


教 师 基 本 情 况

姓 名:罗序中性 别: 男
职 称: 教授学 位: 博士专 业: 化学

教 育 经 历
2000-2002,南京大学 化学化工学院,获博士学位
1991-1994,南京大学 化学化工学院,获硕士学位
1986-1989,中国科技大学 应用化学系,本科学习
1985-1986,赣南师范大学 化学系,本科学习
工 作 经 历
1989-至今,赣南师范大学 化学化工学院,教学科研
2003-2006,日本?名古屋大学 物质科学研究中心 博士后
课 程 教 学
教 研 及 科 研 项 目
1. 具良好生物相容性分子凝胶的设计、合成及应用研究(国家自然科学基金,2017-2020,主持)
2. 负载于孔状高分子薄膜净化血吸虫污染水域缓释药剂研究(国家自然科学基金,2013-2016,主持)
3. 氨基酸衍生物单分子膜的可控组装及其功能化(国家自然科学基金,2014-2017,参研)
4. 溶液中两亲分子组装与性能(教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,2007-2010,主持)
5. 可原位注射小分子凝胶的合成及其在生物活体中缓释给药的应用(江西省自然科学基金重大项目,
6. 超分子凝胶的合成与应用(江西省主要学科与学术带头人计划项目,2015-2017,主持)
7. 响应性分子凝胶的合成与性能(江西省教育厅科技项目,2010-2012,主持)

主 要 成 果
1. Zhong J, Fu H, Jia X,* Lou H, Wan T, Luo H, Liu H, Zhong D* and Luo X Z*. A
pH-/thermo-responsive hydrogel formed from N,N′-dibenzoyl-L-cystine: properties, self-assembly
structure and release behavior of SA[J]. RSC Advances, 2019, 9(21): 11824-11832.
2. Luo H,* Liu H, Chen X, Wang K, Luo X Z and Wang K*. Ar–P bond construction by
the Pd-catalyzed oxidative cross-coupling of arylsilanes with H-phosphonates via
C–Si bond cleavage[J]. Chemical Communications, 2017, 53(5): 956-958.
3. Zhong J L, Jia X J, Liu H J, Luo X Z,* Hong S G, Zhang N* and Huang J B*. Self-assembled
metallogels formed from N, N′, N′′-tris (4-pyridyl) trimesic amide in aqueous solution induced
by Fe(iii)/Fe(ii) ions[J]. Soft Matter, 2016, 12(1): 191-199.
4. Zhong D C,* Wen Y Q, Deng J H, Luo X Z,* Gong Y N and Lu T B*. Uncovering the role of metal
catalysis in tetrazole formation by an in situ cycloaddition reaction: an experimental approach[J].
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54(40): 11795-11799.
5. Zhong D C, Liao L Q, Wang K J, Liu H J and Luo X Z*. Heat-set gels formed from easily
accessible gelators of a succinamic acid derivative (SAD) and a primary alkyl amine
(R-NH2)[J]. Soft matter, 2015, 11(32): 6386-6392.
6. Zhong D C,* Liao L Q, Deng J H, Chen Q, Lian P and Luo X Z*. A rare (3,4,5)-connected
metal–organic framework featuring an unprecedented 1D+2D→3D self-interpenetrated array and
an O-atom lined pore surface: structure and controlled drug release[J]. Chemical Communications,
2014, 50(99): 15807-15810.
7. Luo X Z,* Jia X J, Deng J H, Zhong J L, Liu H J, Wang K J and Zhong D C*. A microporous
hydrogen- bonded organic framework: exceptional stability and highly selective adsorption of gas
and liquid[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135(32): 11684-11687.
8. Deng J H, Zhong D C,* Luo X Z,* Liu H J and Lu T B*. 2-Propyl-4,5-dicarboxylate-imidazole
(H3PIDC) based cadmium (II) coordination compounds stabilized by supramolecular interactions: from
mononuclear and tetranuclear oligomers to one-dimensional (1D) chain and two-dimensional (2D) layer
polymers[J]. Crystal Growth & Design, 2012, 12(10): 4861-4869.
9. Luo X Z,* Chen Z, Xiao W, Li Z and Zhong J. Two-component supramolecular organogels formed by
maleic N-monoalkylamides and aliphatic amines[J]. Journal of colloid and interface science, 2011,
362(1): 113-117.
10. Luo X Z,* Li Z, Xiao W, Wang Q and Zhong J. Self-assembled organogels formed by monochain
derivatives of ethylenediamine[J]. Journal of colloid and interface science, 2009, 336(2): 803-807.
11. Luo X Z and Imae T*. Photochemical synthesis of crown-shaped platinum nanoparticles using
aggregates of G4-NH2 PAMAM dendrimer as templates[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2007, 17(6):
12. Luo X Z, Wu S, Liang Y*. Vesicle formation induced by metal ions from
micelle-forming sodium hexadecylimino diacetate in dilute aqueous solution[J]. Chemical
Communications, 2002 (5): 492-493.
13. Luo X Z, Miao W, Wu S and Liang Y*. Spontaneous formation of vesicles from
octadecylamine in dilute aqueous solution induced by Ag (I) ion[J]. Langmuir, 2002, 18(24):
14. Luo X Z, Liu B, Liang Y*. Self-assembled organogels formed by mono-chain L-alanine
Chemical Communications, 2001 (17): 1556-1557.
15. Luo X Z, Li C, Liang Y*. Self-assembled organogels formed by monoalkyl derivatives
of oxamide[J].
Chemical Communications, 2000 (21): 2091-2092.
16. Luo X Z, Zhang Z, Liang Y*. Structure of cobalt stearate and cobalt sulfide-stearic acid
Langmuir-Blodgett films[J]. Langmuir, 1994, 10(9): 3213-3216.

17. 江西省自然科学三等奖(罗序中, 柳辉金; 2012).
18. 教育部自然科学一等奖(梁映秋, 杜学忠, 卢先春, 罗序中, 黄建国, 王雪芬, 苗碗根, 李春; 2005).
19. 罗序中, 陈美佳, 贾新建, 王科军, 廖烈强, 柳辉金, 钟金莲, 罗海清. 一种可被蓝光激发的LED灯用荧光粉及其制备方法: 中国, ZL 2018 1 1075547.2[P].
20. 罗序中, 廖烈强, 钟地长, 柳辉金, 钟金莲, 王科军. 一种固体酒精及其安全制备方法: 中国, ZL 2016 1
0515286.6[P]. 2016-07-04.
21. 罗序中, 刘启昊, 廖烈强, 钟地长, 钟金莲, 王科军, 柳辉金, 罗海清. 一种注射用快速形成原位小分子水凝胶的液态制剂及其制备方法和应用: 中国, ZL 2014 1
0477823.3[P]. 2014-09-19.
22. 罗序中, 贾新建, 王科军, 钟金莲, 柳辉金, 钟地长, 罗海清, 吴笑臣. 一种对苯专一吸附的有机孔状材料及
其制备方法: 中国, ZL 2013 1 0111768.1[P]. 2013-04-02.

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