
香港浸会大学HongKongBaptistUniversity历史系老师简介-Dr. ROBINSON, Rebecca

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-04

Dr. ROBINSON, Rebecca
Assistant Professor, Department of History
PhD, McGill University
MA, McGill University
3411 6432


Early Chinese History (500 BCE – 220 CE)
Comparative Ancient History (China/Greece/Rome)
Environmental History of China
Ritual and Religion in Early China
Histories of Surveillance


A: Book
Spiritual Imperialism: Religion and Empire in Early China and Rome (Under contract with Oxford University Press).
B: Journal Articles
“Spectacular Power in the Early Han and Roman Empires.” The Journal of World History. 2018, 29.3: 343-368.
C: Book Chapters
“Big Data in Early China: Networks of Surveillance in the early Chinese Empires,” in Histories of Surveillance from Antiquity to the Digital Era: The Eyes and Ears of Power. Laura Skouvig and Andreas Marklund, eds., Routledge, 2021. pp. 20-36.
“Employing Knowledge: A Case Study in Calendar Reforms in the Early Han and Roman Empires,” in Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China, Hans Beck & Griet Vankeerberghen, eds., Cambridge, 2021.pp. 369-396.
“To Reverently Bestow the Seasons: Calendrical Narratives in Early China and Rome,” in Intersections of Religion and Astronomy. Aaron Ricker, Christopher J. Corbally, and Darry Dinnell, eds., Routledge, 2020. pp. 27-35.
D: Reference Entries
“Han Imperial Cult under Emperor Wu” Database of Religious History. https://religiondatabase.org/browse/1044/ DOI:10.14288/1.0398257.


“Religion and Environment in Early China.” Supported by a GRF grant.
“Ancient World, Big Data: Population Surveillance in Early China and Rome.”

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