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BIOGRAPHY??? Dr. Hollyee Wei
??? Email: hollyee.wei@gmail.com
??? Mobile: +86 **
??? Ziyang Road No. 99, Nanchang City, People’s Republic of China.
??? Professor (Assistant) of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture.
??? Founder/Executive Director of the Geodesign Research Centre for Plant, Environment and Humans.
??? Supervisor for Master Students in Urban and Regional Planning, and Geographic Information Sciences (GISci).
Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK)
??? Visiting Scholar, Urban Planning and Management/2020
Newcastle University (UK)
??? Visiting Researcher, Landscape Architecture/2016
Wuhan University (China)
??? Ph.D, Landscape Architecture/2016
??? Geodesign
??? Smart City
??? Urban Green Infrastructure
??? Urban and Regional Planning
??? Digital Simulation and Urban Biodiversity
??? DSS based GIS and MATLAB
??? Landscape Planning Methods based on Digital Technology
??? Urban Plant Selection and Configuration for Sustainability
??? 14. Jiang, W., Wei, H. (2021). Urban Green Infrastructure: Concept, Classification, and Its Values. (forthcoming)
??? 13. Wei, H., Jiang, W., Liu, X., Huang, B. (2021). A Digital Framework to Predict the Sunshine Requirements of Landscape Plants. Applied Sciences. 11(5): 2098.
??? 12. Wei, H., Jiang, W. (2020). Plant species selection and community configuration for residential areas based on the digital technology. Journal of Environment and Ecology. 11(02): 75-88.
??? 11. Wei, H., Jiang, W. (2020). Translation of the 'Landscape Architecture' into Chinese and how to Build the Discipline of Landscape Architecture in China? IRE, 08(01): 104-111.
??? 10. Wei, H., Liu, X., Chen, X., et al. (2019). The urban environment with diversified solar radiation and adaptive planning strategies for landscape plants. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University, 43(04): 433-440.
??? 9. Wei, H., Huang, Z., Liu, X. (2019). UP-DSS: A decision support system for landscape plant selection and community configuration based on sunshine adaptability. Journal of Jianghan University, 47(03): 258-264.
??? 8. Wei, H., Liu, X., Chen, X., et al. (2019). A research overview of ecological carrying capacity in the context of integrating landscape resources. Journal of Poyang Lake, 03: 100-111+128.
??? 7. Wei, H., Huang, Z., Liu, X., et al. (2018). British Green Infrastructure Planning and Its Strategic Significance: The Case of Newcastle Gateshead Strategy Planning. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University, 42(2): 179-186.
??? 6. Wei, H., Huang, Z., Lin, M. (2017). A Decision Support System for Plant Optimization in Urban Areas with Diversified Solar Radiation. Sustainability, 9(2): 215.
??? 5. Wei, H., Huang, Z., Yang, H. (2016). Comparative Study between the Landscape Planning and Landscape Design from the Perspective of Digital Technology. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition), 06: 1054-1059.
??? 4. Wei, H., Huang, Z. (2015). From experience-oriented to quantity-based: A method for landscape plant selection and configuration in urban built-up areas. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 7: 698-719.
??? 3. Wei, H., Huang, Z., Yang, H. (2015). Landscape plant selection and configuration based on light factor analysis using GIS. Journal of landscape architecture, 6: 60-67.
??? 2. Wei, H., Huang, Z. (2014). Theory, requirements and technology realization for landscape planning and design and the perspective of geodesign. Journal of landscape architecture, 4: 53-57.
??? 1. Wei, H., Huang, Z. (2014). A discussion on the landscape architecture research trends in the USA based on the analysis of the ASLA annual meeting topics. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 3: 91-95.
??? 9. Wei, H., Jiang, W., Huang, Z., Liu, X. (2020). What eco-factors are the driving forces for the spatial distribution of urban plant species in build-up areas? IACP Conference 2020. December 05-13, Shenzhen, China. (Oral presentation)
??? 8. Wei, H., Jiang, W. (2020). Geodesign regulates the biodiversity protection and resident demand. International Geodesign Collaboration 2020 Meeting (IGC 2020). February 22-24, Redlands, ESRI, California, USA. (Poster and oral presentation)
? 7. Huang, L., Liu, X., Wei, H. (2020). In Urban Rainfall Forecasting Method Based on Multi-model Prediction Information Fusion. 6th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). IEEE: 210-214. (Conference paper)
??? 6. Wei, H., Liu X. (2019). A digital framework for predicting the sunshine requirement value of landscape plants. Annual Meeting Chinese Society of? Landscape Architecture 2019 (CHSLA). October 19-21, Shanghai, China. (Oral presentation and conference paper)
??? 5. Wei, H., Liu X. (2019). UP-DSS:A decision support system for landscape plant selection and community configuration based on the sunshine adaptability. 16th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), July 8-12, Wuhan, China. (Poster)
??? 4. Wei, H., Chen, X. (2017). A decision support method for urban plant selection based on the habits of sunshine requirement. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), Beijing: Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Beijing Forestry University. (Oral presentation)
??? 3. Wei, H. (2016). A decision method for urban plant selection and community optimization based on the sunshine requirements. Urban and rural planning academic forum by five school joint, Wuhan: Wuhan University. (Oral presentation)
??? 2. Wei, H. (2014). A discussion on the landscape architecture research trends in the USA based on the analysis of the ASLA annual meeting topics. Doctoral academic conference from Middle East Technical University (METU, Turkey), Wuhan: Wuhan University. ( Oral presentation)
??? 1. Wei, H. (2013). Study on new trends in American LA from the ASLA annual meeting. Doctoral forum for China’s first national landscape architecture. 2013, Tianjin: Tianjin University. (Oral presentation)
??? A Method for Urban Plant Selection and Community Optimization based on Sunshine Requirements: Application of a Case Study in the Hot-summer and Cold-winter Zone. Project No. **.
??? Research on Urban Land Flood Disaster Risk based on Planning Data. Project No. **.
??? UP-DSS: A Decision Support System for Urban Plant Selection and Optimization. Project No. GJJ160342.
??? Young Talent Project (2017).
??? Planning, Urban Management and Heritage (PUMAH). Project No. EU-FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES.
??? Teaching Reform Project (2018)
??? Ecology of Urban Environment, College of City Construction, bilingual teaching (Chinese/English).
??? Computing Essentials, School of Software, bilingual teaching (Chinese/English).

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