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2. 袁里驰, 刘再明,李俊平, 侯振挺,布朗生灭过程 中南大学学报(自然科学版)2001, Vol.19, No.1, p68-73.
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4. Lichi Yuan, Yixing Zhong, Word Clustering Based on Similarity and Vari-GramLanguage Model International Conference on Computer Communication, Sept15-17,2004, Beijing, China, p1222-1226 (ISTP检索).
5. 袁里驰, 钟义信, 统计语言模型在语言信息处理中的应用,四川大学学报(自然科学版,EI源期刊),2004. Vol.41, No.10, p117-121.
6. 袁里驰, 钟义信,一种新颖的词聚类算法,四川大学学报(自然科学版, EI源期刊) 2004.Vol.41, No.10, p122-125.
7. 袁里驰, 钟义信, 基于相似度的词聚类算法 微电子学与计算机 2005, Vol.22,
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8. 袁里驰, 钟义信, 一种新颖的词性标注模型 微电子学与计算机 2005.9.Vol.22, No.9, p1-6.
9. Li-chi Yuan. Duration Distribution Based MFM Model For Speech Recogniton,8th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2006 Nov. 16-20,2006, Guilin, China,EI、ISTP检索。
10. Lichi Yuan. A Novel Statistical Model for Speech Recognition and POSTagging. IEEE International conference on video and signal basedsurveillance. Sydney, Australia, 22-24, November 2006, EI、ISTP检索。
11. Lichi Yuan. Speech Recognition Model Based on Duration. 2006China-Ireland International Conference on Information andCommunications Technologies (CIICT06), Hangzhou, China,
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12. Lichi Yuan. Language Model Based on Word Clustering. The 20thPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation,Wuhan,China, Nov.1-3,2006, ISTP检索.
13. 袁里驰, 吴京慧. 基于互信息的词聚类方法. 2006 年信息、电子与控制技术学术会议((IECT2006, 2006 Symposium on Information, Electronics,and Control Technologies). 成都, 9.27-28, 2006.
14. Lichi Yuan. A Speaking Rate Adaptation Model in Speech Recognition.2006 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processingand Communication Systems (ISPACS 2006). December 12-15, 2006,EI、ISTP检索。