
香港理工大学康复治疗科学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Mr Stanley WU

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-03

Mr Stanley WU Clinical Associate
MSocSc Psy of Ed (CityU), BSc PT (PolyU), PGDE in PE-STSK (HKBU)

Location GH155
Phone +852 3400 3957
mail stanley-tm.wu@polyu.edu.hk

Biography Mr Stanley Wu obtained his Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also completed his Master’s degree in Psychology of Education at the City University of Hong Kong. To further equip himself for teaching, he obtained his Postgraduate Diploma in Education from Hong Kong Baptist University, specialising in physical education.
After his graduation, Mr Wu had worked in various settings including clinical and educational settings. He had also worked in community and private settings, for non-governmental organisations, professional sports teams, etc. He has developed his interests in paediatric area during his work in these settings. Before joining RS of PolyU, he was senior physiotherapist in one of the major NGOs in Hong Kong. He possesses extensive administrative experience and clinical experience in treating children with developmental difficulties. In the aspect of education, he had been invited to teach children-related subjects in various tertiary institutions including PolyU. He had also been visiting lecturer at Sichuan University, China, and had shared his clinical knowledge with students of master’s programmes in physiotherapy in mainland China. As a clinical educator for several years, he has been motivating physiotherapy students to apply their classroom knowledge to authentic clinical practice.
Mr Wu is keen to nurture young people. He had guided physiotherapy students to overseas placement trips to places like Xinjiang, Vietnam etc, to widen their horizons as well as inspire them through service learning. Joining RS as a clinical associate, he hopes to impart his knowledge and experience to the future physiotherapists.

Paediatric physiotherapy
Management of children with developmental delay and developmental coordination disorder
Clinical education
Application of psychological principles to rehabilitation

相关话题/科学 香港理工大学