
香港科技大学工学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Pedro SANDER

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30

PhD in Computer Science
Harvard University, 2003

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Co-Director of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management

(852) 2358 6983
Room 3504
Personal Web

Google Scholar


Scopus ID

Research Interest Publications Projects Teaching Assignment RPG Supervision Space used

Research Interest
Computer graphics
General purpose processing on graphics hardware

All Years 62 2022 1 2021 2 2020 0 2019 5 2018 6 2017 3 2016 45

2022 1

ShapeArchit: Shape-Inspired Architecture Design with Space Planning
CAD Computer Aided Design, v. 142, January 2022, article number 103120
Xiong, Weidan; Zhang, Pengbo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay Article

2021 2

Deep Sketch-guided Cartoon Video Inbetweening
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5 January 2021
Li, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Bo; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira Article
Rationalizing Architectural Surfaces Based on Clustering of Joints
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1 June 2021
Xiong, Weidan; Cheung, Chong Mo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay Article

2019 5

Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 38, (6), November 2019, article number 168
Li, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Bo; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira Article
Progressive Color Transfer with Dense Semantic Correspondences
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 38, (2), April 2019, article number 13, p. 1-16
He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Chen, Dongdong; Yuan, Lu; Sander, Pedro Article
Blind Geometric Distortion Correction on Images Through Deep Learning
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2019, June 2019, article number 8953385, p. 4850-4859
Li, Xiaoyuan; Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Liao, Jing Conference paper
Deep Exemplar-based Video Colorization
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2019, June 2019, article number 8954242, p. 8044-8053
Zhang, Bo; He, Mingming; Liao, Jiao; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Yuan, Lu; Bermak, Amine; Chen, Dong Conference paper
Example based Video Colorization
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019), Long Beach, US, 16-20 June 2019
Zhang, Bo; He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Lu, Yuan; Bermak, Amine; Chen, Dong Conference paper

2018 6

Deep Examplar-Based Colorization
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v. 37, (4), August 2018, article number 47
He, Mingming; Chen, Dongdong; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro; Yuan, Lu Article
Gigapixel Panorama Video Loops
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 37, (1), January 2018, article number 3
He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Microshift: An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for Hardware
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, v. 29, (11), November 2019, article number 8529272, p. 3430-3443
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V.; Tsui, Chi-Ying; Bermak, Amine Article
In-Depth Buffers
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2018), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 15-18 May 2018
Han, Songfang; Chen, Ge; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro Conference paper
Shape-Inspired Architectural Design
I3D 2018: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, May 2018, article number UNSP 12
Xiong, Weidan; Zhang, Pengbo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay Conference paper
The Replate
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, v. 1, (1), July 2018, article number 4
Chen, Ge; Sander, Pedro; Nehab, Diego Conference paper

2017 3

Triangle Reordering for Efficient Rendering in Complex Scenes
The Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, v.6, (3), 28 September 2017, p. 38-52
Han, Songfang; Sander, Pedro Vieira Article
Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation on Multiple Scales for Color Image Quality Assessment
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 2017, article number 7952357, p. 1253-1257
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V; Bermak, Amine Conference paper
Registration Based Retargeted Image Quality Assessment
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, IEEE, 2017, p. 1258-1262, Article number 7952358
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V; Bermak, Amine Conference paper

2016 3

New Controls for Combining Images in Correspondence
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, v. 22, (7), July 2016, article number 7243352, p. 1875-1885
Liao, Jing; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Article
Triangle Reordering for Reduced Overdraw in Animated Scenes
Proceedings - 20th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, I3D 2016, February 2016, p. 23-27
Han, Songfang; Sander, Pedro V Conference paper
Wide Dynamic Range PSD Algorithms and Their Implementation for Compressive Imaging
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, v. 2016, 2016, article number 7539156, p. 2727-2730
Zhang, Bo; Zhong, Xiaopeng; Wang, Bo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Bermak, Amine Conference paper

2014 2

Automating Image Morphing Using Structural Similarity on a Halfway Domain
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 33, (5), August 2014, article number 168
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Yu, Jinhui Article
Semi-Automated Video Morphing
Computer Graphics Forum, v. 33, (4), 2014, p. 51-60
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira Article

2013 1

A fast parallel clustering algorithm for molecular simulation trajectories
Journal of Computational Chemistry, v. 34, (2), January 2013, p. 95-104
Zhao, Yutong; Sheong, Fu Kit; Sun, Jian; Sander, Pedro; Huang, Xuhui Article

2012 2

Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
Computer graphics forum, v. 31, (8), December 2012, p. 2378-2408
Scherzer, Daniel; Yang, Lei; Mattausch, Oliver; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Wimmer, Michael; Eisemann, Elmar Article
Depth-Presorted Triangle Lists
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, v. 31, (6), November 2012, article number 160
Chen, Ge; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Yang, Lei; Hu, Liang Conference paper

2011 2

Antialiasing Recovery
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (3), 2011, May, Article number 22
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Image-Based Bidirectional Scene Reprojection
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (6), December 2011
Yang, Lei; Tse, Yu-Chiu; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Wilkins, Clara L. Article

2010 4

Anisotropic Blue Noise Sampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 29, (6), December 2010
Li, Hongwei; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro V.; Fu, Chi-Wing Article
Parallel View-Dependent Level-of-Detail Control
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, v. 16, (5), 2010, SEP-OCT, p. 718-728
Hu, Liang; Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Fast capacity constrained Voronoi tessellation
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010. (in the refereed Posters program), Washington, DC, USA, February 2010
Li, Hongwei; Nehab, Diego; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro; Fu, Chi-Wing Conference paper
Interactive Painterly Stylization of Images, Videos and 3D Animations
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, ACM, Washington, DC, USA, February 2010, pp. 127-134
Lu, Jingwan; Sander, Pedro; Finkelstein, Adam Conference paper

2009 6

Amortized Supersampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 28, (5), 2009, p. 135:1-135:12
Yang, Lei; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro V.; Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Relational Query Coprocessing on Graphics Processors
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, v. 34, (4), December 2009, article number 21
He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V. Article
Stack-based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 44, (4), 2009, p. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Article
I3DC: Interactive Three-Dimensional Cubes
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009, p. 1475-1478
Yang, Ke; Li, Yinan; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Proceedings of I3D 2009: The 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2009, p. 169-176
Hu, L.; Sander, P.V.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Stack-Based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPOPP), v.44,(4),Raleigh, NC, USA, February 14-18, 2009: pp. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper

2008 5

Automated Reprojection-Based Pixel Shader Optimization
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Xi, Jiahe Article
Efficient Traversal of Mesh Edges using Adjacency Primitives
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Chlamtac, Eden; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Geometry-aware framebuffer level of detail
Computer graphics forum, v. 27, (4), 2008, JUN, p. 1183-1188
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason Article
An improved shading cache for modern GPUs
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2008, p. 95-101
Sitthi-Amorn, P.; Lawrence, J.; Yang, L.; Sander, P.V.; Nehab, D. Conference paper
Relational Joins on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2008, p. 511-524
He, Bingsheng; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V, Conference paper

2007 7

Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 26, (3), 2007, JUL, article number 89
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua Article
Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation
ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques / Edited by Wolfgang Engel. Boston, MA: Charles River Media, c2006, p.553-564
Sander, Pedro V.; Tatarchuk, Natalya; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Accelerating real-time shading with reverse reprojection caching
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2007, p. 25-35
Nehab, D.; Sander, P.V.; Lawrence, J.; Tatarchuk, N.; Isidoro, J.R. Conference paper
Ambient aperture lighting
Proceedings - I3D 2007, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007, p. 61-64
Oat, C.; Sander, P.V. Conference paper
Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics, 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics; San Diego, CA; United States, 5 August 2007 through 9 August 2007; Code 70691, Article number 89
Sander, Pedro Vieira; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua Conference paper
GPUQP: Query Co-processing Using Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2007, p. 1061-1063
Fang, Rui; He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V. Conference paper
In-memory Grid Files on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN '07, 2007
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper

2006 1

Triangle Order Optimization for Graphics Hardware Computation Culling
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, Redwood City, USA, March 2006, p. 207–211
Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua; Sander, Pedro V. Conference paper

2005 1

Progressive Buffers: View-dependent Geometry and Texture LOD Rendering
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Vienna, Austria, July 2005, p. 129–138
Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Conference paper

2004 3

Drawing a Crowd
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL. / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Methods for Real-time Skin Rendering
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Signal-Specialized Parametrization for Piecewise Linear Reconstruction
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Nice, France, July 2004, p. 57–66
Tewari, Geetika; Snyder, John; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2003 3

Geometry Videos
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, USA, July 2003, p. 136–146
Brice?o, Hector; Sander, Pedro V.; McMillan, Leonard; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Multi-Chart Geometry Images
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 146–155
Sander, Pedro V.; Wood, Zo?; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Simple Silhouettes for Complex Surfaces
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 102–106
Kirsanov, Danil; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J. Conference paper

2002 2

A Scalable, Distributed Algorithm for Efficient Task Allocation
Proceedings of First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Bologna, Italy, July 2002, p. 1191–1198
Sander, Pedro V.; Peleshchuk, Denis; Grosz, Barbara J. Conference paper
Signal-Specialized Parametrization
Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002, p. 87–100
Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2001 2

Discontinuity Edge Overdraw
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Research Triangle, Park, USA, March 2001, p. 167–174
Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J. Conference paper
Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, USA, August 2001, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2000 1

Silhouette Clipping
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, New Orleans, USA, July 2000, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Gu, Xianfeng; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John Conference paper

Article 1

ShapeArchit: Shape-Inspired Architecture Design with Space Planning
CAD Computer Aided Design, v. 142, January 2022, article number 103120
Xiong, Weidan; Zhang, Pengbo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay

Article 2

Deep Sketch-guided Cartoon Video Inbetweening
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5 January 2021
Li, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Bo; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira
Rationalizing Architectural Surfaces Based on Clustering of Joints
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1 June 2021
Xiong, Weidan; Cheung, Chong Mo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay

Article 2

Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 38, (6), November 2019, article number 168
Li, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Bo; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira
Progressive Color Transfer with Dense Semantic Correspondences
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 38, (2), April 2019, article number 13, p. 1-16
He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Chen, Dongdong; Yuan, Lu; Sander, Pedro

Conference paper 3

Blind Geometric Distortion Correction on Images Through Deep Learning
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2019, June 2019, article number 8953385, p. 4850-4859
Li, Xiaoyuan; Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Liao, Jing
Deep Exemplar-based Video Colorization
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, v. 2019, June 2019, article number 8954242, p. 8044-8053
Zhang, Bo; He, Mingming; Liao, Jiao; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Yuan, Lu; Bermak, Amine; Chen, Dong
Example based Video Colorization
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019), Long Beach, US, 16-20 June 2019
Zhang, Bo; He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Lu, Yuan; Bermak, Amine; Chen, Dong

Article 3

Deep Examplar-Based Colorization
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v. 37, (4), August 2018, article number 47
He, Mingming; Chen, Dongdong; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro; Yuan, Lu
Gigapixel Panorama Video Loops
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 37, (1), January 2018, article number 3
He, Mingming; Liao, Jing; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Hoppe, Hugues
Microshift: An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for Hardware
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, v. 29, (11), November 2019, article number 8529272, p. 3430-3443
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V.; Tsui, Chi-Ying; Bermak, Amine

Conference paper 3

In-Depth Buffers
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (i3D 2018), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 15-18 May 2018
Han, Songfang; Chen, Ge; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro
Shape-Inspired Architectural Design
I3D 2018: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, May 2018, article number UNSP 12
Xiong, Weidan; Zhang, Pengbo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Joneja, Ajay
The Replate
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, v. 1, (1), July 2018, article number 4
Chen, Ge; Sander, Pedro; Nehab, Diego

Article 1

Triangle Reordering for Efficient Rendering in Complex Scenes
The Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, v.6, (3), 28 September 2017, p. 38-52
Han, Songfang; Sander, Pedro Vieira

Conference paper 2

Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation on Multiple Scales for Color Image Quality Assessment
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 2017, article number 7952357, p. 1253-1257
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V; Bermak, Amine
Registration Based Retargeted Image Quality Assessment
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, IEEE, 2017, p. 1258-1262, Article number 7952358
Zhang, Bo; Sander, Pedro V; Bermak, Amine

Article 1

New Controls for Combining Images in Correspondence
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, v. 22, (7), July 2016, article number 7243352, p. 1875-1885
Liao, Jing; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro

Conference paper 2

Triangle Reordering for Reduced Overdraw in Animated Scenes
Proceedings - 20th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, I3D 2016, February 2016, p. 23-27
Han, Songfang; Sander, Pedro V
Wide Dynamic Range PSD Algorithms and Their Implementation for Compressive Imaging
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, v. 2016, 2016, article number 7539156, p. 2727-2730
Zhang, Bo; Zhong, Xiaopeng; Wang, Bo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Bermak, Amine

Article 2

Automating Image Morphing Using Structural Similarity on a Halfway Domain
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 33, (5), August 2014, article number 168
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Yu, Jinhui
Semi-Automated Video Morphing
Computer Graphics Forum, v. 33, (4), 2014, p. 51-60
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira

Article 1

A fast parallel clustering algorithm for molecular simulation trajectories
Journal of Computational Chemistry, v. 34, (2), January 2013, p. 95-104
Zhao, Yutong; Sheong, Fu Kit; Sun, Jian; Sander, Pedro; Huang, Xuhui

Article 1

Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
Computer graphics forum, v. 31, (8), December 2012, p. 2378-2408
Scherzer, Daniel; Yang, Lei; Mattausch, Oliver; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Wimmer, Michael; Eisemann, Elmar

Conference paper 1

Depth-Presorted Triangle Lists
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, v. 31, (6), November 2012, article number 160
Chen, Ge; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Yang, Lei; Hu, Liang

Article 2

Antialiasing Recovery
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (3), 2011, May, Article number 22
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues
Image-Based Bidirectional Scene Reprojection
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (6), December 2011
Yang, Lei; Tse, Yu-Chiu; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Wilkins, Clara L.

Article 2

Anisotropic Blue Noise Sampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 29, (6), December 2010
Li, Hongwei; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro V.; Fu, Chi-Wing
Parallel View-Dependent Level-of-Detail Control
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, v. 16, (5), 2010, SEP-OCT, p. 718-728
Hu, Liang; Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues

Conference paper 2

Fast capacity constrained Voronoi tessellation
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010. (in the refereed Posters program), Washington, DC, USA, February 2010
Li, Hongwei; Nehab, Diego; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro; Fu, Chi-Wing
Interactive Painterly Stylization of Images, Videos and 3D Animations
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, ACM, Washington, DC, USA, February 2010, pp. 127-134
Lu, Jingwan; Sander, Pedro; Finkelstein, Adam

Article 3

Amortized Supersampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 28, (5), 2009, p. 135:1-135:12
Yang, Lei; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro V.; Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues
Relational Query Coprocessing on Graphics Processors
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, v. 34, (4), December 2009, article number 21
He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.
Stack-based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 44, (4), 2009, p. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying

Conference paper 3

I3DC: Interactive Three-Dimensional Cubes
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009, p. 1475-1478
Yang, Ke; Li, Yinan; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Proceedings of I3D 2009: The 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2009, p. 169-176
Hu, L.; Sander, P.V.; Hoppe, Hugues
Stack-Based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPOPP), v.44,(4),Raleigh, NC, USA, February 14-18, 2009: pp. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying

Article 3

Automated Reprojection-Based Pixel Shader Optimization
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Xi, Jiahe
Efficient Traversal of Mesh Edges using Adjacency Primitives
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Chlamtac, Eden; Hoppe, Hugues
Geometry-aware framebuffer level of detail
Computer graphics forum, v. 27, (4), 2008, JUN, p. 1183-1188
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason

Conference paper 2

An improved shading cache for modern GPUs
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2008, p. 95-101
Sitthi-Amorn, P.; Lawrence, J.; Yang, L.; Sander, P.V.; Nehab, D.
Relational Joins on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2008, p. 511-524
He, Bingsheng; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V,

Article 1

Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 26, (3), 2007, JUL, article number 89
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua

Book chapter 1

Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation
ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques / Edited by Wolfgang Engel. Boston, MA: Charles River Media, c2006, p.553-564
Sander, Pedro V.; Tatarchuk, Natalya; Mitchell, Jason L.

Conference paper 5

Accelerating real-time shading with reverse reprojection caching
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2007, p. 25-35
Nehab, D.; Sander, P.V.; Lawrence, J.; Tatarchuk, N.; Isidoro, J.R.
Ambient aperture lighting
Proceedings - I3D 2007, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007, p. 61-64
Oat, C.; Sander, P.V.
Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics, 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics; San Diego, CA; United States, 5 August 2007 through 9 August 2007; Code 70691, Article number 89
Sander, Pedro Vieira; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua
GPUQP: Query Co-processing Using Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2007, p. 1061-1063
Fang, Rui; He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.
In-memory Grid Files on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN '07, 2007
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying

Conference paper 1

Triangle Order Optimization for Graphics Hardware Computation Culling
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, Redwood City, USA, March 2006, p. 207–211
Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua; Sander, Pedro V.

Conference paper 1

Progressive Buffers: View-dependent Geometry and Texture LOD Rendering
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Vienna, Austria, July 2005, p. 129–138
Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L.

Book chapter 2

Drawing a Crowd
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL. / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L.
Methods for Real-time Skin Rendering
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L.

Conference paper 1

Signal-Specialized Parametrization for Piecewise Linear Reconstruction
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Nice, France, July 2004, p. 57–66
Tewari, Geetika; Snyder, John; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues

Conference paper 3

Geometry Videos
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, USA, July 2003, p. 136–146
Brice?o, Hector; Sander, Pedro V.; McMillan, Leonard; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues
Multi-Chart Geometry Images
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 146–155
Sander, Pedro V.; Wood, Zo?; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues
Simple Silhouettes for Complex Surfaces
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 102–106
Kirsanov, Danil; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.

Conference paper 2

A Scalable, Distributed Algorithm for Efficient Task Allocation
Proceedings of First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Bologna, Italy, July 2002, p. 1191–1198
Sander, Pedro V.; Peleshchuk, Denis; Grosz, Barbara J.
Signal-Specialized Parametrization
Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002, p. 87–100
Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues

Conference paper 2

Discontinuity Edge Overdraw
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Research Triangle, Park, USA, March 2001, p. 167–174
Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J.
Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, USA, August 2001, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues

Conference paper 1

Silhouette Clipping
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, New Orleans, USA, July 2000, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Gu, Xianfeng; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John

2016 3

New Controls for Combining Images in Correspondence
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, v. 22, (7), July 2016, article number 7243352, p. 1875-1885
Liao, Jing; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Article
Triangle Reordering for Reduced Overdraw in Animated Scenes
Proceedings - 20th ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, I3D 2016, February 2016, p. 23-27
Han, Songfang; Sander, Pedro V Conference paper
Wide Dynamic Range PSD Algorithms and Their Implementation for Compressive Imaging
Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, v. 2016, 2016, article number 7539156, p. 2727-2730
Zhang, Bo; Zhong, Xiaopeng; Wang, Bo; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Bermak, Amine Conference paper

2014 2

Automating Image Morphing Using Structural Similarity on a Halfway Domain
ACM Transactions on Graphics, v. 33, (5), August 2014, article number 168
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Yu, Jinhui Article
Semi-Automated Video Morphing
Computer Graphics Forum, v. 33, (4), 2014, p. 51-60
Liao, Jing; Lima, Rodolfo S.; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Sander, Pedro Vieira Article

2013 1

A fast parallel clustering algorithm for molecular simulation trajectories
Journal of Computational Chemistry, v. 34, (2), January 2013, p. 95-104
Zhao, Yutong; Sheong, Fu Kit; Sun, Jian; Sander, Pedro; Huang, Xuhui Article

2012 2

Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
Computer graphics forum, v. 31, (8), December 2012, p. 2378-2408
Scherzer, Daniel; Yang, Lei; Mattausch, Oliver; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro Vieira; Wimmer, Michael; Eisemann, Elmar Article
Depth-Presorted Triangle Lists
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, v. 31, (6), November 2012, article number 160
Chen, Ge; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Yang, Lei; Hu, Liang Conference paper

2011 2

Antialiasing Recovery
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (3), 2011, May, Article number 22
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Image-Based Bidirectional Scene Reprojection
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 30, (6), December 2011
Yang, Lei; Tse, Yu-Chiu; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason; Nehab, Diego; Hoppe, Hugues; Wilkins, Clara L. Article

2010 4

Anisotropic Blue Noise Sampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 29, (6), December 2010
Li, Hongwei; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro V.; Fu, Chi-Wing Article
Parallel View-Dependent Level-of-Detail Control
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, v. 16, (5), 2010, SEP-OCT, p. 718-728
Hu, Liang; Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Fast capacity constrained Voronoi tessellation
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010. (in the refereed Posters program), Washington, DC, USA, February 2010
Li, Hongwei; Nehab, Diego; Wei, Li-Yi; Sander, Pedro; Fu, Chi-Wing Conference paper
Interactive Painterly Stylization of Images, Videos and 3D Animations
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, ACM, Washington, DC, USA, February 2010, pp. 127-134
Lu, Jingwan; Sander, Pedro; Finkelstein, Adam Conference paper

2009 6

Amortized Supersampling
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 28, (5), 2009, p. 135:1-135:12
Yang, Lei; Nehab, Diego; Sander, Pedro V.; Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Relational Query Coprocessing on Graphics Processors
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, v. 34, (4), December 2009, article number 21
He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V. Article
Stack-based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v. 44, (4), 2009, p. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Article
I3DC: Interactive Three-Dimensional Cubes
Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 2009, p. 1475-1478
Yang, Ke; Li, Yinan; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper
Parallel view-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Proceedings of I3D 2009: The 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2009, p. 169-176
Hu, L.; Sander, P.V.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Stack-Based Parallel Recursion on Graphics Processors
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPOPP), v.44,(4),Raleigh, NC, USA, February 14-18, 2009: pp. 299-300
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper

2008 5

Automated Reprojection-Based Pixel Shader Optimization
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Xi, Jiahe Article
Efficient Traversal of Mesh Edges using Adjacency Primitives
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 27, (5), 2008, DEC
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Chlamtac, Eden; Hoppe, Hugues Article
Geometry-aware framebuffer level of detail
Computer graphics forum, v. 27, (4), 2008, JUN, p. 1183-1188
Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Lawrence, Jason Article
An improved shading cache for modern GPUs
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2008, p. 95-101
Sitthi-Amorn, P.; Lawrence, J.; Yang, L.; Sander, P.V.; Nehab, D. Conference paper
Relational Joins on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2008, p. 511-524
He, Bingsheng; Yang, Ke; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V, Conference paper

2007 7

Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
ACM transactions on graphics, v. 26, (3), 2007, JUL, article number 89
Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua Article
Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation
ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques / Edited by Wolfgang Engel. Boston, MA: Charles River Media, c2006, p.553-564
Sander, Pedro V.; Tatarchuk, Natalya; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Accelerating real-time shading with reverse reprojection caching
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 2007, p. 25-35
Nehab, D.; Sander, P.V.; Lawrence, J.; Tatarchuk, N.; Isidoro, J.R. Conference paper
Ambient aperture lighting
Proceedings - I3D 2007, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2007, p. 61-64
Oat, C.; Sander, P.V. Conference paper
Fast triangle reordering for vertex locality and reduced overdraw
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics, 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics; San Diego, CA; United States, 5 August 2007 through 9 August 2007; Code 70691, Article number 89
Sander, Pedro Vieira; Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua Conference paper
GPUQP: Query Co-processing Using Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2007, p. 1061-1063
Fang, Rui; He, Bingsheng; Lu, Mian; Yang, Ke; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V. Conference paper
In-memory Grid Files on Graphics Processors
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, DaMoN '07, 2007
Yang, Ke; He, Bingsheng; Fang, Rui; Lu, Mian; Govindaraju, Naga K.; Luo, Qiong; Sander, Pedro V.; Shi, Jiaoying Conference paper

2006 1

Triangle Order Optimization for Graphics Hardware Computation Culling
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, Redwood City, USA, March 2006, p. 207–211
Nehab, Diego; Barczak, Joshua; Sander, Pedro V. Conference paper

2005 1

Progressive Buffers: View-dependent Geometry and Texture LOD Rendering
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Vienna, Austria, July 2005, p. 129–138
Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Conference paper

2004 3

Drawing a Crowd
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL. / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Methods for Real-time Skin Rendering
ShaderX3: Advanced Rendering With DirectX And OpenGL / Charles River Media. 2004
Gosselin, David; Sander, Pedro V.; Mitchell, Jason L. Book chapter
Signal-Specialized Parametrization for Piecewise Linear Reconstruction
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, Nice, France, July 2004, p. 57–66
Tewari, Geetika; Snyder, John; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2003 3

Geometry Videos
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, San Diego, USA, July 2003, p. 136–146
Brice?o, Hector; Sander, Pedro V.; McMillan, Leonard; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Multi-Chart Geometry Images
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 146–155
Sander, Pedro V.; Wood, Zo?; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper
Simple Silhouettes for Complex Surfaces
Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry processing, Aachen, Germany, June 2003, p. 102–106
Kirsanov, Danil; Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J. Conference paper

2002 2

A Scalable, Distributed Algorithm for Efficient Task Allocation
Proceedings of First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Bologna, Italy, July 2002, p. 1191–1198
Sander, Pedro V.; Peleshchuk, Denis; Grosz, Barbara J. Conference paper
Signal-Specialized Parametrization
Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002, p. 87–100
Sander, Pedro V.; Gortler, Steven J.; Snyder, John; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2001 2

Discontinuity Edge Overdraw
Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Research Triangle, Park, USA, March 2001, p. 167–174
Sander, Pedro V.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J. Conference paper
Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, USA, August 2001, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Snyder, John; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues Conference paper

2000 1

Silhouette Clipping
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, New Orleans, USA, July 2000, p. 409–416
Sander, Pedro V.; Gu, Xianfeng; Gortler, Steven J.; Hoppe, Hugues; Snyder, John Conference paper

No Publications

Teaching Assignment
2021-22 Winter 0 2021-22 Fall 4 2020-21 Summer 2 2020-21 Spring 5 2020-21 Winter 0 2020-21 Fall 4

COMP4981 Final Year Project
COMP5411 Advanced Computer Graphics
IIMP6010 Cross-disciplinary Research Methods I
UROP3100E Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 3

COMP4981 Final Year Project
UROP2100D Undergraduate Research Opportunities Series 2

CMAA5001 Foundations of Computational Media and Arts
COMP2011 Programming with C++
COMP4451 Game Programming
COMP4981 Final Year Project
CPEG4901 Computer Engineering Final Year Project in COMP

COMP4981 Final Year Project
COMP5411 Advanced Computer Graphics
CPEG4901 Computer Engineering Final Year Project in COMP
IIMP6010 Cross-disciplinary Research Methods I

No Teaching Assignments

No Teaching Assignments

Research Postgraduate (RPG) Supervision From January 2019 to December 2022 (As of 30 January 2022)

All Supervisions Current RPGs Graduated RPGs

Current RPGs

Doctor of Philosophy FENG, Lingyi (co-supervision)
Computational Media and Arts( 2022 - )

HU, Rui
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program( 2021 - )

CAN, Chiu Fai (co-supervision)
Individualized Interdisciplinary Program( 2019 - )

MA, Li
Computer Science and Engineering( 2019 - )

Master of Philosophy HAO, Guangyuan (co-supervision)
Artificial Intelligence( 2021 - )

Graduated RPGs

Doctor of Philosophy LI, Xiaoyu
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2021 )

HAN, Songfang
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2019 )

XIONG, Weidan
Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2019 )

Electronic and Computer Engineering( Completed in 2019 )

Master of Philosophy ZHAO, Yutong (co-supervision)
Smart Manufacturing( Completed in 2021 )

ProjectsFrom January 2020 to December 2022

All Projects 2 Leading Projects 1 Participating Projects 1

X-GPU: An Extreme GPU Cluster for Interdisciplinary Research on Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Genomics Studies

X-GPU:一個極高性能的GPU計算集群用於分子動力學模擬和基因組學的跨學科研究 Participating

RGC - Collaborative Research Fund

Project Team (HKUST)
YANG Can (Lead)
HAN Yilong
LUO Qiong
PAN Ding
SU Haibin
WANG Jiguang
YAO Yuan
YU Weichuan

2020 -

Interactive triangle order optimization Leading

RGC - Direct Allocation Grant

Project Team (HKUST)
SANDER Pedro (Lead)

2007 - 2021

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