
香港理工大学电子计算学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr YANG Lei Ray

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-02

Dr YANG Lei Ray Assistant Professor
BSc, MSc, PhD(Xi'an Jiaotong)

Location PQ718
Phone +852 2766 7280
mail ray.yang@polyu.edu.hk
stream Personal Website

Open Platform for University Scholars

Biography Dr Yang obtained his Bachelor of Science and PhD at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He was also jointly trained in the Department of CSE at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology during pursuing his PhD (2009-2011). Previously, Dr Yang was a post-doctoral fellow in the School of Software at Tsinghua University. He was the recipient of ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award, Best Paper Awards of ACM MobiCom’14 and MobiHoc’14. He also served on the Program Committee for INFOCOM’16, MASS’15 -16 and ICPADS’14-16. His research interests include backscatter and mobile computing, with a particular focus on radio frequency identification. An example of his research, the Tagoram, is a localization and tracking system using COTS RFIDs, which achieves mm-level accuracy in real-time.

相关话题/计算 电子 香港理工大学