Dr CHONG Yee Ling
E: ylchong@eduhk.hk
T: 2948 7904
O: B3-2/F-41
Lecturer I
Academic Profile
BSc (Biotechnology) (UPM), MSc (Molecular Microbiology), PGD (Teaching & Learning) (UNIMAS), PhD (Biology) (Penn State)
Research Interests
Animal disease ecology
Virus ecology and evolution
Environmental microbiology
Teaching Areas
STEM Education
Health and Environment
Education for Sustainability
Self Introduction
I believe that the teaching process should be learner-centered. Therefore, creating an interactive and collaborative environment is a key to engage the learners in the process of acquisition of fundamental skills, such as critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which applies not only to science but all subjects. I am enthusiastic in using different teaching and learning (TL) approaches, such as problem-based learning (PBL), project-based PBL, case studies, hands-on learning such as laboratory/practical sessions and field trip study, etc. to enhance students’ learning experience. I also constantly incorporate technology into my classes, including blended learning with video, online forum, online games, flipped classroom, canvas, MOOC, OCW, etc.
My research interest is animal disease ecology. I have been conducting multi-disciplinary research on microparasites (viruses and bacteria) and ectoparasites of wild and urban animals including primates, rodents, birds, fishes and pest insects, as well as environmental microbiology. I have been involved in field survey and sampling, laboratory studies and using genetic data to investigate the animal hosts, microbiome, parasites and their diseases for the ecological and health implications.
Selected Publications
Book and book chapters (selected)
Chong YL*, Khan FAA, Tuen AA, Hamdan NES, Sukri NH, Nahrawi, NSFM, Rosli QS, Dee JW, Morni MA, Sulaiman B, Langub BG and Mohd-Azlan J. (2019). Small Terrestrial Mammals. In “Life from Headwater to the Coast- Gunung Santubong, Where Nature Meets Culture". Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn Bhd. Pp 119-122. ISBN: 978-967-2008-94-1.
Chong YL*, Yeo FKS and Khan FAA. (Eds.) (2018). Glimpses of Bornean Biodiversity. Sarawak: UNIMAS Publisher. 219 pages. ISBN: 978-967-2008-77-4.
Chong YL*, Khan FAA, Hamdan NES, Latip N, Murni R, Rosli QS, Morni MAB, Dee JW, Mohd-Azlan J and Tuen AA. (2017). Small Terrestrial Mammals. In “Life frond Headwater to the Coast- Gunung Penrissen, The Roof of Western Borneo". Kota Kinabalu: Natural History Publications (Borneo) Sdn Bhd. Pp 137-141. ISBN: 978-967-2008-15-6.
Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications (selected)
Lim LWK, Chung HH, Chong YL and Lee NK. (2019) Isolation and characterization of putative liver-specific enhancers in Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 42(2): 627-647.
Lim LWK, Chung HH, Chong YL and Lee NK. (2018). A Survey of Recently Emerged Genome-wide Computational Enhancer Predictor Tools. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 74: 132-141.
Chong YL* and Ng KH. (2017). Genomic recombination in primate bocavirus: inconsistency and alternative interpretations. Virus Genes, 53: 774-777.
Ng YL, Hamdan NES, Tuen AA, Mohd-Azlan J, and Chong YL*. (2017). Co-infections of ectoparasite species in synanthropic rodents of western Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Tropical Biomedicine, 34(3): 1-9.
Hamdan NES, Ng YL, Lee WB, Tan CS, Khan FAA and Chong YL*. (2017). Rodent Species Distribution and Hantavirus Seroprevalence in Residential and Forested Areas of Sarawak, Malaysia. Tropical Life Sciences Research, 28(1): 151-159.
Lam TT, Zhu H, Chong YL, Holmes E, & Guan Y. (2015). Puzzling origins of the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014. Journal of Virology. 22 July 2015, doi:10.1128/JVI.01226-15.
Chong YL*, Kim, O, & Poss. (2014). Lineage diversification of pigeon paramyxovirus effect re-emergence potential in chickens. Virology, 462-463:309-317.
Chong YL, Lam TT, Kim O, Lu H, Dunn P, Poss M. (2013). Successful Establishment and Global Dispersal of Genotype VI Avian Paramyxovirus Serotype 1 after Cross Species Transmission. Infection, Genetics & Evolution, 17:260-268.
Lam TT, Chong YL, Shi M, Hon CC, Li J, Martin DP, Tang JW, Mok CK, Shih SR, Yip CW, Jiang J, Hui RK, Pybus OG, Holmes EC, Leung FC. (2013). Systematic phylogenetic analysis of influenza A virus reveals many novel mosaic genome segments. Infection, Genetics & Evolution pii: S1567-1348(13)00088-9.
Chong YL, Padhi A, Hudson PJ, Poss M. (2010). The Effect of Vaccination on the Evolution and Population Dynamics of Avian Paramyxovirus-1. PLoS Pathog 6(4): e1000872.
Teaching Publications
Chong YL (2016). Getting Students to Participate in Class. INSIGHT@UNIMAS Teaching & Learning Bulletin, 29:9. ISSN:1823-2396.
Chong YL & Sulaiman B (2016). From OCW to MOOC: Challenges and Experiences in Creation and Development. INSIGHT@UNIMAS Teaching & Learning Bulletin, 28:10-11. ISSN:1823-2396.
Chong YL (2015). Implementing In-Class Problem-Based Learning in Ecology Course. INSIGHT@UNIMAS Teaching & Learning Bulletin, 27:12-15. ISSN:1823-2396.
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK科学与环境学系老师简介-Dr CHONG Yee Ling
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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