
香港理工大学会计及金融学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Vincent ZHUANG

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01

Dr Vincent ZHUANG
Research Assistant Professor

3400 3294
Research Area:
Financial Technology, DeFi, DEconomy, and Technological Innovation

Consulting, Research and Teaching Interests:
Managerial Financial Communication, Corporate Financial Reporting, Managerial Traits, Real Estate and PropertyTech, Security Economics
CryptoEconomics, DeFi, Modern Cryptography, Information Security, Mobile Payment, RFID and Smart Cards, Industrial IoT

Selected Works

"Understanding Security Vulnerability Awareness, Firm Incentives, and ICT Development in Pan-Asia," with Y. Choi, S. He, A. Leung, G.M. Lee, and A.B. Whinston, Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Volume 37, Issue 3, Pages. 668-693, 2020. Impact Factor: 7.838, (FT 50)

相关话题/金融学院 会计 香港理工大学