陈 滨
1.主持江西省自然科学基金项目, 相空间法对混沌序列的调制自相关特性的研究,项目编号:20114BAB201021。(在研)
2.主持省科技项目, 弱结构混沌及其在雷达中的应用,项目编号:GJJ09286。(结题)
3.参与省教改课题, 模拟电路系统化实验教学的研究,项目编号:JXJG-08-3-27。(结题)
4.参与视同国家级课题,来源于国家科技部,同江西联创通信有限公司合作, 煤矿专用防爆工业以太环网语音调度功能的研究与实现, 合同编号: LCTX20090543。(结题)
5.参与省科技项目, 损伤自诊断智能结构关键技术研究,项目编号:GJJ10437。(结题)
6.参与省科技项目, 微波宽带环形滤波器的研究与设计,项目编号:GJJ09553。(结题)
7.参与省科技项目, 超高频水文及河道船只监测多普勒雷达研究,项目编号:GJJ09554。(结题)
8.参与省教改课题, 创新型人才培养的研究与实践—以电子信息类专业为例,项目编号:JXJG-08-3-10。(结题)
[1] Chen Bin. Assessment and improvement of autocorrelation performance of chaotic sequences using a phase space method. Science China Inf. Sci., 2011, 54 (12): 2647-2659(SCI:**019)
[2] 陈滨,刘光祜,张勇,周正欧. 混沌同步的充分条件及应用. 物理学报, 2005,54(11):5038 – 5047 (SCI: 983HJ)
[3] 陈滨,刘光祜,唐军,张勇,蔡鹏,黄坚,吴云松. 相空间法对混沌序列的自相关特性研究. 电子科技大学学报, 2010, 39(6): 859-863 (EI: **204)
[4] 陈滨,刘光祜,张勇. 时滞反馈混沌同步及其抗噪优越性. 电子科技大学学报, 2005,34(4):452 – 455 (EI: **)
[5] 陈滨,周正欧,刘光祜,张勇,唐军. 混沌噪声源在噪声雷达的应用. 现代雷达, 2008,30(5):24-28
[6] Chen Bin. Autocorrelation Performance Improvement of Hopfield Hyperchaos Sequence Based on APAS Theorem. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011, 105: 373-378 (EI: **252)
[7] Chen Bin. Effects of phase space trajectory and ADC, noise on autocorrelation performances of chaotic sequences. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 129: 595-601. (EI: **086)
[8] Chen Bin. Improving Autocorrelation performance of TD-ERCS Sequence based on APAS Theorem. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 129: 635-640. (EI: **092)
[9] 陈滨,刘光祜,张勇,周正欧. 一种混沌加密算法的硬件实现. 电子科技大学学报, 2006,35(1):32 – 35
[10] 陈滨,刘光祜,张勇,周正欧. 高保密性的时变参数混沌同步通信方法. 电子科技大学学报, 2007, 36(2): 193-195 (EI: **)
[11] 陈滨,张勇,蔡鹏,方勤,许波,唐军. 弱结构的混沌噪声源及在雷达的应用. 哈尔滨工业大学学报增刊, 2008, 40 (sup.1):208 – 212. (EI: **)
[12] Chen Bin, Tang Jun, Zhang Yong, Cai Peng, Huang Jian, Huang Guo Qiang. Chaotic signals with weak-structure used for high resolution radar imaging. 2009 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2009, 1, Vol. 1: 325 - 330. (EI: **782)
[13] Chen Bin, Tang Jun, Cai Peng, Zhang Yong, Huang Jian, Yun-Song Wu. Research on autocorrelation of chaotic sequence by phase space method. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security, Beijing, China, 2010, 6, Vol. 2: 6 - 12. (EI: **058)
[14] Bin Chen,Zheng-Ou Zhou, Guang-Hu Liu, Yong Zhang, Jun Tang. Time-Varying Parameter Method with High Security Performance for Chaotic Synchronized Communication. 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 2006, Volume IV: 2376 – 2380 (EI: **144)
[15] Chen Bin. Improving Autocorrelation performance of Bernoulli sequence based on APAS theorem. The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 2010, 12, Vol. 3: 2143 - 2146. (EI: **389)
[16] Chen Bin. Autocorrelation performance Improvement of Kawakami Hyperchaos Sequence based on APAS Theorem. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2011, 6, Vol.2: 479 - 482. (EI: **628)
[17] Chen Bin. Using APAS Theorem to improve the Autocorrelation performance of Chebyshev chaotic Sequence. IEEE SOSE 2012, Genoa, Italy, 2012, 7: 157-160. (EI:**759)
[18] Chen Bin. A Phase Space method to Assess and Improve Autocorrelation and RFM Autocorrelation performances of chaotic sequences. ICSAI 2012, Yantai, China, 2012, 5: 1569-1572.(EI: **307)
[1] 陈滨.混沌波形的相关性—相空间轨迹与混沌序列自相关特性.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社,2011.