
香港理工大学纺织及服装学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Eunsoo Baek

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01

Eunsoo Baek Assistant Professor, Institute of Textiles and Clothing


Source: Scopus
Calculated based on no. of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
Research activity per year

Research output (23)
Prizes (3)
Activities (3)

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Personal profile
Research interestsDr. Baek’s research focuses on understanding consumers in retail settings based on consumer behavior discipline. Her research has examined the effect of diverse retail factors on shoppers in on/offline environments. Her recent projects are aimed to investigate the interplay between consumers and technology-driven retail factors and provide insights into managing and enhancing the consumer experience in the digital retail era.
Research Grant
Undergraduate Research Innovation Scholarship (URIS).?“Tactics of online product displays.” HK$ 50,000, 2021. Supervisor?
National Research Foundation (NRF) Korea.?“K-Lifestyle Co-Creation of Young Vietnamese Consumers.” KRW 240,000K (= HK$ 1,550,000), 2020-2023, Co-I.?
TRSM?Advancement Grant, “The Enigma of Tech Engagement on Luxury Retailing.” CAD15,000 (=HK$ 85,900), 2020-2021, Co-I.?
RGC Grant, Early Career Scheme (ECS),?“Feeling Secure Inside these Walls: The Effect of Ceiling Height on Retail Consumers.” HK$ 642,460, 2020~2022,?PI.?
SSHRC, “Examining Environmental Elements on Variety Seeking Behavior in Retail Settings”, CAD7,000 (=HK$ 40,000), 2019-2020, Co-I.
UGC Grant,?Start-up Fund for New Recruits,”Virtual Reality as a Communication Tool.” HK$ 495,311, 2018-2021,?PI.
TeachingDr. Baek has taught courses such as fashion marketing and research methods in various universities in South Korea and Cornell University in the US. In PolyU, she has been teaching?Fashion Visual Merchandising?(ITC3047) and?Fashion Retail Promotion?(ITC4062).

Education/Academic qualificationMaster of Science in Business Administration, Seoul National University

Doctor of Philosophy in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design, Seoul National University

Bachelor of Science, Yonsei University

Research output 105 Citations
6 h-Index
17 Journal article
6 Conference article published in proceeding or book

Research output per year

Research output per year

Diverse values of fashion rental service and contamination concern of consumersBaek, E. & Oh, G. E. G., Feb 2021, In: Journal of Business Research. 123, p. 165-175 11 p.Research output: Journal article publication ? Journal article ? Academic research ? peer-review

11 Citations(Scopus)

More than what meets the eye: Understanding the effects of poly-contextual cues in online fashion retailingBaek, E., Huang, Z. & Lee, S. H. M., May 2021, In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 60, 102504, 102504.Research output: Journal article publication ? Journal article ? Academic research ? peer-review
Open Access

Better With Diverse Contexts? the Effects of Contextual Diversity of Background on Consumption ImageryBaek, E. & Huang, Z., Oct 2020, Advances in Consumer Research. Association for Consumer Research, Vol. 48. p. 1196-1196 Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceeding ? Conference article published in proceeding or book ? Academic research ? peer-review

Glimpse Into the Future Experience: When Is Virtual Reality Sampling Beneficial?Baek, E., Oct 2020, Advances in Consumer Research. Association for Consumer Research, Vol. 48. p. 1032-1037 Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceeding ? Conference article published in proceeding or book ? Academic research ? peer-review

Try-on experience with augmented reality comforts your decision: Focusing on the roles of immersion and psychological ownershipSong, H. K., Baek, E. & Choo, H. J., 22 Jul 2020, (Accepted/In press) In: Information Technology and People.Research output: Journal article publication ? Journal article ? Academic research ? peer-review

6 Citations(Scopus)

View all 23 research outputs

2021 Fashion and Textiles Best Reviewer AwardBaek, Eunsoo (Recipient), 18 Oct 2021
Prize: Honorary award ? Honorary award (research)

Emerald Literati 2019 Highly Commended AwardBaek, Eunsoo (Recipient), Oct 2019
Prize: Honorary award ? Honorary award (research)

2019 Highly Commended AwardBaek, Eunsoo (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Honorary award ? Honorary award (research)

Activities 2 Editorial work for journals
1 Office holder / member of board

Activities per year

Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles (Journal)Eunsoo Baek (Editorial board member)
1 Jan 2020 → 31 Dec 2022
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work ? Editorial work for journals

Korea Distribution Association (KODIA) (External organisation)Eunsoo Baek (Executive member)
1 Jan 2020
Activity: Office holder / membership of professional bodies ? Office holder / member of board

International Journal of Costume and Fashion (Journal)Eunsoo Baek (Editorial board member)
1 May 2019 → 30 Apr 2022
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work ? Editorial work for journals

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