Zhen LIU
Doctor of Natural Science in Biophysics
Peking University, 2015
Assistant Professor
Division of Life Science
(852) 3469 2553
Room 5521
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Research Interest Publications RPG Supervision
Research Interest
Cell biology
Super-resolution microscopy
Disease mechanisms
Centrosome and cilia
All Years 7 2022 0 2021 0 2020 4 2019 0 2018 0 2017 0 2016 3
2020 4
A quantitative super-resolution imaging toolbox for diagnosis of motile ciliopathies
Science Translational Medicine, v. 12, (535), March 2020, article number eaay0071
Liu, Zhen; Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Guan, Qingxu; Albulescu, Alexandra; Erdman, Lauren; Mahdaviyeh, Yasaman; Kang, Jasmine; Ouyang, Hong; Hegele, Richard G.; Moraes, Theo; Goldenberg, Anna; Dell, Sharon D.; Mennella, Vito Article
Comparative Super-Resolution Mapping of Basal Feet Reveals a Modular but Distinct Architecture in Primary and Motile Cilia
Developmental Cell, v. 55, (2), October 2020, p. 209-223.e7
Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Liu, Zhen; Albulescu, Alexandra; Ouyang, Hong; Zlock, Lorna; Coyaud, Etienne; Laurent, Estelle; Finkbeiner, Walter; Moraes, Theo J.; Raught, Brian; Mennella, Vito Article
Super-Resolution Microscopy and FIB-SEM Imaging Reveal Parental Centriole-Derived, Hybrid Cilium in Mammalian Multiciliated Cells
Developmental Cell, v. 55, (2), October 2020, p. 224-236.e6
Liu, Zhen; Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Nanjundappa, Rashmi; Delgehyr, Nathalie; Megherbi, Alexandre; Doherty, Regan; Thompson, James; Jackson, Claire; Albulescu, Alexandra; Heng, Yew M.; Lucas, Jane S.; Dell, Sharon D.; Meunier, Alice; Czymmek, Kirk; Mahjoub, Moe R.; Mennella, Vito Article
Hereditary Mucin Deficiency Caused by Biallelic Loss-of-Function of MUC5B Defines a Novel Category of Lung Disease
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2020 / American Thoracic Society. New York, USA : American Thoracic Society, 2020, v. 201, C49. Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis, PCD, and Cough
Liu, Zhen; Costain, Gregory; Goczi, Adrienn; Albulescu, Alexandra; Walker, Susan; Ngan, Bo; Hall, David, A.; Marshall, Christian R.; Mennella, Vito; Kesimer, Mehmet; Knowles, Michael; Zariwala, Maimoona A.; Dell, Sharon D. Conference paper
2015 1
Live-cell and super-resolution imaging reveal that the distribution of wall-associated protein A is correlated with the cell chain integrity of Streptococcus mutans
Molecular Oral Microbiology, v. 30, (5), October 2015, p. 376-383
Li, Yongliang; Liu, Zhen; Zhang, Yifei; Su, Qian Peter; Xue, Boxin; Shao, Shipeng; Zhu, Yun; Xu, Xiao; Wei, Shicheng; Sun, Yujie Article
2014 2
Super-resolution imaging and tracking of protein–protein interactions in sub-diffraction cellular space
Nature Communications, v. 5, July 2014, article number 4443
Liu, Zhen; Xing, Dong; Su, Qian Peter; Zhu, Yun; Zhang, Jiamei; Kong, Xinyu; Wang, Sheng; Sun, Hao; Tao, Yile; Sun, Yujie Article
超高分辨率荧光显微成像: 2014年诺贝尔化学奖解析
科学通报=Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 59, (34), 2014, p. 3342-3343
苏乾; 刘振; 薛博鑫; 孙育杰 Article
Article 3
A quantitative super-resolution imaging toolbox for diagnosis of motile ciliopathies
Science Translational Medicine, v. 12, (535), March 2020, article number eaay0071
Liu, Zhen; Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Guan, Qingxu; Albulescu, Alexandra; Erdman, Lauren; Mahdaviyeh, Yasaman; Kang, Jasmine; Ouyang, Hong; Hegele, Richard G.; Moraes, Theo; Goldenberg, Anna; Dell, Sharon D.; Mennella, Vito
Comparative Super-Resolution Mapping of Basal Feet Reveals a Modular but Distinct Architecture in Primary and Motile Cilia
Developmental Cell, v. 55, (2), October 2020, p. 209-223.e7
Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Liu, Zhen; Albulescu, Alexandra; Ouyang, Hong; Zlock, Lorna; Coyaud, Etienne; Laurent, Estelle; Finkbeiner, Walter; Moraes, Theo J.; Raught, Brian; Mennella, Vito
Super-Resolution Microscopy and FIB-SEM Imaging Reveal Parental Centriole-Derived, Hybrid Cilium in Mammalian Multiciliated Cells
Developmental Cell, v. 55, (2), October 2020, p. 224-236.e6
Liu, Zhen; Nguyen, Quynh P.H.; Nanjundappa, Rashmi; Delgehyr, Nathalie; Megherbi, Alexandre; Doherty, Regan; Thompson, James; Jackson, Claire; Albulescu, Alexandra; Heng, Yew M.; Lucas, Jane S.; Dell, Sharon D.; Meunier, Alice; Czymmek, Kirk; Mahjoub, Moe R.; Mennella, Vito
Conference paper 1
Hereditary Mucin Deficiency Caused by Biallelic Loss-of-Function of MUC5B Defines a Novel Category of Lung Disease
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2020 / American Thoracic Society. New York, USA : American Thoracic Society, 2020, v. 201, C49. Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis, PCD, and Cough
Liu, Zhen; Costain, Gregory; Goczi, Adrienn; Albulescu, Alexandra; Walker, Susan; Ngan, Bo; Hall, David, A.; Marshall, Christian R.; Mennella, Vito; Kesimer, Mehmet; Knowles, Michael; Zariwala, Maimoona A.; Dell, Sharon D.
Article 1
Live-cell and super-resolution imaging reveal that the distribution of wall-associated protein A is correlated with the cell chain integrity of Streptococcus mutans
Molecular Oral Microbiology, v. 30, (5), October 2015, p. 376-383
Li, Yongliang; Liu, Zhen; Zhang, Yifei; Su, Qian Peter; Xue, Boxin; Shao, Shipeng; Zhu, Yun; Xu, Xiao; Wei, Shicheng; Sun, Yujie
Article 2
Super-resolution imaging and tracking of protein–protein interactions in sub-diffraction cellular space
Nature Communications, v. 5, July 2014, article number 4443
Liu, Zhen; Xing, Dong; Su, Qian Peter; Zhu, Yun; Zhang, Jiamei; Kong, Xinyu; Wang, Sheng; Sun, Hao; Tao, Yile; Sun, Yujie
超高分辨率荧光显微成像: 2014年诺贝尔化学奖解析
科学通报=Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 59, (34), 2014, p. 3342-3343
苏乾; 刘振; 薛博鑫; 孙育杰
2015 1
Live-cell and super-resolution imaging reveal that the distribution of wall-associated protein A is correlated with the cell chain integrity of Streptococcus mutans
Molecular Oral Microbiology, v. 30, (5), October 2015, p. 376-383
Li, Yongliang; Liu, Zhen; Zhang, Yifei; Su, Qian Peter; Xue, Boxin; Shao, Shipeng; Zhu, Yun; Xu, Xiao; Wei, Shicheng; Sun, Yujie Article
2014 2
Super-resolution imaging and tracking of protein–protein interactions in sub-diffraction cellular space
Nature Communications, v. 5, July 2014, article number 4443
Liu, Zhen; Xing, Dong; Su, Qian Peter; Zhu, Yun; Zhang, Jiamei; Kong, Xinyu; Wang, Sheng; Sun, Hao; Tao, Yile; Sun, Yujie Article
超高分辨率荧光显微成像: 2014年诺贝尔化学奖解析
科学通报=Chinese Science Bulletin, v. 59, (34), 2014, p. 3342-3343
苏乾; 刘振; 薛博鑫; 孙育杰 Article
No Publications
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Research Postgraduate (RPG) Supervision From January 2019 to December 2022 (As of 30 January 2022)
Current RPGs
Doctor of Philosophy FENG, Hanchao
Life Science( 2021 - )
ProjectsFrom January 2020 to December 2022
香港科技大学理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Zhen LIU
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-30
相关话题/理学院 香港科技大学
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WeipingLI李卫平 ...香港科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2022-01-30