
香港大学工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Professor (Water and Environmental Engineering) Professor J. CHEN

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04

Professor (Water and Environmental Engineering)
Professor J. CHEN

BE, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
ME. Tsinghua Unviersity, Beijing, China
PhD, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.

Office: HW 6-03
Phone: +852 2859 2646
Fax: +852 2559 5337
E-mail: jichen@hku.hk
Homepage: http://web.hku.hk/~jichen/

Teaching Activities CIVL 2104 Hydraulics and Hydrology
CIVL 6005 Data Analysis in Hydrology
CIVL 6050 Urban Hydrology and Hydraulics
CIVL 6081 Special Topic in Environmental Engineering B: Recent Advances in Water and Environmental Engineering
CIVL 8011 Advanced Topics in Water and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests Management of water resources
Climate changeand urbanization effects
Multi-scale terrestrial hydrologic processes
Integrated watershed processes (water, sediment, and water pollutants)
Interactions of the land surface and the atmosphere
Predictability of the hydrological variables
Water-related natural hazards
Remote sensing in hydrology

Representative Research / Consultancy Projects Impacts of climate change on water resources in Hong Kong
Impacts of climate change and urbanization on hydrologic processes over Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta in South China
Integration of remote sensing products and numerical model simulations for drought prediction and impact assessment over the East River basin in South China
Experimental and numerical studies of the hydrological features of flash floods in Hong Kong
Dominant hydrologic processes for floods and droughts over the Pearl River Basin at different temporal and spatial scales
Assuring Hong Kong's water supply: Learning the lessons of the 1963 drought
Two regional climate models for dynamical downscaling climate projections over Hong Kong and its vicinity
Advancing land surface parameterization in a coupled land-atmosphere model

10 Selected Representative Publications Sun, L., Chen, J.*, Li, Q., & Huang, D. (2020). Dramatic uneven urbanization of large cities throughout the world in recent decades. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-9
Shi, H., Chen, J.*, Li, T., & Wang, G. (2020). A new method for estimation of spatially distributed rainfall through merging satellite observations, raingauge records, and terrain digital elevation model data. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 28, 1-14
Shi, H., Chen, J.*, Liu, S., & Sivakumar, B. (2019). The role of large dams in promoting economic development under the pressure of population growth. Sustainability, 11(10), 2965.
Wang, K., Shi, H., Chen, J.*, & Li, T. (2019) An improved operation-based reservoir scheme integrated with Variable Infiltration Capacity model for multiyear and multipurpose reservoirs, Journal of hydrology, 571, 365-375
Xu, Q., Chen, J.*, Peart, M.R., Ng, C.N., Hau, B.C., & Law, W.W. (2018) Exploration of severities of rainfall and runoff extremes in ungauged catchments: A case study of Lai Chi Wo in Hong Kong, China, Science of the Total Environment, 634, 640-649
Shi, H., Chen, J.*, Wang, K., & Niu, J. (2018). A new method and a new index for identifying socioeconomic drought events under climate change: A case study of the East River basin in China, Science of the Total Environment, 616, 363-375
Niu, J., Chen, J.*, Wang, K., & Sivakumar, B. (2017) Multi-scale streamflow variability responses to precipitation over the headwater catchments in southern China, Journal of Hydrology, 551, 14-28
Huang, P., Li, Z., Chen, J.*, Li, Q., & Yao, C. (2016) Event-based hydrological modeling for detecting dominant hydrological process and suitable model strategy for semi-arid catchments, Journal of Hydrology, 542, 292-303
Niu, J., & Chen, J.* (2016) A wavelet perspective on variabilities of hydrological processes in conjunction with geomorphic analysis over the Pearl River basin in South China. Journal of Hydrology, 542, 392-409
Chen, J.*, Shi, H., Sivakumar, B. and Peart, M.R. (2016) Population, water, food, energy and dams, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56, 18-28

Editorship Associate Editor for Water Resources Research (WRR) (a top international journal in the fields of water resources, limnology and environmental sciences) (October 2011 –31 December 2015)
Associate Editor for Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) – Springer (October 2013 – present)
Associate Editor for Journal of Hydro-environment Research (JHER) – Elsevier (October 2014 – present)
Associate Editor for Journal of Hydrology – Elsevier (July 2018 – present)

International/Regional Standing and Leadership Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Council Member (2018-2020)
AOGS Hydrological Sciences (HS) Section President (2018-2020)
IAHR-HK Chapter Chairman (Aug 2019 – present)

Others For more information of Professor J. Chen, is available at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=L23J_IQAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN and HKU Scholars Hub.

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