


周晓燕 博士


● 教育和工作背景:
2008-至今 南昌大学基础医学院副教授、硕士生导师
2016-2017 美国波士顿大学访问学者
2003-2008 华中科技大学病理生理学专业 硕-博连读

● 研究兴趣、领域:
主要致力于肝脏疾病防治和脂氧素功能分析相关研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金 3 项 (No.81460126 和 No.81760117 和 No. 81100299),江西省自然科学基金 2
项(No. 20114BAB215010 和 No. 20151BAB205009),江西省科技支撑计划 1 项(No. 20151BBG70246), 江西省卫生厅课题 1 项(No.
20122020)。在国内外重要期刊上发表科研论文 40 余篇,其中 SCI 收论文录 22 篇。

● 代表性论文:
1. Chen QF, Kuang XD, Yuan QF, Hao H, Zhang T, Huang YH, Zhou XY(周晓燕, Corresponding Author).
Lipoxin A4 attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury via activation of the
ACE2-Ang-(1-7)-Mas axis. Innate Immunity.2018
2. Chen QF, Hao H, Kuang XD, Hu QD, Huang YH, Zhou XY ( 周 晓 燕 , Corresponding
Author). BML-111, a lipoxin receptor agonist, protects against acute injury via
regulating the renin angiotensin-aldosterone system. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat.
3. Xu F, Zhou XY( 周晓燕, 共同第一), Hao J, Dai H, Zhang J, He YQ, Hao H.Lipoxin A4 and
its analog suppress hepatocarcinoma cell epithelialmesenchymal transition,
migration and metastasis via regulating

integrinlinkedkinase axis. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2018;137:9-19.
4. Quandong Hu, Zhenzhen Hu, Qiongfeng Chen, Yonghong Huang, Zi Mao, Fangyun Xu, Zhou
XY(周晓燕,Corresponding Author). BML-111 equilibrated ACE-Ang Ⅱ -AT1R and ACE2-Ang-(1-7)-Mas axis to
protect hepatic fibrosis in rats. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2017;131:75-82.
5. Cheng Peng Yu, Zhou XY ( 周晓燕, 共同第一) , Qiang Fu, Qing Hua Peng, Ki-Wan Oh and
Zhen Zhen Hu. A new insight into the role of CART in cocaine reward: Involvement of
CaMKII and inhibitory G-protein coupled receptor signaling. Front Cell Neurosci.
6. Yan D, Liu HL,Yu ZJ, Huang YH, Gao D, Hao H, Liao SS,Xu FY, Zhou XY(周晓燕)(Corresponding
Author). BML-111 Protected LPS/D-GalN-Induced Acute Liver Injury in Rats. Int J Mol Sci.
2016;17(7), 1114-27.
7. Huang YH, Wang HM, Cai ZY, Xu FY, Zhou XY(周晓燕,Corresponding Author). Lipoxin A4 inhibits
NF-κB activation and cell cycle progression in RAW264.7 cells. Inflammation.
8. Zhou XY(周晓燕), Yu ZJ,Yan D, Wang HM, Huang YH, Sha J, Xu FY, Cai ZY, Min WP. BML-11, a
lipoxin receptor agonist, protected carbon tetrachloride- induced hepatic fibrosis in rats.
Inflammation. 2013, 36(5): 1101-6.
9. Zhou XY(周晓燕),Wu P, Cai ZY, Xu FY, Wang HM, Ye DY. Effects of Lipoxin A4 on proliferation
and apoptosis of K562 and HL-60 leukemic cells. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology. 2010;
10. Zhou XY(周晓燕), Li YS, Wu P, Wang HM, Cai ZY, Xu FY, Ye DY. Lipoxin A4 inhibited hepatocyte
growth factor-induced invasion of human hepatoma cells. Hepatol Res. 2009; 39(9): 921-30.
11. Zhou XY(周晓燕), Wu P, Zhang L, Xiong W, Li YS, Ye DY. Effects of lipoxin A4 on LPS-induced
proliferation and reactive oxygen species production in RAW264.7 through modulation of
G-CSF secretion. Inflammation Research. 2007, 56(8): 423-33.
12. Fu Q, Zhou XY( 周晓燕), Dong Y, Huang YH, Yang JH, Oh KW, Hu ZZ.
Decreased Caffeine-Induced Locomotor Activity via Microinjection of CART Peptide into
the Nucleus Accumbens Is Linked to Inhibition of the pCaMKIIa-D3R
Interaction. PLoS One. 2016 Jul 12;11(7):e0159104.

13. Zhou H, Yuan M, Yu Q, Zhou XY( 周 晓 燕 ), Min W, Gao D. Autophagy regulation and
its role in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer. Cancer Biomark. 2016;17(1):1-10.
14. Peng HY, Yu QF, Shen W, Guo CM, Li Z, Zhou XY(周晓燕), Zhou NJ, Min WP, Gao D. Knockdown of ELMO3
Suppresses Growth, Invasion and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2016;17(12).
15. Hao H, Xu F, Hao J, He YQ, Zhou XY(周晓燕), Dai H, Wu LQ, Liu FR. Lipoxin A4 Suppresses
Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hela Cell Proliferation and Migration via NF-κB Pathway. Inflammation.
16. Huang YH, Zhou XY(周晓燕),Wang HM, Xu H, Chen J, Lv NH. Aquaporin 5 promotes the proliferation
and migration of human gastric carcinoma cells. Tumour Biol. 2013; 34(3):1743-1751.
● 所获主要项目、荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况: 2017 年 国家自然科学项目 “PEBP4 对肝纤维化的影响及机制研究” 2014 年 国家自然科学项目 “基于
RAAS,Lipoxin 抗肝纤维化机制研究” 2011 年 国家自然科学项目 “Lipoxin 对肝纤维化的影响及机制研究”
● 联系方式:
电 话:18007092139
E-mail: zhouxiaoyan@ncu.edu.cn

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