
香港理工大学电子计算学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof. HOORN Johan

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-02

Prof. HOORN Johan Professor
BA, MA(University of Amsterdam); PhD(D. Litt.), PhD(D. Sc.) (Vrije University Amsterdam)

Location PQ729 (COMP) / V602i (SD)
Phone +852 2766 4509
mail johan.f.hoorn@polyu.edu.hk

Open Platform for University Scholars

Biography Prof. Hoorn started his research in the Humanities, focusing on fictional characters. After he joined Computer Science of Vrije University Amsterdam, he ventured into avatars and game characters. After implementing a number of cognitive models in artificial systems, he turned to social robots as the universal interface between the digital and the analogue world. At PolyU, he will further the Robot Brain Server, handling data, data security, AI, and Cloud for the robot to be a safe and trustworthy confidante to its user.

Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Literature, Vrije University Amsterdam
Doctor of Science, Vrije University Amsterdam
Master of Dutch Language and Literature, University of Amsterdam

Professional Qualifications Lorentz Fellow
Member NeSCOR
Member SIKS
Member EPOS
Member OSL

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