

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-05


學歷及資歷BA in Translation & Chinese (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
MA in Comparative Asian Studies (University of Hong Kong)
PhD in Far East Studies (EPHE-Sorbonne, Paris)
Understanding Translation Classical Chinese Texts in a Globalized World
公開講座〈心靈的貴族 : 從《莊子》寓言細味百態人生〉 (Open Talk given on 2 March 2021 on the remarkable Daoist classic Zhuangzi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1545xeuAXIA)
合作著述Augustin-Jean, L. and Anthea H. Y. Cheung (2018).?The Economic Roots of the Umbrella Movement: Globalization and the Rise of China. London / New York: Routledge.
Cheung, K.H., Cheung Hei-yee and Lau Chun-fat (1997).?Simplified Chinese Characters?(簡體字教程). Hong Kong Government: Education Department.
學術著作Augustin-Jean, L. and Anthea H. Y. Cheung (2018). The Economic Roots of the Umbrella Movement: Globalization and the Rise of China. London / New York: Routledge.
Cheung, K.H., Lau Chun-fat and Cheung Hei-yee (1997). Simplified Chinese Characters (簡體字教程). Hong Kong Government: Education Department.

學術論文Augustin-Jean, L. and Anthea H. Y. Cheung (2020) “The Dilemmas Facing Hong Kong’s Generation Y in the Era of Globalization,?The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, vol. 18, no. 2: 1-29.?
_______ (2019). “Le Mouvement des Parapluies à Hong Kong?: quand la précarisation économique produit l’exigence démocratique”,? Sciences de la Societé (France), Issue 109, https://journals.openedition.org/sds/11001#authors
Cheung, A. (2016) Entries published in Michael Dillon (ed.),?Encyclopedia of Chinese History, London / New York: Routledge.?Entries: Hundred Schools of Philosophy?/ Qi Baishi (1864-1951)?/ Warring States?/ Xunzi
張喜儀 (2007)〈郭象「聖人」政治與黃老「無為而治」〉,《中國哲學與文化》(香港中文大學哲學系),vol. 2: 342-369.

翻譯作品Cheung, A. (2015, tr.)?〈聖賢教育成就幸福企業;中國傳統家文化在現代企業的落實〉?Education of the Sages Nurtures Happy Enterprises: Transforming an Enterprise into a Warm Family (A speech delivered by Wu Nianbo, Chairman of Suzhou Good-ark Electronics Co. Ltd), in?Celebrations of the Anniversary of the Buddha: Treat All with Equality and Fairness: Live in Peace and Harmony Activity Journal?(UNESCCO, 27-29 May 2015): 118-131 [C-E translation]
Cheung, A. (2015, tr.) Baz Art # (on Classical Chinese and Classical French Furniture, 3 pages), published by SCMP Hearst Publications Ltd. [C-E translation]
張喜儀 (Nov. 2012, tr.) “Reassessing Food Safety Policies in Hong Kong”?〈制定全球食物安全鏈政策的社會及文化依據〉,《信報財經月刊》(Xin Bao Economic Monthly, Hong Kong), no. 428: 125-128.
Anthea Cheung ed. (2008).?Ink Paintings by Ma Wenxi?(馬文西墨畫集). Guangzhou: Shuyi chubanshe 書藝出版社. [C-E translation]
待刊書籍The Political Economy of Agro-Food Markets in China: The Social Construction of the Markets in an Era of Globalization (eds. Louis Augustin-Jean and Alpermann Bj?rn), Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 (329 pages) 《中國農產品市場的政治經濟學:以中國農產品市場在全球化世代下的社會建構為例》(合譯,待刊)

待刊文章Cheung, A. & Lau Chun-fat, “A Study on the Changes of Cantonese Words in the Past 200 Years as Reflected from?Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect?(vol. 1) by Robert Morrison (1782-1834)”? (從馬禮遜《廣東省土話字彙》第一册的英語一詞多譯看 200 年來廣州話的詞匯演變)
張喜儀〈綜論祖神崇拜的幾個特例〉(“Gods and Ancestors: Cases of Crossover” by Prof. John LAGERWEY, 21 pages),收入林振源、潘君亮 主編《勞格文教授榮休紀念譯集》

Collaborative sutra translating:?The Infinite Life Sutra?(union version compiled by Upasaka Xia Lianju), at Centre for Translation, HKBU (06/2020 - 31/08/2021)
淨土宗漢英詞彙對照表 (First Invigilator)
Building Chinese-English Glossary Database for Pure Land Buddhism and Confucianism?(Research Project commissioned by the Hong Kong Buddhist Education Foundation Ltd.), at Centre for Translation Studies (12/2015 - 08/2018), PolyU (HK), and ), at Centre for Translation, HKBU (06/2020 - 31/08/2021)

相关话题/博士 语言 香港树仁大学