Dr Kris Hartley
OFFICE B2-2/F-04
PHONE 2948 7554
EMAIL hartley@eduhk.hk
WEBSITE www.krishartley.com
Dr. Kris Hartley is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). He is Programme Leader of the Master of International Public Management and Administration. Kris researches public policy and administration with a focus on environment and technology.
Kris holds several continuing roles at institutions around the world, including Nonresident Fellow for Global Cities at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Visiting Fellow at the Melbourne Centre for Cities at the University of Melbourne, Affiliated Scholar at the Seoul National University Center for Government Competitiveness, and Visiting Assistant Professor at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam Institute of Policy Studies. He has previously been a Fulbright U.S. Scholar (2020) and has held faculty appointments at Cornell University, University of Melbourne, Vietnam National University, and Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan.
With over a decade of public and private sector experience, Kris has worked with the United Nations, ASEAN Secretariat, central and local government agencies in the United States, New Zealand, and Thailand, and research institutes in Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, and Australia. He has consulted on a variety of topics including urban growth strategies, sustainable development, transportation planning, earthquake recovery, and infrastructure management.
Kris’s research and consulting projects are connected by the overarching theme of new public policy models for the 21st century. His 2021 book with Cambridge University Press (Disrupted governance: towards a new policy science) addresses the shifting contexts and understandings of public policy in an age of uncertainty and disruption. His 2014 and 2020 books (both with Routledge Press) address governance and public policy amidst global systemic disruptions. His research has been published in a variety of leading academic journals including Policy Sciences, Policy and Society, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Telematics and Informatics, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Telecommunications Policy, Geoforum, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Environmental Development, and City, Culture and Society, among others.
Kris serves as an Associate Editor for Policy and Society journal, Assistant Editor for Policy Design and Practice journal, and Policy Briefs Editor for Water International journal (International Water Resources Association). He has pursued an active external engagement agenda, presenting at over 50 academic conferences, giving numerous broadcast interviews and invited lectures, and publishing over 100 commentaries in press venues including CNN International, Huffington Post, South China Morning Post, and The Straits Times. He has been quoted for articles in Times Higher Education and Reuters, and was interviewed live by Australian Broadcasting Corporation about labor and technological change.
Kris holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the National University of Singapore and a Master of City Planning from the University of California, Berkeley. As a doctoral student, he held the President’s Graduate Fellowship and was awarded the 2016 Wang Gungwu Medal and Prize for best Ph.D. thesis in the Social Sciences and the Musim Mas Dissertation Award for Research on Sustainability. Kris is originally from Nashville, Tennessee.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters:
Chapter in Edited Book (Author)
Hartley, Kris. (2021). “Capitalism and city futures in the age of crisis.” In Mori, H., Yoshida, T., and Anttiroiko, A. eds., City, Public Value, and Capitalism: New Urban Visions and Public Strategies. Forthcoming.
Hartley, Kris and Ahmad, Norainie. (2021). “Neo-professionalization of the civil service: an institutional perspective.” In Brik, A. and Pal, L. (eds.), The Future of the Policy Sciences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kuecker, Glen and Hartley, Kris. (2021). “Disaster risk reduction and the development narrative: towards a new public policy epistemic.” In Brik, A. and Pal, L. (eds.), The Future of the Policy Sciences. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hartley, Kris. (2020). “Environmental resilience and intergovernmental collaboration in the Pearl River Delta.” In Tortajada, C., Horne, J., and Harrington, L., eds. “Urban Resilience to Droughts and Floods.” Routledge Press. ISBN 9780367583279. (reprint from journal article)
Hartley, Kris. (2020). “Fortress infrastructure and the future of urban policy: a playful prediction.” In Derrible, S. and Chester, M. (eds.), Urban Infrastructure for 2100. pp. 81-84.
Singh, Rumit Kakar and Hartley, Kris. (2020). “Failed Healthcare in India: Looking Behind the Urban-focused Narrative.” In Hartley, K., Kuecker, G., Woo, J.J., and Phua, C. (eds.), Governing Cities: Asia’s Urban Transformation, London: Routledge Press.
Zhang, Jingru and Hartley, Kris. (2020). “Muddling through the garbage: household recycling in newly developed Asian cities.” In Hartley, K., Kuecker, G., Woo, J.J., and Phua, C. (eds.), Governing Cities: Asia’s Urban Transformation, London: Routledge Press.
Hartley, Kris. (2020). “New Asian Statism: towards an understanding of Asia’s 21st century urban transformation.” In Hartley, K., Kuecker, G., Woo, J.J., and Phua, C. (eds.), Governing Cities: Asia’s Urban Transformation, London: Routledge Press.
Hartley, Kris. (2020). “The politics and policies of regional water management in Southern China.” In Ranjan, A. (ed.) Water issues in the Himalayan region. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-32-9614-5_4)
Vu, M.K. and Hartley, Kris. (2019). “Learning to Catch up in South East Asia.” In Arkebe Oqubay and Kenichi Ohno (eds.): How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up. Oxford University Press. pp. 262-284. (https://bit.ly/2Ip1KjP)
Hartley, Kris and Zhang, J. (2017). “Measuring Policy Capacity Through Governance Indices.” In Howlett, Ramesh, and Wu (Eds.), Policy Capacity and Governance: Assessing Governmental Competences and Capabilities in Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 67-97. ISBN 978-3-319-54674-2.(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-54675-9_4)
Books (authored and edited)
Hartley, Kris and Kuecker, Glen. (2021). Disrupted governance: towards a new policy science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Hartley, Kris, Kuecker, G. Waschak, M., Woo, J.J., and Phua, C. (eds.). (2020). Governing cities: Asia’s urban transformation. Routledge Press. (https://www.routledge.com/Governing-Cities-Asias-Urban-Transformation/Hartley-Kuecker-Waschak-Woo-Phua/p/book/9781138341883)
Hartley, Kris. (2014). Can Government Think? Flexible Economic Opportunism and the Pursuit of Global Competitiveness. New York: Routledge Press. ISBN: 1138782750 / 978-1138782754. (http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138782754/)
Journal Articles:
Hartley, Kris and Howlett, Michael. (2021). “Policy assemblages and policy resilience: Lessons for non-design from evolutionary governance theory.” Politics and Governance, 9(3). Forthcoming.
Vu, Minh Khuong and Hartley, Kris. (2021). “Drivers of growth and catch-up in the tourism sector of industrialized economies.” Journal of Travel Research. Forthcoming.
Acuto, Michele, Kosovac, Anna, and Hartley, Kris. (2021). “City diplomacy: another generational shift?” Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society. Forthcoming.
Hartley, Kris. (2021). “Public trust and political legitimacy in the smart city: a reckoning for technocracy.” Science, Technology, & Human Values.
Hartley, Kris, Lim Sher Wen, Nicole, and Tortajada, Cecilia. (2021) “Digital Feedback-Based Interventions for Water Conservation.” Water Economics and Policy, 7(1).
Chaiyapa, Warathida, Hartley, Kris, and del Barrio, Daniel. (2021). “From end-users to policy designers: breaking open the black box of energy technocracy in Thailand.” Energy Research & Social Science, 73, 10192.
Kosovac, Anna, Hartley, Kris, Acuto, Michele, and Gunning, Darcy. (2021). “City leaders go abroad: a survey of city diplomacy in 47 cities.” Urban Policy and Research.
Hartley, Kris and Jarvis, Darryl. (2021) “Let nine universities blossom: Opportunities and constraints on the development of higher education in China.” Higher Education Research and Development.
Hartley, Kris, Bales, Sarah, and Bali, Azad Singh. (2021). “COVID-19 response in a unitary state: emerging lessons from Vietnam.” Policy Design and Practice, 4(1).
El-Taliawi, Ola and Hartley, Kris. (2020). “The COVID-19 crisis and complexity: a soft systems approach.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(1), 104-107.
Hartley, Kris and Kuecker, Glen. (2020). “The moral hazards of smart water management.” Water International, 45(6), 693-701.
Hartley, K., Vu, M.K., (2020). Fighting fake news in the COVID-19 era: policy insight from an equilibrium model. Policy Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11077-020-09405-z.
Hartley, K. (2020). The Epistemics of Policymaking: from Technocracy to Critical Pragmatism in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. International Review of Public Policy. (http://journals.openedition.org/irpp/1242)
Hartley, Kris, van Santen, Ralf, and Kirchherr, Julian. (2020). “Policies for Transitioning Towards a Circular Economy: Expectations from the European Union.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 155.
Vu, Minh Khuong, Hartley, Kris, and Kankanhalli, Atreyi. (2020). “Predictors of Cloud Computing Adoption: A Cross-Country Study.” Telematics and Informatics, 52.
Hartley, Kris, Biswas, A., and Tortajada, C. (2019) “A formal model concerning policy strategies to build public acceptance of potable water reuse.” Journal of Environmental Management, 250. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030147971931223X?
Hartley, Kris, Kuecker, G. and Woo, JJ. (2019). “Practicing Public Policy in an Age of Disruption.” Policy Design and Practice, 2(2): 163-181. (https://doi.org/10.1080/25741292.2019.1622276)
Kuecker, G. and Hartley, Kris. (2019). “How smart cities became the urban norm: Power and knowledge in New Songdo City.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers. (https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2019.1617102)
Lin, J.Y., Vu, M.K. and Hartley, Kris. (2018). “A modeling framework for enhancing aid effectiveness.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. (https://doi.org/10.1080/17487870.2018.1551137)
Hartley, Kris. (2018). “Cultural policy and collaboration in Seoul’s Mullae art district.” Geoforum, 97: 177-188. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.11.002)
Hartley, Kris. (2018). “State-society negotiation of urban cultural space: the case of Angono, Philippines.” City, Culture and Society, 15: 45-52. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccs.2018.09.003)
Hartley, Kris, Tortajada, C. and Biswas, A.K. (2018). “Political dynamics and water supply in Hong Kong,” Environmental Development, 27: 107-117. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2018.06.003)
Hartley, Kris, Woo, J.J. and Chung, S.K. (2018) “Urban innovation policy in the post-developmental era: lessons from Singapore and Seoul.” Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 5(3): 599-614. (https://doi.org/10.1002/app5.255)
Hartley, Kris. (2017). “Environmental resilience and intergovernmental collaboration in the Pearl River Delta.” International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34(4): 525-546. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2017.1382334)
Vu, M.K. and Hartley, Kris. (2017). “Promoting Smart Cities in Developing Countries: Policy Insights from Vietnam,” Telecommunications Policy, 42(10): 845-859. (http://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2017.10.005)
Im, T. and Hartley, Kris. (2017). “Aligning Needs and Capacities to Boost Government Competitiveness,” Public Organization Review, p. 1-19. (http://doi.org/10.1007/s11115-017-0388-0)
Other research/consulting publications
Vu, Minh Khuong and Hartley, Kris. (2020). “A New Consensus for Economic Growth in the 21st Century.” Ethos (journal of the Civil Service College of Singapore). Digital Issue Special Edition.
Hartley, Kris. (2019). “Global Goals, Global Cities: Achieving the SDGs through collective local action.” The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. PDF available at: (https://www.thechicagocouncil.org/sites/default/files/report_global-goals-global-cities_190923.pdf)
Hartley, Kris. (2019). “Unlocking the Potential of Civic Technology.” The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. (https://www.thechicagocouncil.org/publication/unlocking-potential-civic-technology). PDF available at: (https://www.thechicagocouncil.org/sites/default/files/report_unlocking-potential-civic-technology_20190508.pdf)
Vu, M.K. and Hartley, Kris. (2017). “Towards a Policy Framework for Promoting Cloud Computing Adoption in Developing Countries.” Microsoft Corporation: Technology, Academics, Policy (TAP). (http://www.techpolicy.com/getattachment/Blog/September-2017/Towards-a-Policy-Framework-for-Promoting-Cloud-Com/Vu-and-Hartley_Cloud-Computing_Aug-9-2017.pdf.aspx)
Araral, E., Hui L., Vu, M.K. and Hartley, Kris. (2017). “Has China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign Slowed Down Growth?” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 17-29. (https://ssrn.com/abstract=3074893)
Araral, E., Aye T., Hartley, Kris, Ng R., and Vu, M.K. (2017). “A Cloud for Doing Good: A Technology Revolution for All in ASEAN.” Microsoft Corporation and National University of Singapore. (https://news.microsoft.com/uploads/2017/10/A-Cloud-for-Doing-Good-FINAL.pdf)
Hartley, Kris. (2015). “Agenda Setting in Polycentric Systems: A Theoretical Synthesis to Analyze Environmental Governance.” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 15-11. Available at SSRN: (https://ssrn.com/abstract=2548920 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2548920)
Araral, E. and Hartley, Kris. (2013). “Polycentric Governance for a New Environmental Regime: Theoretical Frontiers in Policy Reform and Public Administration,” with Ed Araral (NUS). Conference paper: First International Conference on Public Policy, Grenoble, France, June. (https://ostromworkshop.indiana.edu/library/node/71617)
Hartley, Kris. (2009). “Transforming the Housing Crisis in Richmond, California.” Urban Habitat: Richmond Equitable Development Initiative (REDI), Oakland, California, March. (urbanhabitat.org/files/REDI Housing Town Hall Report Final Revised.pdf)
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK亚洲及政策研究学系老师简介Dr Kris Hartley
本站小编 免费考研网/2022-02-06
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK亚洲及政策研究学系老师简介-Dr Lee Siu-yau
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