


陈飞 博士

南昌大学基础医学院校聘教授、博士生导师 江西省“双千计划”引进类创新领军人才长期

● 教育和工作背景:

2003.07 年,南昌大学,生物系生物技术专业,学士
2008.07 年,中科院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所,神经生物学专业,哲学博士

● 研究兴趣、领域:

Neuron、Developmental Cell、Gene & Developme nt 和 Development 上。
● 代表性论文(*为共同第一作者;#为共同通讯作者):

1. Yu, J., Meng, F.X., He, F.P., Chen, F., Bao, W.X., Yu, Y.M., Zhou, J.T., Gao, J., Li, J.Q.,
Yao, Y., Ge, W.P.#, Luo, B.Y.# (2020) Metabolic abnormalities in patients with chronic
disorders of consciousness. Aging and Disease, 10.14336/AD.2020.0812
(#-joint supervision)

2. Xiong, N.X.#*, Gao, X.F.*, Zhao, H.Y., Cai, F., Zhang F.C., Yuan Y., Liu, W.C., He, F.P.,
Zacharias L.G., Lin, H., Vu, H.S., Xing, C., Yao, D.X., Chen, F., Luo, B.Y., Sun, W.Z.,
DeBerardinis, R.J., Xu, H., Ge W.P.# (2020) Using arterial–venous analysis to
characterize cancer metabolic consumption in patients. Nat Commun 11, 3169 (#-joint
supervision; *-equal contribution)
3. Celen, C., Chuang, J.C., Luo, X., Nijem, N., Walker A.K., Chen, F., Zhang, S., Chung, A.S.,
Nguyen, L.H., Nassour, I., Budhipramono, A., Sun, X., Bok, L.A., McEntagart, M., Gevers, E.F.,
Birnbaum, S.G., Eisch A.J., Powell, C.M., Ge, W.P., Santen, G.W., Chahrour, M., Zhu, H.
(2017) Arid1b haploinsufficient mice reveal neuropsychiatric phenotypes and reversible causes of
growth impairment. eLife 2017; 6: e25730
4. Chen, F., Chisholm, A., Jin, Y. (2017) Tissue-specific regulation of alternative
polyadenylation represses expression of a neuronal ankyrin isoform in C. elegans epidermal
development. Development 144: 698-707
5. Chen, F., Zhou, Y., Qi, Y.B., Khivansara, V., Li, H.R., Chun, S. Y., Kim, J.K., Fu, X.D., Jin,
Y. (2015) Context-dependent modulation of Pol II CTD phosphatase SSUP-72 regulates
alternative polyadenylation in neuronal development. Genes Dev. 29: 2377-2390
6. Wang, J.Y. *, Chen, F. *, Fu, X., Ding, C.S., Zhou, L., Zhang, X.H., and Luo,
Z.G. (2014) Caspase-3 Cleavage of Dishevelled Induces Elimination of Postsynaptic
Structures. Developmental Cell 28, 1-15 ( *-Contributed equally,
highlighted by Preview in Developmental Cell 28, 604-606)

7. Wang, J., Ruan, N.J., Qian, L., Lei, W.L., Chen, F., and Luo, Z.G. (2008)
Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling Suppresses Rapsyn Expression and Inhibits
Acetylcholine Receptor Clustering at the Neuromuscular Junction. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 21668-75.
8. Zhang, X.*, Zhu, J.*, Yang, G.*, Wang, Q.*, Qian, L., Chen, Y., Chen, F., Tao, Y., Hu, H.,
Wang, T., and Luo, Z.G. (2007) Dishevelled promotes axon differentiation by
regulating atypical protein kinase C. Nat. Cell Biol. 9: 743-754.

9. Chen, F. *, Qian, L.*, Yang, Z., Huang, Y., Ngo, S., Ruan, N., Wang, J.,
Schneider, C., Noakes, P., Ding, Y., Mei, L., and Luo, Z.G. (2007) Rapsyn Interaction
with Calpain Stabilizes AChR Clusters at the Neuromuscular Junction.
Neuron 55: 247-260. (*-Contributed equally)(Recommended by F1000Prime)

● 所获项目、荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:

[1] 主持的项目:
1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:神经精神疾病易感基因 ANK3 调节突触前分化的机制(31970922),2020/01-2023/12

[2] 学术论文评审:
为 Neurobiology of Aging(IF=4.398)、Neurochemical Research(IF=2.125)审稿人。
[3] 学术报告
1. 报告题目:Regulation of mRNA length in the nervous system
会议名称:第 6 届全国秀丽线虫 PI 学术研讨会报告地点:中国湖南长沙
2. 报告题目:Tuning of the RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase SSUP-72 at internal poly(A) sites
controls alternative polyadenylation in C. elegans
会议名称:第 20 届国际线虫会议报告地点:美国洛杉矶

[2] 学术团体:
2019.06-至今 中国细胞生物学会神经细胞分会会员
2020.06-至今 中国神经生物学学会发育与再生分会会员

● 联系方式:

E-mail: feichen@ncu.edu.cn

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