
香港理工大学康复治疗科学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Mr Curtis WONG

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03

Mr Curtis WONG Clinical Associate
MSc Musculoskeletal Medicine & Rehabilitation (CUHK), PgD Modern Acupuncture for Rehabilitation (HKU SPACE), BSc (Hons) PT (PolyU)

Location QT523
Phone +852 2766 6724
mail curtis-kaho.wong@polyu.edu.hk

Biography Mr Curtis Wong received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physiotherapy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Master of Science degree in Musculoskeletal Medicine & Rehabilitation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Acupuncture for Rehabilitation from the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.
After graduation, Mr Wong had worked in different clinical settings, including in-patient and out-patient settings in the public sector, as well as in private clinics. Before working as Clinical Associate at RS of PolyU, he served as Physiotherapist I at the Rehabilitation Clinic of RS, providing services to patients with musculoskeletal, peripheral vestibular and neurodegenerative conditions.
Mr Wong has been an executive committee member of the Occupational Safety, Health and Rehabilitation Specialty Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association since 2012. He is a passionate learner and has been pursuing further education in physiotherapy throughout the past years, with his focus on acupuncture, manual therapy and exercise therapy. He would like to share his clinical experience with students and educate them to be a lifelong learner in the future.

Education and Academic Qualifications Master of Science in Musculoskeletal Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Diploma in Modern Acupuncture for Rehabilitation, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Manual handling operations
Clinical application of acupuncture

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