Wai, Rosman C.C. 衞翠芷
B.A.(A.S.), B.Arch, MSc(Conservation), PhD HKU; FHKIA; Registered Architect; Authorised Person(Architect); APEC Architect; HKICON
Rosman Wai is a practising architect who has expert knowledge of public housing in Hong Kong.? Apart from the professional degree in architecture, she has obtained a Master degree in Architectural Conservation (with Distinction), and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from The University of Hong Kong.? She is the Chair of the Canberra Accord on Architectural Education (2021-23), an international organisation for determining substantial equivalency between accreditation systems in architectural education of multi-national signatories. She was the Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (2015-16), and has served on the Architects Registration Board as Chairman of the Education and Accreditation Committee (2014-2020); Chair / Vice-chair of the Board of Educational Affairs, HKIA (2012-present); Director of Hong Kong Architecture Centre (2015-19); and Vice-Chair, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Architect Monitoring Committee Project, Hong Kong (2014 2021). She is now teaching at the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong.
She has published many articles on public housing and architectural practices and has been interviewed on the subject by various newspapers, television and radio stations as well as given talks and lectures in many local and international conferences and universities. Her recent book, “Design DNA OF Mark I – Hong Kong’s Public Housing Prototype” has won both the DAM (Deutsches Architekturmusem) Book Award as one of the 10 Best Architectural Book of 2020, and the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2021 (Art and Design).