Chan, Roger C.K. 陳振光
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I am Honorary Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong. I served as the first Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty from 2011 to 2016. My field of research is regional and urban development with a primary focus on China. One main area of my research interest is urban and regional development theories as applied in China, with special reference to urban agglomerations. Another main area is in cooperation and competition among cities and regional economic development, which includes a systematic study of the economic interactions between Hong Kong and her neighbouring economic districts in the Greater Pearl River Delta region.
I had been primarily involved in the teaching of postgraduate courses on urban and regional planning and supervising research postgraduates. In 2014, I was awarded the Doris Zimmern HKU-Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowship and was a visiting scholar to the Department of Land Economy, Cambridge University. I am recipient of the University Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award in 2014. I also hold visiting appointments at Department of Geography, University of Szeged, Hungary and several tertiary institutes of China. I am appointed as visiting professor of the Peking Normal University, Zhuhai.
Professionally, I am a chartered member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, UK and a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. I have also served on various professional bodies, including being elected as Chairman of the Hong Kong Geographical Association (1999-2001), honourable member of the Institute of Shopping Centre Management (Hong Kong). Member of the International board of directors of Asian Urban Research Association. I am member of the editorial boards of The China Review, Sustainable Development, Asian Geographer, ICE Planning and Design.
Awards & Achievements
Dr Xie Yongqing, a PhD graduate of DUPAD under the supervision of Dr Chan, has been appointed Associate Professor of the Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Tianjian University. Dr Xie was formerly a senior planner of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design.
Dr Chan was interviewed by Ming Pao on the 40th Anniversary of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Commented on rail-based infrastructure development and Hong Kong’s position in the Greater Bay Area (Ming Pao 15 October 2020, A1). 提加快大灣區城際鐵路建設 近市區 高鐵香港段延至廣州站
Dr Chan was invited to speak at the 2020 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau GBA Planning Forum on 19 September. The topic of his presentation is about pioneer city-region in the GBA.
Dr Chan was appointed by the Chief Executive as a member of the Town Planning Board for a term of two years from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022. ?Details please refer to**/egn5.pdf.
Dr Chan was interviewed by the Hong Kong Economies Times on the Lok Ma Chau Loop and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Corridor in the Greater Bay Area.? Details please refer to**/河套區可打造科學園
Dr Chan was re-elected to the Executive Committee cum Vice-President, Supervisory Board, Macao Urban Planning Institute with effect from 2018 to 2021.
Dr Chan co-authored a paper with Dr Xu Wang, Dr Yaping Huang and Dr Xuefeng He.? The paper “A study on the rural social network and village planning paradigm in China” published in China City Planning Review, 27(1), 59-66 ( was ranked first in the “Honorable Mention” category of the Jin Jingchang China Urban Planning Excellent Papers Award 2018 (「金經昌中國城市 規劃優秀論文獎」). ?The award is organized by the Urban Planning Society of China and adjudicated by 14 leading planning academics and practitioners. ?Details please refer to
“Railway Transportation Oriented Development: Experience Studies and New Models”, Guangzhou Urban Planning Association
“Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and Cross-border Cooperation between Hong Kong and Zhuhai”, Planning Design Institute of Peking University (Shenzhen Co. Ltd.)
Selected Publications
Luo, Y., & Chan, R.C.K. (2021). Gendered digital entrepreneurship in gendered coworking spaces: Evidence from Shenzhen, China. Cities. DOI:
Chan, R.C.K., & Bhatta, K.D. (2021). Trans-Himalayan connectivity and sustainable tourism development in Nepal: Study of community perceptions of tourism impacts along the Nepal-China Friendship Highway. Asian Geographer. DOI:**.2021.**
Chan, R.C.K. (2021). The nexus between (re)production of space and economic resilience: An analysis of Chinese cities.?Habitat International, 109, 102326. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2021.102326
Chan, R.C.K., Mai, X., & Yao, Shimou (2021). A review of urban agglomeration and china’s urbanisation strategy. ?In A.G.O. Yeh, G.C.S. Lin, & F. Yan (Eds.), Mega-City Region Development in China (pp. 22-40). Oxon: Routledge
Mai, X., & Chan, R.C.K. (2020). Detecting the intellectual pathway of resilience thinking in urban and regional studies: A critical reflection on resilience literature. Growth and Change, 51, 876-889. DOI:
Luo, Y., & Chan, R. C. K. (2020). Production of coworking spaces: Evidence from Shenzhen, China. Geoforum, 110, 97-105.
Mai, X., Chan, R. C. K., & Zhan, C. (2019). Which sectors really matter for a resilient Chinese economy? A structural decomposition analysis. Sustainability, 11, 6333.
Wang, X., Huang, Y. P., Chan, R. C. K., & He, X. F. (2018). A Study on the rural social network and village planning paradigm in China. China City Planning Review, 27(1), pp 59-66.
Chan, R. C. K., & Bhatta, K. D. (2018). Addressing Heritage Conservation in post-earthquake planning: Reconstruction plan of historic town “Bungamati” of Nepal. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 11(2), 16-33.
Li, L., & Chan, R. C. K. (2017). Contesting China’s engagement with neoliberal urbanism: An overview of the evolving policy and mismatches in urban China. Asian Education and Development Studies, 6(1), 44-56.
Sun, Y., Lin, J., & Chan, R.C.K. (2017). Pseudo use value and output legitimacy of local growth coalitions in China: A case study of the Liede redevelopment project in Guangzhou, Cities, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.10.018
Chan, R.C.K. (2016). Urban Development of Macao: Challenges and Opportunities, China City Planning Review, 25(1), 68-75.
Chan, R.C.K., & Li, L. (2016). Entrepreneurial city and the restructuring of urban space in Shanghai Expo. Urban Geography, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/**.2016.**
Datta, B.K., & Chan, R.C.K. (2016). Planning for Heritage Conservation and Community Development: Study of Historic Town “Thimi” of Kathmandu Valley. South Asian Journal of Tourism & Heritage, 9(1), 57-78.
Sun, Y., & Chan, R.C.K. (2016). Planning discourses, local state commitment, and the making of a new state space (NSS) for China: Evidence from regional strategic development plans in the Pearl River Delta, Urban Studies, DOI: 10.1177/5954
Sun, Y., Chan, R.C.K., & Chen, H. (2016). Learning with geographical sensitivity: Place-based education and its praxis, The Professional Geographer, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**
Yao, S., Chan, R.C.K., Yang, Q., Wang, D., & Li, X. (2016). On basic concept of urban agglomeration. In S. Yao, C. Zhou, D. Wang, C. Xiu, C. Wang & M. Chen (Eds.), New Perspectives on Urban Agglomeration of China (pp. 1-44). Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese).
Sun, Y., Chan, R.C.K., & Chen, H. (2015) Learning with Geographical Sensitivity: Place-based Education and Its Praxis, The Professional Geographer, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.** (Corresponding author)
Xian, S., Chan, R.C.K., & Qi, Z. (2015). Booming provincial-led North–South City-to-city cooperation in China: A case study of Suzhou-Suqian Industrial Park of Jiangsu Province, Cities, 46, 44-54
Chan, R.C.K., & Bhatta, K.D. (2013). Ecotourism Planning and Sustainable Community Development: Theoretical Perspectives for Nepal. South Asian Journal of Tourism & Heritage, 6(1), 69-96.
Zheng, J., & Chan, R.C.K. (2013). A property-led approach to cluster development: ‘Creative industry clusters’ and creative industry networks in Shanghai. Town Planning Review, 84(5), 605-632.
Zhao, X.B., Chan, R.C.K., & Chan, Y.M. (2012). Spatial polarization and dynamic pathways of Foreign Direct Investment in China 1990-2009, Geoforum, 43(4), 836-850.
Chan, R.C.K., & Xian, S. (2012). Assessing the incentives in regional city-to-city cooperation: a case study of Jiangyin-Jingjiang industrial park of Jiangsu province in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 53(1), 55-68.
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge and Cross-border Cooperation between Hong Kong and ZhuhaiRoger Chan
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
Development beyond growth poles: new districts in the Greater Pearl River Delta RegionRoger Chan
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
Study of Potential Impacts of Cross-Border Infrastructure on Urban and Tourism Development in Nepal under China‘s Belt and Road InitiativeRoger Chan