, Shenglin Jiang*. Mechanicalforce-driven growth of elongated BaTiO3 lead-free ferroelectricnanowires. Ceramics International. 2017, 43:2969-2973.
3. Bing Xie, Haibo Zhang, Qi Zhang, JiadongZang, Chao Yang, Qingping Wang, Ming-Yu Li, Shenglin Jiang*. Enhanced energydensity of polymer nanocomposites at a low electric field through aligned BaTiO3nanowires. Journalof Materials Chemistry A. 2017, 5: 6070-6078.(入选Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017“HOTPaper”)
4. Mohsin Ali Marwat, Bing Xie*,Malik Ashtar, Yiwei Zhu, Penyuan Fan, Haibo Zhang*. High remnant polarization,high dielectric constant and impedance performance of Nb/In Co-doped Bi0.49La0.01Na0.49Li0.01TiO3-δceramics. Ceramics International. 2018, 44:6843-6850.
5. Yiwei Zhu, Yangyang Zhang, BingXie*, Pengyuan Fan, Mohsin Ali Marwat, Weigang Ma, Chao Wang, Bing Yan,Jianzhong Xiao, Haibo Zhang*. Large electric field-induced strain inAgNbO3-modified 0.76Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-0.24SrTiO3lead-free piezoceramics. Ceramics International. 2018, 44: 7851-7857.
6. Yiwei Zhu, Songliu Yuan, ChengliangLu, Bing Xie*, Pengyuan Fan, Mohsin Ali Marwat, Weigang Ma, Kai Liu,Hongming Liu, Haibo Zhang*. High discharged energydensity of nanocomposites filled with double layered core-shell nanoparticlesby reducing space charge polarization. Ceramics International. 2018, 44:19330-19337.
7. Bing Xie, Qi Zhang, Ling Zhang, Yiwei Zhu,Xin Guo*, Pengyuan Fan, Haibo Zhang*.Ultrahigh discharged energy density in polymer nanocomposites by designinglinear/ferroelectric bilayer heterostructure. Nano Energy. 2018, 54: 437-446.
8. Bing Xie, Yiwei Zhu, Mohsin Ali Marwat,Shujun Zhang*, Ling Zhang, Haibo Zhang*. Tailoring the energy storage performance of polymer nanocomposites withaspect ratio optimized 1D nanofiller. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2018, 6:20356-20364.
9. Bing Xie, Ling Zhang, Mohsin Ali Marwat,Yiwei Zhu, Weigang Ma, Pengyuan Fan, Haibo Zhang*. High energy storage performance for dielectric film capacitors bydesigning 1D SrTiO3@SiO2 nanofillers. Journal ofAdvanced Dielectrics. 2018, 8: **.
10. Haibo Zhang, Yiwei Zhua, Zeyu Li,Penyuan Fan, Weigang Ma, Bing Xie*. High discharged energy density ofpolymer nanocomposites containing paraelectric SrTiO3 nanowires forflexible energy storage device. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018, 744:116-123.
11. Mohsin Ali Marwat, Bing Xie*,Yiwei Zhu, Pengyuan Fan, Weigang Ma, Hongming Liu, Malik Ashtar, JianzhongXiao, David Salamond, Chanatip Samart, Haibo Zhang*. Largely enhanced dischargeenergy density in linear polymer nanocomposites by applying a sandwichstructure design. Composites Part A: Applied Science andManufacturing. 2019,121:115-122.
12. Weigang Ma, Yiwei Zhu, Mohsin AliMarwat, Pengyuan Fan, Bing Xie*, David Salamon, Zuo-Guang Ye, HaiboZhang*. Enhanced energy-storage performance with excellent stability under lowelectric fields in BNT-ST relaxor ferroelectric ceramics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2019, 7: 281-288. (ESI高被引,入选Journal ofMaterials Chemistry C 2019年最受欢迎40篇论文)
13. Mohsin Ali Marwat, Bing Xie*, Yiwei Zhu, Pengyuan Fan, Kai Liu,Meng Shen, Malik Ashtar, Suwadee Kongparakul, Chanatip Samart, Haibo Zhang*. Sandwichstructure-assisted significantly improved discharge energy density in linearpolymer nanocomposites with high thermal stability. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and EngineeringAspects. 2019,581: 123802. (封面论文)
14. Zhiyong Liu*, An Zhang,Shuaichang Xu, Jinshan Lu, Bing Xie*, Kun Guo, Yuqing Mao. Mediating the confliction ofpolarizability and breakdown electric-field strength in BNST relaxor ferroelectric forenergy storage applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823: 153772.
15. Haibo Zhang*, Mohsin Ali Marwat, Bing Xie*, Malik Ashtar, Kai Liu, Yiwei Zhu,Ling Zhang, Pengyuan Fan*, Chanatip Samart, and Zuo-guang Ye. Polymer MatrixNanocomposites with 1D Ceramic Nanofillers for Energy Storage CapacitorApplications. ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces. 2020,12:1-37.