
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity历史系老师简介-Prof. HO, Wing-chung Clara

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Prof. HO, Wing-chung Clara
Head and Professor, Department of History
(Note: Prof. Ho is released from all administrative duties from January to December 2022 in order to take up the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship. The current Acting Head is Prof. Stephanie Po-yin Chung.)
PhD MPhil BA (Hons) University of Hong Kong.
FHKAH (since 2011)
RGC - Fulbright Scholar & Visiting Professor, Northeastern University (2012-13)
MDP, Harvard University (2017)
RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (2021-22)
(852) 3411 7183


Women and Children in Chinese History;
Engendering Imperial Chinese History;
Aging and the Elderly in Chinese History;
Eunuchs in Chinese History;
Traditional Chinese Historiography;


(ed.), Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018. (Co-editors: Ricardo K. S. Mak and Yue-him Tam).

(ed.), Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road 《海表方行:海上絲綢之路史國際學術研討會論文集》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History, 2018. (Co-editors: Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et. al.).

Talent Shines with Virtue: Chinese Women’s Efforts in Pursuing Scholarship and Educating Their Children《才德相輝:中國女性的治學與課子》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd, 2015.

(ed.), Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women's History. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2012.

(ed.), A New Look at Chinese History through the Lens of Gender 《性別視野中的中國歷史新貌》. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS, 2012.

(ed.), Windows on the Chinese World: Reflections by Five Historians. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto and Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2009.

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911, edited with Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A.D. Stefanowska. New York and London: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1998; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1999. Chinese edition:《中國婦女傳記辭典(清代卷)》, Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2010.

Virtue, Talent, Beauty, and Power: Women in Ancient China《德.才.色.權──論中國古代女性》. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Company, 1998.

Child-rearing in Ancient China《中國古代的育兒》. Beijing: Commercial Press International, 1997; Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998.

Women and History: A Reappraisal of Traditional Chinese Views《女性與歷史──中國傳統觀念新探》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1993; Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1995.

- Plus 7 edited/co-edited books and eighty some articles/book chapters (for a selected list, see the Orcid page linked here).


Who’s Who in the World (New Jersey: Marquis Who’s Who LLC, since 2005).
Who’s Who in Asia (New Jersey: Marquis Who’s Who LLC, since 2006).
“Working on the History of Chinese Women: My Story,” in Rekha Pande (ed.), A Journey into Women’s Studies: Crossing Interdisciplinary Boundaries (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), pp. 194-211.




2021 - 22: Awardee of RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (Project Title: Getting Older, Doing Worse: Aging-provoked Unhappiness as Seen in Self-narratives of Qing China)
2020 - 23: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: The Joy and Frustration of Aging: Self-narratives of Men and Women in Qing China)
2019 & 2021: PI, UGC Research Matching Grant (for various Sun Yat-sen research projects)
2017 - 19: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Same Couple, Second Wedding: A Study of China’s Chongfeng huazhu Custom from the Eighteenth Century to the Mid-twentieth Century)
2015 - 18: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Representation of Teaching Mothers in Paintings: A Study of Messages Embedded in the Kezi tu Production in Qing China)
2014 – present: PI, Sun Yat-sen Research Endowment Fund (donated by Dr Tan Siu Lin for various projects on Sun Yat-sen)
2013 - 15: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China)
2012 - 13: Awardee of RGC-Fulbright Senior Research Award (Project Title: Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China)
2006 - 07: PI, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation of International Scholarly Exchange Conference Organization Grant (Project Title: An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History)
Plus 14 internally funded projects (as PI)

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